Pick the Youth 皮克青春

  Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would not let anything stand in your way? Unless, of course, it is your family In Taiwan, family is everything and it is hard for anyone to turn their backs on their own. This is the situation A-sen finds himself in. Both A-sen's father and grandfather are doctors, and they expect nothing less of him.

  In the last year of junior high school, A-sen is transferred from the music program1 into regular academic courses. A-sen quietly accepts his family's decision. However, at school, he is befriended by A-huei, A-yi, and A-guang, who introduce him to the guitar and get him to join their rock band. Unfortunately, A-sen's father finds out about his plans to compete in a rock band competition. He then forces A-sen to give up his dreams of becoming a musician, just as A-sen's grandfather forced him. For A-sen, music is his life. Will he be a dutiful2 son and do as he is told, or will he fight for his dreams? Catch "Pick3 the Youth" in theaters to find out.



  國三時,阿森從音樂班轉到普通升學班。阿森默默接受了家人的這項安排。然而在學校,他結識了阿慧、阿一和阿廣,這三人帶他認識吉他這項樂器,並且讓他 加入他們的搖滾樂團。不幸的是,阿森的父親發現他要參加搖滾樂團比賽的計畫。於是他就像自己當初被阿森的爺爺強迫一樣,逼迫阿森放棄他成為樂手的夢想。對 阿森來說,音樂是他的生命。他會當一個聽話的乖兒子,還是會為了追求夢想而奮力一博?本月份就到戲院裡觀賞《皮克青春》來一探究竟吧。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. badly adv. 非常;大大地
Nina missed her boyfriend badly, so she decided to fly to Tokyo to visit him.
2. situation n. 形勢,情形
The situation is worse than we first thought, so we have to change our strategy.
3. transfer vt. 轉移(地方);調動(工作)
We moved to New York City when my father was transferred by his company.
4. academic a. 學術的
Several researchers were invited to the academic conference to present their studies.
5. befriend vt. 結交(朋友)
The reason why Dan befriends so many celebrities is that he wants to become famous.
Phrases for Learning 

1. stand in + 所有格 + way  阻礙∕妨礙某人
The ambitious man will stop at nothing to prevent anyone from standing in his way.
2. turn + 所有格 + back on...  (某人)對……置之不理,背棄……
I promise that I will never turn my back on you no matter what happens.
3. introduce + 人 + to + 物  使某人初嚐∕認識某物
The teacher is introducing his class to Greek and Roman mythology.
Extra Words 

1. program n.(一整套的)課程
2. dutiful a. 順從的;善盡職責的
3. pick vt. 彈奏(弦樂器)& n.(吉他等的)彈片
More to Know 

The Growing Taiwanese Film Industry
  萎靡了多年的國片市場近來開始從谷底大翻身。2008年創下全台五億三千萬驚人票房的《海角七號》絕對是帶動國片復甦的一大功臣。此後陸續出現許多叫 好又賣座的台灣電影,像是2010年的《艋舺》、今年暑假一上映就開出紅盤的《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》、《翻滾吧!阿信》及《賽德克‧巴萊》等,都在 在顯示出國片市場開始活絡起來,復甦的榮景可謂是盛況空前。
  《皮克青春》結合了台灣目前最優秀的電影工作人員,包括《藍色大門》的導演易智言為本片監製,以《九降風》奪得金馬獎最佳編劇的蔡宗翰量身為本片打造 劇情;佔本片重要元素的音樂部分,則由曾經為《阮玲玉》、《美麗時光》配樂的張藝老師擔任。在戲中擔綱主角阿森的曾宇謙是一位小提琴神童,曾在國內外各大 小提琴比賽中贏得無數的獎項,他在片中還有國際級水準的小提琴獨奏表演。此外,影片的主題曲及片尾曲也是片中飾演阿慧那位小女生的創作。《皮克青春》這部 電影藉由搖滾樂告訴我們如果想實現夢想,我們就得無所畏懼、不輕易與現實妥協,勇氣絕對會帶領我們往自己的夢想邁進。

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