2008.01.15 03:52 am







【2008/01/15 經濟日報】

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第八天 心臟開始跳動



器官移植 革命性突破



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Riverdance 大河之舞

  On April 30, 1994, a troupe of traditional Irish dancers took to the stage at the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin, Ireland. For seven minutes, almost 300 million mouths fell open in awe, as television viewers were mesmerized by a spectacle that they had never seen before. This was the beginning of Riverdance.

  A theatrical show made up of traditional Irish step dancing, Riverdance has taken an aspect of Irish culture and exposed it to the world. Step dancing, where the feet move in a rapid succession of kicks and taps while the upper body remains mostly stationary, had long been performed only in competitions. The style of dancing was mostly popular in Ireland and Scotland as well as in predominantly Irish areas in the United States. Upon the debut of Riverdance, its popularity grew tenfold.

  A typical number from a Riverdance performance might find 30 svelte dancers with their arms linked in the middle of a dimly lit stage. In perfect unison, their legs kick out tightly around them, while their feet rhythmically tap out a music that can't be duplicated by any instrument.

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Strawberry Generation  草莓世代

We've all heard about Taiwan's "strawberry generation" and the mainland Chinese "little emperors and empresses." _(1)_ only one or two children being the norm for most families these days, parents and grandparents _(2)_ to dote on these kids, giving them everything imaginable. Why, then, is this generation of youngsters so unhappy and unmanageable, as _(3)_ by their selfish, self-centered behavior, and ever-increasing rates of suicide?

The answer is
_(4)_ simple. Most adults refuse to say "No!" to their child or children. Acting out of good intentions to _(5)_ life comfortable and pleasant for their offspring, they instead create an unrealistic life situation _(6)_ will harm the kids in the future. These spoiled children will have increasing difficulty _(7)_ with their peers and later with their colleagues and bosses. Saying "No!" imposes limits on children, which they will have to _(8)_ with later in life. Constant showering of gifts and goodies _(9)_ children an inability to set limits on their spending and on their expectations of friendships and other relationships.

Perhaps it is time for parents to
_(10)_ children some space to fend for themselves and face life as it really is. There is no dignity in being given everything. We know best what we learn for ourselves, and we appreciate most what we earn for ourselves.
--by Bruce Bagnell

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Inside the Labyrinth 牛魔王的迷宮

Greek mythology has fascinated mankind for more than two thousand years. The stories are rich _(1)_ originality and many of the legends are known all over the world. Many Greek myths have survived and the stories will continue to be told for years to _(2)_.

  One of the most renowned legends is _(3)_ of the Minotaur. The Minotaur was a hideous monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man. Every year, in order to _(4)_ the Minotaur, the Athenians sacrificed seven young men and seven young women to him. The _(5)_ were thrown into the home of the Minotaur called the Labyrinth. The Labyrinth was a huge maze that was virtually impossible to escape from. There were hundreds and hundreds of winding passages within the Labyrinth. No one had _(6)_ escaped from the Labyrinth because it was impossible to find the way out.

  After the fourteen young boys and girls were thrown in, they would try _(7)_ the Minotaur while at the same time, looking for a way to escape. The Minotaur would search the Labyrinth for his victims. Upon finding them, he would eat them alive.

——by Thomas M. Walk

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Life in the Fast Lane 禁食之道

Fasting is abstaining from all food and drink, save for water, for a short period of time. While _(1)_ energy, food also introduces toxins into the body. By not eating, the body has time to heal itself naturally. The first day or two of a fast are _(2)_ painful because toxins are being pushed out of the body. Also, a person misses the _(3)_ of eating.

  Twenty years ago, an Olympic ice-skating hopeful injured his leg in a car accident. After a year of tests, the man still could not walk. His doctor informed him his only hope of walking again was experimental surgery. The man angrily grabbed his _(4)_ and hobbled out of the hospital. As he _(5)_ to get home, he remembered his arthritic father, who had healed himself some years ago by fasting. He decided that this was his only chance to _(6)_. After fasting for a month, the man was able to walk again. Within three years, he _(7)_ third in the World Professional Figure Skating Championships.

  Fasting is _(8)_ new. It was written about in the times of the great _(9)_, Plato and Aristotle, and even Jesus went into the woods and _(10)_ food for 40 days. If you have a nagging injury or are just interested in giving your body a natural tune-up, fasting might be for you.

──by Marcus Maurice

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Deep into Depp 強尼戴普──狂放不羈的演技派男星

In the movie industry, good looks can go a long way. Even though some stars lack talent, they make it to the top based solely on their appearance. One man who can make hearts melt as well as enthrall audiences with his acting ability is Johnny Depp.

  Just a look into his perfectly sculpted face and it is apparent that there's more to this actor than meets the eye. For over two decades, the enigmatic star has graced the screen, charming millions of fans along the way. The rise to fame hasn't been an easy one for the heartthrob turned thespian, but it has been one well worth watching.

  At 42, the Kentucky-born actor, director, and musician is just now coming into his own. For years he was seen as the bad boy of Hollywood. Drinking, doing drugs, and trashing hotel rooms were his forte and his name was often splashed across the tabloids. His off-screen antics were infamous and within the film industry, his reputation negatively preceded him. Depp't films, though critically acclaimed, weren't always box office hits. He often chose roles that were off the beaten path and mentally challenging. Ranging from a Frankenstein-esque creation in Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands to a cross-dressing Cuban in Before Night Falls, Depp's characters have stretched him as a performer. Never one to shy away from controversy, he didn't portray characters that were always likable. His performances can be edgy and often make viewers feel uneasy.



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工商時報 2008.01.15 
群創監視器出貨 5年放大25倍






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鼠來寶開運團圓名菜 特價$3688!

猴頭菇鮮燉養生雞 (含宅配運送費用)

猴頭菇的名號響亮,與燕窩、熊掌、海參並稱中國四大名菜之一猴頭菇含有多量的蛋白質與多醣,且含有七種人體的必需胺基酸,其中麩胺酸含量特別高,是極富盛名的美味食用菌。內容物重量: 1800G*1



豬小掌中特有的精華,半筋半肉的好吃口感,加上佰菓及鮑菇的雙重襯托,好吃自然不在話下。內容物重量: 300G*2包。



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潮流之都 時尚溫泉遊樂園



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祕密 The Secret



★榮獲「諾提勒斯書獎」(Nautilus Book Award)。






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Bad Luck 別觸我霉頭!

Different cultures have different concepts of what is and isn't considered bad luck. Yet there are superstitions that are similar no matter where you roam. Whether you believe them or not is entirely _(1)_ you.

  Seven years of misfortune would be a nightmare for practically anyone, but according to legend, this is _(2)_ what you get when you break a mirror. To stave off ill fate, immediately take the pieces outside and bury them while the moon is shining. That evening, it may be raining cats and dogs, but no matter _(3)_, don't open your umbrella before stepping outdoors. In the West, opening an umbrella indoors would lead to the death of a member of your family. Once you go back in, you're not _(4)_ just yet. Chinese believe that closing an umbrella indoors is a source of problems _(5)_ it draws bad luck close to you.

  Animals, whether they are black cats or hooting owls, have also _(6)_ a place in the world of superstitions. Hearing a rooster crowing _(7)_ the middle of the night is a sign of impending doom for many Westerners. In Asia, a continually howling dog is a precursor to death.

  People aren't usually superstitious, for the most part. Even though this is the case, most people won't run around opening and closing umbrellas while they throw mirrors on the ground, either.

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