New Age of Terror Week  恐怖新紀元

Suicide bombers walking into hotels or crowded markets and killing innocent people are on the rise. Larger-scale attacks are also increasing. The attacks on the US in 2001, Bali in 2002, Madrid in 2004, and London in 2005 are still fresh in people's memories. In addition to an increase in frequency, the attacks are becoming more organized and sophisticated. Where is all of this heading? The National Geographic Channel attempts to answer this question, and many more, during New Age of Terror Week.
Reign of Terror steps into the horrifying world of modern mass attacks. By identifying trends and characteristics, authorities are trying to predict the location of the next terror attack. Can they get into the heads of the masterminds behind such attacks?

While most people use the Internet to connect with friends and family or find information, modern terrorists are also computer savvy. Recently, websites have been used to parade hostages that have been taken as well as show their horrible executions. Reign of Terror takes a detailed look into the modern techniques used by hostage-takers from Moscow to the Middle East.

Terrorism isn't just packages and people loaded down with explosives. It can also fit on the head of a pin. This is bioterrorism. Imagine a deadly virus or bacterium in the hands of terrorists. Such a weapon could wipe out millions. Bioterror explores the possibilities and outcomes of a bioterror attack and what can be done to protect people from it.

Right now, the world is on edge. No country can relax in the face of the possibility of a terror attack. Step into New Age of Terror Week on the National Geographic Channel and experience it for yourself.

——by Jerri Graham

1. Which of the following is false about terrorist attacks?
(A) They come in many forms.
(B) They always free the hostages taken.
(C) They can take the lives of many in an instant.
(D) They can come without warning.

2. How are authorities trying to find out about the next large-scale terrorist attack?
(A) Authorities are going undercover with bioterrorist organizations.
(B) They are coming out and asking terrorists when they are planning their next attack.
(C) People in the know are studying past and current behavior to predict the future.
(D) Authorities started broadcasting their activities through the Internet.

3. Bioterrorism _____.
(A) involves the spreading of a lethal virus over a large area
(B) uses biology to explain why people commit such acts
(C) has wiped out over 50 million people in the last decade alone
(D) is set to revolutionize the way people conduct themselves while abroad

4. What is the purpose of New Age of Terror Week?
(A) It is aimed at helping students understand more about biology.
(B) It is geared towards teaching terrorists new methods for creating weapons.
(C) It will stamp out terrorism throughout the world.
(D) It aims to educate the public about recent and future terrorist activities.

1. on the rise  在增加之中
例: Crime is on the rise in that small rural town.

2. be fresh in one's memory
例: The tsunami of 2004 is still fresh in my memory.
(2004 年的海嘯對我來說仍記憶猶新。)

3. identify vt. 鑑別,辨認
例: Were the police able to identify the body they found at the crime scene?

4. parade vt. 展示;炫耀
例: At the party, Jennifer paraded her new boyfriend in front of all of her girlfriends.

5. be loaded down with sth  裝載著某物
例: The car was so loaded down with supplies that it could barely make it up the hill.

6. wipe out...  消滅……
例: Our goal is to wipe out illiteracy around the world.

7. be on edge  煩躁不安的
例: Tim has been on edge ever since he learned of the bad news.

8. in the face of...  面對……
例: In the face of danger, I tend to rise to the challenge.

9. go undercover with...  
例: The police officer went undercover with the gangsters to get inside the crime ring.

10. be aimed at V-ing  目標/旨在做……
= aim to V
例: The project is aimed at helping women start up their own businesses.

11. be geared towards V-ing  目標在於……
例: The new video game is geared towards teaching children to count.

12. stamp out...  消弭/徹底消除……
例: If you want to stamp out smoking once and for all, make every pack of cigarettes $1,000.

1. large-scale a. 大規模的

2. frequency n. 頻率

3. sophisticated a. 複雜的,精密的

4. characteristic n. 特徵,

5. mastermind n. 首腦,策劃者

6. savvy a. 通曉的

7. execution n. 處決

8. detailed a. 詳細的

9. explosive n. 爆烈物;炸

10. bioterrorism n. 生物恐怖主義

11. outcome n. 結果,後果

12. letha a. 致命的

13. revolutionize vt. 改革,革新

1. attempt to V  企圖做……

2. step into...  走進/踏進……

3. connect with...  與……聯繫

4. in an instant  瞬間

5. in the know  知情的

  自殺炸彈客走進飯店或擁擠的市場,殺害無辜民眾的案件越來越多。較大規模的攻擊事件也日益增加。美國 2001 年、峇里島 2002 年、馬德里 2004 年以及倫敦 2005 年的事件對人們來說記憶猶新。除了日趨頻繁的發生率外,攻擊手法也變得更具組織及精密複雜。這將發展到什麼地步呢?國家地理頻道將在《恐怖新紀元》節目中試圖尋找這些問題的答案。





1. 有關恐怖攻擊的敘述,下列何者為非?
(A) 他們採取多種形式。
(B) 他們總是釋放被俘擄的人質。
(C) 他們能在瞬間奪去人命。
(D) 他們來時沒有預警。

題解: 根據本文第三段第二句,恐怖份子利用網站展示人質被處決的可怕過程,因此 (B) 選項『總是釋放人質』明顯為非。

2. 官方如何設法找出下一波大規模恐怖攻擊?
(A) 官方化身間諜進入生物恐怖組織。
(B) 他們出面詢問恐怖份子何時策劃下一波攻擊。
(C) 知情人士研究恐怖份子過去與現在的行為以預測將來。
(D) 官方開始透過網路廣播他們的活動。

題解: 根據本文第二段第二句,官方藉由研究攻擊事件的趨勢與特性,預測下一波恐怖攻擊的發生地。因此 (C) 為正選。

3. 生物恐怖主義 _____。
(A) 包含在廣大地區散佈致命病毒。
(B) 以生物學解釋人們犯下這種行為的原因。
(C) 光是過去十年內已奪去五千萬人命。
(D) 是為了革新人們在國外如何表現自我而創立。

題解: 根據本文第四段,生物恐怖攻擊只要利用小針頭散佈病毒就能置百萬人於死地,可知應選 (A)。

(A) 旨在幫助學生更了解生物學。
(B) 旨在教導恐怖份子製造武器的新方法。
(C) 將會消弭全球的恐怖主義。
(D) 旨在教導大眾有關近期與未來恐怖活動的知識。

題解: 綜觀本文,描述的盡是恐怖主義肆虐的情形、恐怖份子採取的手段與官方應對的措施,可知應選(D)。(A)、(B)、(C) 皆非本文主旨。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D)

1. 該國大多數地區的犯罪案件正在增加中。
Crime is _____ the _____ in most parts of the country.

2. 這本雜誌是專為古董機車迷而編的。
This magazine is _____ _____ antique motorcycle fans.

答案: 1. on, rise  2. geared, towards

from 常春藤解析英語雜誌


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