Monster Fish 尋找超級大魚

It is not unusual to hear about people being attacked in the wild by animals like bears and wolves, but what about fish, specifically "Monster Fish?" This month, National Geographic Channel teams up with Dr. Zeb Hogan to locate, study, and protect the world's largest freshwater1 fish and their natural habitats2. To do this, he travels to some of the deepest as well as longest rivers in the remote corners of the planet.

  For years, Dr. Hogan has been studying freshwater fish, especially megafish. Some of his findings are shocking. Over 700 types of freshwater fish in North America as well as 200 in Europe are in danger of extinction. What is the cause? People and climate change are mostly at fault, along with more powerful fish that invade and take over other species' habitats. Take the flying carp3 from Asia for example. These megafish weigh up to 45 kilograms, can jump three meters into the air, and have invaded4 the Mississippi River system. In the "River Invasion" episode, Dr. Hogan tries to give the native fish a fighting chance against these foreign invaders.


聽到人們在野外遭到像是熊和狼等動物的攻擊並不稀奇,但如果遭受的是魚,更確切地說,是怪獸魚類的襲擊呢(編按:本系列節目的中譯名稱實為《尋找超級大 魚》)?本月份,國家地理頻道與贊伯‧霍根博士聯手尋找、研究並保護世上最大的淡水魚類及牠們的天然棲息地。為此,他旅行到全球偏遠地區裡一些最深最長的 河流。

  多年來,霍根博士一直在進行淡水魚類的研究,尤其是超級大魚。而他的某些發現令人頗感震驚。北美有超過七百種、而歐洲亦有兩百多種的淡水魚類都身陷絕 種的危機。原因為何?人類和氣候變遷要負起最大責任,連同那些入侵並佔據其它物種棲息地的較強壯魚類也難辭其咎。以源自亞洲的銀鯉為例(編 按:flying carp亦稱為silver carp)。這些超級大魚的重量可達四十五公斤,還能夠躍出水面至三公尺高,並已入侵了密西西比河流域。在《外來危機》這集節目中,霍根博士試著要給當地 的原生魚類一個拼搏的機會,來抵禦這些外來的不速之客。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. specifically adv. 明確地說;專門地
I wrote this song specifically for my son.
2. locate vt. 找到,找出(某物的確切位置)
The police have yet to locate our stolen car.
3. remote a. 遙遠的,偏遠的
Marion lived in a remote part of Taiwan.
4. extinction n. 滅絕,絕種
Polar bears are at risk of extinction now.
5. invasion n. 入侵,侵略
The new software can prevent the invasion of viruses.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be in danger of...  有……的危險
Those kids are in danger of starving to death.
2. be at fault (for...)  (對……)應負責∕有過錯
The babysitter was at fault for lying to the child's parents.
3. take over...  佔據∕接管……
The boss assigned me to take over Bill's job.
Extra Words 

1. freshwater a. 淡水的
2. habitat n.(動物的)棲息地
3. carp n. 鯉魚
4. invade vt. 侵入,侵犯invader n. 侵略者
Grammar Check 

...the deepest as well as longest...
...are mostly at fault, along with more powerful fish that...
  " well as..."以及"along with..."兩者皆表『……和∕以及……』,前者為一對等連接詞,後者為一介詞,兩者在連接主詞時,其動詞皆須跟著第一個主詞作變化。
Josephine as well as her sisters loves reading.
= Josephine along with her sisters loves reading.

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