Destination: Dubai 前進杜拜

This one-of-a-kind place offers travelers unique experiences and a glimpse into its past

  Dubai is a one-of-a-kind place. It is both a city and a country in the United Arab Emirates. After oil was discovered in the region in the mid-1960s, Dubai started to grow. Using foreign workers, Dubai constructed fantastic buildings. Now, Dubai has the tallest one in the world—the Burj Khalifa. The structure was opened in 2010 and stands 828 meters tall. It is an incredible building that really reaches for the stars.

  Just like the amazing Burj Khalifa, the iconic Burj Al Arab is another great example of what makes Dubai unique. The luxurious hotel looks like a billowing1 sail and is just minutes away from the stunning Jumeirah Beach. For those wanting a taste of the old world, the Heritage2 Village of Hatta has a history that dates back 3,000 years. In addition, the nearby Diving Village offers travelers a glimpse into the area's pearl diving past.

  Dubai, the eighth most visited city in the world, is also a shopping heaven. It has over 70 shopping malls as well as traditional marketplaces3 where bargains can be found. Save up your money, pack your credit cards, and come to Dubai.


  杜拜是個獨一無二的地方。它是一個城市,同時也是阿拉伯聯合大公國中的一個國 家(編按:阿拉伯聯合大公國是由七個酋長國所組成,每個酋長國有各自的領導者)。人們於1960年代中期在杜拜發現石油後,該區就開始興起。杜拜雇用外國 勞工來建造各種夢幻華麗的建築物。如今杜拜有全世界最高的建築物——哈里發塔。這棟建築於2010年啟用、高達八百二十八公尺。這還真是一座高聳入天的雄 偉高塔呢。

  就如同令人驚豔的哈里發塔一樣,具有指標性地位的帆船飯店也是杜拜之所以如此獨特的另一個原因。這座奢華的飯店外觀看來就像是個扯滿風的風帆,並且離 美麗的珠美諾海濱只有幾分鐘之遙。對於那些想要品味古早世界的人來說,歷史可回溯至三千多年前的哈塔傳統民俗村是個適合參觀的好去處。除此之外,鄰近的珍 珠採集村也讓遊客得以一窺這個地區採集珍珠的過往。

Building Your Vocabulary 

1. one-of-a-kind a. 獨一無二的
be one of a kind  獨一無二的
Sally's mother knitted the scarf especially for her, so it's one of a kind.
2. construct vt. 建造,構築
The government has constructed many facilities to benefit the local residents.
3. luxurious a. 奢華的
They couldn't afford to stay in a luxurious hotel, so they booked a cheap one instead.
4. stunning a. 極吸引人的,極美麗的
Sandra looks stunning in that fancy evening dress.
5. glimpse n. 一瞥;快速地窺知(某事)
The documentary offers a glimpse of the superstar's life before he became famous.
6. bargain n. 便宜的貨品;低廉的價格
Jonathan got a great bargain on that used car.
Phrases for Learning 

1. date back + 一段時間  回溯至某段時間之前
date back to...  回溯到……(的時候)
The vase is quite precious because it dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
2. save up...  存……(錢)
Nick is trying to save up NT$5,000 for those limited edition shoes.
Extra Words 

1. billow vi. 鼓起(本文中以現在分詞作形容詞用)
2. heritage n. 傳統;遺產(本文中作形容詞用)
3. marketplace n. 市場,市集
Grammar Check 

Using foreign workers, Dubai constructed fantastic buildings.
  本句原本為"Dubai used foreign workers, Dubai constructed fantastic buildings.",但如此一來就形成兩個句子無連接詞連接的錯誤句構,解決之道就是將第一個句子化簡成分詞片語,其法則如下:
a. 相同的主詞要刪除,不同的主詞則保留
b. 之後的動詞要變成現在分詞
c. 若動詞為 be 動詞時,變成現在分詞 being 之後可省略
Al was bitten by a snake, Al was rushed to a hospital. (X)
(Being) Bitten by a snake, Al was rushed to a hospital. (○)

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