
Bestsellers on the Small Screen  小螢幕裡的暢銷書

Technology improves daily, giving us exciting products that let us do things we may have thought impossible. One of those things might be reading entire books on your cell phone. _(1)_ to your phone's email box via the Internet, cell-phone novels were first seen in Japan back in 2003, and they're now a multi-million-dollar industry.

In Japan's fast-paced society, cell-phone novels allow people to catch up on some of the classics that they may have missed or read books that may be _(2)_ too embarrassing to buy. It is also a convenient way to read since people always carry their cell phones with them but rarely have a book handy. _(3)_ a backlit display being standard on all new phones, users are able to read their novel in the dark. This works out well especially for parents _(4)_ a sleeping infant or for roommates with opposite sleeping patterns.

_(5)_ your house, there are certainly other places where reading on your cell phone would be ideal. Its convenience makes cell-phone novels a great idea for a long bus ride or subway commute.

It's not just avid readers _(6)_ like cell-phone novels, lesser or unknown writers are finding a new chance at fame through this medium. The previously unknown Japanese writer, Yoshi, authored Deep Love for the small screen. The novel quickly rose _(7)_ popularity to become a TV show, comic book, movie, and a "real" book which has sold some 2.6 million copies.

——by Reese Richards

1. (A) Deliver (B) Delivered (C) Delivering (D) Delivers
2. (A) regarded (B) viewed (C) considered (D) thought of
3. (A) Over (B) For (C) About (D) With
4. (A) looking into (B) looking forward to (C) watching over (D) giving birth to
5. (A) Other than (B) Apart from (C) With regard to (D) In spite of
6. (A) that (B) which (C) what (D) whom
7. (A) with (B) in (C) for (D) on


1. 第一題空格應選 (B) Delivered

a. 本句原為:
Cell-phone novels are delivered to your phone's email box via the Internet, cell-phone novels were first seen...(╳)

b. 英文中,兩個句子在一起若無連接詞時,往往第一個句子要化簡,變成分詞片語。原則如下:
(1) 被化簡的子句與主要子句中的主詞相同時,該主詞要刪除,主詞不同時則保留。
(2) 之後的動詞變成現在分詞。
(3) 現在分詞若為 being 時可予以省略。
例: He was sick of learning, he quit school. (╳)
→ Sick of learning, he quit school. (○)

c. 根據上述,可知應選 (B)。

2. 第二題空格應選 (C) considered

a. 本句測試不完全及物動詞表『認為……是……』的用法。此類動詞通常分為兩大類:
(A) 與介詞 as 並用:
see/view/regard/look upon/think of A as B
* 變被動語態時,也一樣保留介詞 as。
例: We viewed him as a hero.
(B) 不與介詞 as 並用:
consider/think A (to be) B
例: We considered him (to be) nice.

b. 此處空格後有形容詞 embarrassing(令人尷尬的),得知 (C) 應為正選。

c. 若選 (A)、(B)、(D),則分別應改寫為 "...that may be regarded/viewed/thought of as too embarrassing to buy"。

3. 第三題空格應選 (D) With

a. 本句測試以 with 引導的情狀介詞片語句構:
With + 受詞 + 現在分詞(表主動)/過去分詞(表被動)
例: With Lucy standing by my side, I felt nervous.
With everything done, I believe I can go home now.

b. 原句空格後有受詞 a backlit display,及現在分詞 being standard,得知空格應選 (D)。

4. 第四題空格應選 (C) watching over

a. (A) look into...  調查……
例: I wrote a letter of complaint and the airline has promised to look into the matter.
(B) look forward to N/V-ing  期待……
例: I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
(C) watch over...  看守/照料……
例: The mother hen watched over her baby chicks with extreme care.
(D) give birth to sb  產(子)
例: My sister gave birth to a baby girl last month.

b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。

5. 第五題空格應選 (B) Apart from

a. (A) other than...  除了……之外
"other than..." 一般用在疑問句,或有否定意味的句子中。
例: Are you taking any science courses other than chemistry?
(B) apart from...  除了……之外
= aside from...
"apart/aside from..." 及可用於肯定句或否定句中,用於肯定句中時,即等於 "in addition to..." 或 "besides...",表『除了……之外,還有……』之意(如本文用法)。
例: Apart from jogging, Joe swims as well.
(C) with/in regard to N/V-ing  關於……
例: With regard to the new policy, I'd like to hear Tim's opinion.
(D) in spite of N/-Ving  雖然/儘管……
= despite of N/Ving
例: He still loves her in spite of the fact that she left him.

b. 根據語意、用法,可知應選 (B)。

6. 第六題空格應選 (A) that

a. 本空格測試 It is/was 引導的強勢句構之用法,句型如下:
It is/was + 名詞/代名詞 + who/whom/which/that 引導的形容詞子句
例: It is John who is responsible for it.

b. 此處空格前有 It's(= It is),及名詞 avid readers(狂熱的讀者),而空格後有動詞 like,可知空格應置入關係代名詞 who 或 that 作主詞,得知 (A) 為正選。選項 (D) whom 為受格,只能作受詞,故不可選。

7. 第七題空格應選 (B) in

a. rise in popularity  人氣上升,受歡迎
例: The singer rose in popularity after she performed at the Academy Awards.

b. 此片語為固定用法,故選 (B)。


1. bestseller n. 暢銷書

2. via prep. 透過,藉由(= by way of...)

3. fast-paced a. 步調快速的

4. classic n. 古典文學

5. embarrassing a. 令人尷尬

6. backlit a. 背景光的

7. opposite a. 相反的

8. avid a. 熱切的

9. medium n. 媒介;媒體

10. previously adv. 以前,

11. author vt. 撰寫 & n. 作者




  不是只有狂熱的讀者喜歡手機小說,不知名或默默無聞的作者也透過這種媒介找到新的成名契機。曾經毫無知名度的日本作家 Yoshi 寫了一本名叫《Deep Love》的手機小說。這部小說迅速竄紅,改編成電視劇、漫畫書、電影和真正的書,狂售約兩百六十萬冊。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (B)


1. catch up on...  趕做/補做……
例: I want to go home and catch up on some sleep.

2. handy a. 在手邊的;便於使用的
come in handy  派上用場
例: I knew this jacket would come in handy one day.

3. work out  成功,成效良好
例: If the plan doesn't work out, I can offer you a new one.

4. commute n. & vi. 通勤
commute from A to B  通勤於 A 地和 B 地之間
= commute between A and B
例: My sister commutes daily from her home to her office by car.

5. some adv. 大約
some 可作一般數量形容詞,但亦可作副詞用,表『大約』之意,用來修飾數量形容詞,常見的此類副詞尚有:about,around,nearly,roughly,approximately。
例: Some 250,000 people live in this city.


from 常春藤解析英語雜誌



chip in(口)集資,出錢

A: Let's all chip in and get Jane a nice birthday gift!

B: Sure, but I can only chip in forty dollars.


fascinating (a.) 引人入勝的,吸引人的

A: How was the book reading?

B: Fascinating. The author really put a lot of emotion into it.


gorgeous (a.)(口)好看的,好極的

A: What do you think of my new dress, darling?

B: It's gorgeous.


heavenly (a.) 棒極了的

A: How was your dessert?

B: Heavenly. It really hit the spot.


You sure are a lanky kid, aren't you?
For your sake, I hope you got your mom's brain...
I bet you'll need glasses just like your mom, too.
Can't you say hello to me? You must be one of those shy kids.

You're so tall for your age.
And I bet you're really smart, just like your mommy.
You've got your mom's big eyes, too.
You're such a well-behaved child, aren't you!




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