It is not unusual to hear about people being attacked in the wild by animals like bears and wolves, but what about fish,
specifically "Monster Fish?" This month, National Geographic Channel teams up with Dr. Zeb Hogan to
locate, study, and protect the world's largest freshwater1 fish and their natural habitats2. To do this, he travels to some of the deepest as well as longest rivers in the
remote corners of the planet.
For years, Dr. Hogan has been studying freshwater fish, especially megafish. Some of his findings are shocking. Over 700 types of freshwater fish in North America as well as 200 in Europe
are in danger of extinction. What is the cause? People and climate change
are mostly
at fault, along with more powerful fish that invade and
take over other species' habitats. Take the flying carp3 from Asia for example. These megafish weigh up to 45 kilograms, can jump three meters into the air, and have invaded4 the Mississippi River system. In the "River
Invasion" episode, Dr. Hogan tries to give the native fish a fighting chance against these foreign invaders.