by Brian Foden
What started off as a joke may actually be a serious problem.
It's likely you
are familiar with some of the special days, weeks, and months created by organizations around the world to spread
awareness of important
concerns. Some examples of this include Earth Day, AIDS Awareness Month, and World Poverty Day. But have you ever heard of National Anti-
Boredom Month in the US? Anything designed to _(1)_ boredom must be interesting, so read on to discover the origins of this special month.
What is National Anti-Boredom Month and how did it start? The answers _(2)_ in understanding the
mindset of a New Jersey public relations expert named Alan Caruba. The
initiative grew out of Caruba's 1984
spoof that involved _(3)_ a fake organization called The Boring Institute. His _(4)_
came about while he was watching the
famed Macy's Thanksgiving Day
Parade on TV. _(5)_ that the parade always seemed the same year after year, he decided to have a bit of fun by developing a
press release claiming it was actually a
hoax. _(6)_ from his newly created
institute, the release
stated that what was shown on TV was actually a video of the parade from a decade earlier. This _(7)_ to other spoofs on
celebritydom, and National Anti-Boredom Month was born.
While Caruba's organization and Anti-Boredom Month started as a joke on the media, there is a serious _(8)_ message to it all. Caruba wrote in an Internet article in 2008 that boredom was a
precursor to _(9)_ and suicide and that it may lead to crime. He also stated boredom was the cause of some divorces and that it was trouble. _(10)_ National Anti-Boredom Month might be a joke, boredom can be a serious problem, so find something fun to do right now.
(A) underlying (B) lie (C) motivation (D) Observing (E) depression
(F) While (G) Issued (H) conquer (I) led (J) creating