Alaska and Gates of the Arctic

  Nicknamed the Last Frontier, Alaska is one of the few places on Earth that remain relatively undisturbed by human population. As the northernmost and largest state in America, Alaska is also one of the least populated, with a large portion of its land covered by mountains, forests, and lakes. Alaska's abundant wilderness is home to a wide range of wildlife and plants. Among the most common animals are moose, deer, bears, wolves, beavers, and more. Alaska is also a land of contrasts because a trip there gives travelers the unique opportunity to witness a wide variety of natural wonders. Its rich geography includes majestic mountains, deep fjords, slow-moving glaciers, active volcanoes, hot springs, and icy streams. Each year, Alaska never fails to draw nature enthusiasts that desire real adventures in the wilderness.
  Since it was bought from Russia in 1867 at a price of US$7.2 million, Alaska has undergone huge changes. In the beginning, there was only a small population and most settlements were concentrated on the coastal regions. At the time, the only sizable city was Juneau, which later became the capital city of Alaska. By 1900, Alaska had been transformed into a land of opportunities as gold was discovered there. People swarmed into Alaska, and after a few years, when the gold rush subsided, many people chose to stay and engage in other businesses. After mining, fishing gradually developed as an important industry. Today, Alaska is the nation's leading fishing state. It is estimated that Alaska alone produces one-third of America's revenue from fishing.
Words to Know 

1. nickname vt. 給……起綽號 & n. 綽號
2. frontier n. 國境,邊境
3. undisturbed a. 未受干擾的
4. northernmost a. 最北的,極北的
5. portion n. 部分
6. wilderness n. 荒野,荒漠
7. wildlife n. 野生生物(集合名詞,不可數)
8. moose n. 麋(單複數同形)
9. beaver n. 海狸
10. fjord n. 峽灣
11. glacier n. 冰河
12. volcano n. 火山
an active/a dormant/an extinct volcano  活火山∕休火山∕死火山
13. settlement n. 定居;殖民
14. coastal a. 海岸的
15. sizable a. 相當大的
16. gold rush n. 淘金潮
17. mining n. 採礦,礦業
18. revenue n. 收入,收益
Grammar Tips 

Among the most common animals are moose, deer, bears, wolves, beavers, and more.
本句為地方副詞片語置於句首所形成的倒裝句。地方副詞(如:there、here)或地方副詞片語(如:in the room、at the station、by the window)置於句首時,可形成倒裝句,此類倒裝句中的主詞一定是普通名詞或專有名詞,且全按動詞的性質作變化,句型有 3 種:
a. 主詞 + 不及物動詞 + 地方副詞(片語)
→ 地方副詞(片語)+ 不及物動詞 + 主詞
例: A sad young girl sat by the window.
→ By the window sat a sad young girl.
b. 主詞 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + 地方副詞(片語)
→ 地方副詞(片語)+ be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + 主詞
例: An apple tree was planted in the backyard.
→ In the backyard was planted an apple tree.
c. 主詞 + be 動詞 + 現在分詞 + 地方副詞(片語)
→ 現在分詞 + 地方副詞(片語)+ be 動詞 + 主詞
例: Mr. Brown is standing there.
→ Standing there is Mr. Brown.
Words&Phrases in Use 

1. preserve n. 保護區 & vt. 保護,維護
例: The scientist tries his best to preserve the natural habitat of the butterflies.

2. relatively adv. 相對地;相當地
例: Nowadays, the birthrate in Taiwan is relatively low.

3. population n. 人口
population 為集合名詞,常用單數形,或與不定冠詞 a 並用。
a large/small population  人口眾多∕稀少
a population of 200,000  20 萬的人口
例: Taipei has a population of nearly seven million people.
(台北有將近 7 百萬的人口。)

4. abundant a. 大量的;豐富的
例: This jungle has abundant natural resources.

5. be home to...  是……的大本營
例: Madagascar is home to various kinds of wild animals.

6. a wide range of...  各式各樣的……
= a wide variety of...
例: Our school offers a wide range of courses in your field.

7. contrast n. 對比,對照
in contrast to...  與……成對比∕對照
例: In contrast to my brother's fast-paced lifestyle, mine seems rather dull.

8. never fail to V  總會……,一定會……
例: Larry never fails to take a nap after lunch.

9. at a price of...  以……價錢
例: At a price of NT$150 million, the house of our dreams was out of reach.
(我們夢想的房子價格高達 1 億 5 千萬,實在遙不可及。)

10. undergo vt. 經歷
例: John underwent a lot of setbacks before becoming what he is today.

11. concentrate vt. 聚集,集中
例: The population is concentrated in one part of the city.

12. transform vt. 使改變,使轉變
transform A into B  將 A 變成∕轉變成 B
= change A into B
例: The witch transformed the prince into a frog.

13. swarm vi. 蜂擁
例: The reporters swarmed to the police station when the singer was arrested for drunk driving.

14. subside vi. 消退;平息
例: After the laughter subsided, there was an extended silence.

15. engage in...  從事……
例: Gary is a rich man because he engages in all kinds of business opportunities.

16. It is estimated + that 子句  據估計……
例: It's estimated that 200 people were injured in the huge blast.
(據估計有 200 人在那場大爆炸中受傷。)

17. one-third of...  3 分之 1 的……
= a third of...
* 基數-序數 + of...  幾分之幾的……
在上述用法中,基數若為 2 以上時,則序數之後須加 -s。表『2 分之 1』時則多用 half 或 one half 表示。
例: Two-thirds of the students failed the math exam.
(有 3 分之 2 的學生沒有通過這次的數學測驗。)


  阿拉斯加的暱稱為『最後的邊疆』,是地球上少數幾個人煙稀少的地方。阿拉斯加是美國最北方、面積最大,也是人口最少的其中一州,土地大部分遍布山脈、 森林和湖泊。阿拉斯加廣大的荒地孕育了多樣的野生動植物,其中最常見的有麋、鹿、熊、狼、海狸等動物。阿拉斯加也是個對比鮮明的地方,因為到當地一遊能讓 遊客有難得的機會目睹各種不同自然奇景。它豐富的地貌包括雄偉的高山、深邃的峽灣、緩行的冰河、活火山、溫泉,以及結冰的河流。每年阿拉斯加總會吸引渴望 體驗真實冒險的自然愛好者前進荒野一遊。
  從 1867 年以 720 萬美元自俄國手中購得至今,阿拉斯加經歷了劇烈的改變。起初只有少數居民,且聚落大多集中在沿岸地區。當時唯一的大城市就是朱諾,後來成為阿拉斯加的首 府。到了 1900 年,當地發現金礦,阿拉斯加搖身一變成為機會之地。人們蜂擁進入阿拉斯加,幾年後,淘金熱退燒,許多人選擇留下,從事其他行業。繼採礦業之後,漁業逐漸發 展成重要產業。如今,阿拉斯加是美國首要漁業大州。據估計阿拉斯加一州即占了美國漁業總收益的 3 分之 1。


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