Becky’s Mom: Honey, you think the Today show is gonna call you up and hand you a job, you have since you were eight, and it's not gonna happen.﹝……﹞You had a dream, you know? Great. When you were eight, it was adorable. When you were 18, it was inspiring. At 28, it's officially embarrassing. And I just want you to stop before we get to heartbreaking. --- Becky: We're gonna put him on that coaster. We're gonna strap a handheld to the car in front of him and then go live. Boom. It's called "picking up the game," people. OK? So from now on, every single story that we do, it's gonna have to be sensational! We're gonna be more aggressive. We're gonna work harder. And we're gonna do it right now. Colleague: Are, are you gonna…? Becky: I'm not gonna sing! Why do people ask me that? --- Becky: The world has been debating news versus entertainment for years and guess what? Mike, your side lost. Mike: You're wrong. People are smart. They want information. Not junk, which is all you're willing to give them. Junk. Sugar, sugar, sugar. And more sugar. Becky: Yeah, well, what would you have them do, Mike? Eat bran all day? Fiber, fiber, fiber? We have to get the ratings up, Mike, or we can have a lot of high-minded ideas and not be on the air. | 貝琪的媽媽:親愛的,妳從八歲就認為《今日秀》會打電話給你,要妳替他們工作,但他們不會的。﹝……﹞妳有過這個夢想,很好。8歲有這夢想很可愛,18歲有這夢想很有啟發性,28歲還有這夢想就真的很丟臉了。我只是希望妳別再做白日夢,免得妳傷心。 --- 貝琪:我們要讓他坐雲霄飛車,替他戴上攝影機,我們要直播,大夥兒,加把勁兒!從現在開始,每一則新聞都要聳動勁爆!從現在開始,我們要更積極、更努力… 同事:妳現在是要… 貝琪:我沒有要開口唱歌!為什麼大家都問我這個問題? --- 貝琪:多年來,人們一直在爭論新聞性和娛樂性誰比較重要,但你知道嗎?你那方輸了! 麥克:妳錯了,觀眾很聰明,他們要資訊,不是垃圾,而妳只會給他們垃圾食物,全都是糖份…糖份…更多的糖份! 貝琪:那你要他們怎麼辦?成天都吃全麥麵包嗎?纖維…纖維…?麥克,我們得提高收視率,不然,我們只會落得空有好想法,卻無法播出的窘境。 |