Destination: Turkey and Cappadocia 前進土耳

  Turkey is a land of amazing civilizations1. The country has a rich 10,000-year-old history and is home to more than 73 million people. Travelers who are interested in architecture2, history, and culture are blown away by many of Turkey's unique sights. These include the Blue Mosque, Galata Tower, Topkapi Palace, and Hagia Sophia in its capital city of Istanbul. Other spots that can't be missed are the World Heritage Sites of Troy, Safranbolu, and the caves of Cappadocia.

  Turkey is also surrounded by four different seas, including the Mediterranean and Aegean, and has over 8,000 kilometers of coastal beaches. There, visitors can enjoy the sun, surf3, and seaside resorts4 that offer spa services. For the more adventurous, Turkey's various landscapes5 have many plants, wild animals, and national parks. There is even a natural lake in the middle of the country that looks like a turkey. The country also attracts a lot of shoppers that come from around the world to find hidden treasures at the Grand Bazaar or just wander through the largest shopping center in Europe. Since it is located at the crossroads6 of Europe and Asia, Turkey is filled with endless possibilities.


  土耳其這片土地有著驚人的文明。這個國度有長達一萬年的豐富歷史,居住人口超過七千三百萬人。土耳其眾多獨特的觀光勝地讓那些對於建築、歷史和文化充 滿興趣的遊客驚嘆連連。當中包括諸多位於首都伊斯坦堡的景點,像是藍色清真寺、加拉達塔、托卡比皇宮和聖索菲亞大教堂。其他不容錯過的地方還有被列為世界 文化遺產的特洛伊、沙芙蘭布魯以及卡帕多細亞岩窟。

  土耳其被四片不同的海域環繞,其中包括了地中海和愛琴海,而且還有八千多公里長的海岸沙灘。遊客可以在那裡享受陽光、浪花,並造訪提供各種水療服務的 眾多海濱度假勝地。對那些更有冒險精神的旅客來說,土耳其形形色色的景致擁有許多植物、野生動物和多座國家公園。在該國的中部甚至有一座狀似火雞的天然湖 泊。這個國家也吸引了很多來自世界各地的消費者到土耳其大市集挖寶,或純粹在歐洲最大的購物中心裡遊覽閒逛。由於土耳其坐落於歐亞兩大洲的交接地帶,因此 它可是充滿各種無限的可能性呢。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. unique a. 獨特的
Elaine's unique laugh is very easy to recognize.

2. surround vt. 圍繞,環繞
A group of people surrounded the street performer as he did some magic tricks.

3. adventurous a. 有冒險精神的,愛冒險的
The adventurous woman likes to go skydiving.

4. various a. 各種各樣的
The speaker covered various topics like poverty, health, and the Internet in his presentation.

5. wander vi. 漫遊,閒逛
You might get lost if you wander by yourself in the woods.
Phrases for Learning 

1. blow + 人 + away/blow away + 人  使某人讚嘆∕驚訝
Tony was blown away by the number of friends that came out to his first solo exhibition.

2. be located at/in/on...  位於∕坐落在……
The church is located on the top of a mountain.

3. be filled with...  充滿……
Patrick has a sweet tooth, so his drawer is always filled with candy.
Extra Words 

1. civilization n. 文明(社會)
2. architecture n. 建築
3. surf n. 碎浪,浪花
4. seaside resort n. 海濱度假勝地
5. landscape n.(陸上的)景致,景色
6. crossroads n. 十字路口(單複數同形)
More to Know 

Amazing Spots in Turkey
藍色清真寺(Blue Mosque)
即蘇丹艾哈邁德清真寺(Sultan Ahmed Mosque),約於西元1610年興建而成,因其室內由一種藍白色磚塊鋪設而成,故又稱為藍色清真寺。
加拉達塔(Galata Tower)
托卡比皇宮(Topkapi Palace)
聖索菲亞大教堂(Hagia Sophia)
土耳其大市集(Grand Bazaar)

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