Kale: I got something to show you. This is reality show without the TV. There's a world right outside my window --- Ashley: Are you spying on the neighbors, Kale? Ronnie: Actually, he is. You see, he's got this neighbor who I guess, by definition, would also be your neighbor, Who may, in point of fact, be a cold-blooded killer. --- Kale: I've seen a lot. I mean, not like that, not, I mean... for instance, I've seen that you're maybe one of, I don't know, three people in the world that likes pizza-flavored chips. You're also the only person I've ever seen that spends more time on the roof of her house than in her actual house. And what are you doing? You're reading. Books. You know, not "US Weekly” or "Seventeen", or, you know... but you're reading substantial books. You also do this, uh... You do this thing where, it's like an OCD thing, but it's not. It's, um... Whenever you're leaving your room, you grab the doorknob, you turn it and you're getting ready to leave but you don't, you stop and you back up and you turn to the mirror and you stare at yourself. But it's not like a, you know, "I'm so hot" kind of stare. You know, it's more like... "Who am I, really?" And to ask yourself that, I mean, that's so cool. So you look out the window all the time like I do, only you're looking at the world, you know? Tryin' to figure it out, trying to understand the world. Trying to figure out why it's not in order like your books... I'm only looking at you. Ashley: That's either the creepiest... or the sweetest thing I've ever heard. | 凱爾:我有好料的給你看看,就在我窗戶外頭,是現場版的實境節目。 --- 艾希莉:你在偷看鄰居嗎? 朗尼:沒錯,他有一個鄰居,也是你的鄰居,可能是來自德州的冷血殺手。 --- 凱爾:我看到很多,但…不是指那個意思,比如說,我看到你可能是世界上少數三個之一愛吃比薩口味洋芋片的人。你也是我唯一看過待在屋頂比待 在房間更久的人,而且你還看書,不是看偶像或時尚雜誌雜誌之類的閒書,而是有內容的書。你也有一個習慣,有點像強迫症,但又不是,你每次要離開房間時握著 門把,快要出去了,又退回來,你停住,走到鏡子前面盯著自己瞧,但不是那種欣賞自己身材多好,而是在想:「我到底是誰?」你會這麼問自己,真的很酷,你也 會像我一樣往窗外看,不過你是在看這世界,試著瞭解這個世界,想要知道這世界為什麼不像書中那樣有條理…而我只是在看你。 艾希莉:這段話若不是我聽過最恐怖,就是最窩心的話。 |