Some are plastic and cost less than a hundred dollars. Others are practical, inexpensive, and will last for years. _(1)_ are made of the finest gold and cost more than some people make in a decade. These are all different types of watches. Most people have one, with some watch enthusiasts _(2)_ dozens of their favorite brand name. People love their watches. Have you ever wondered why a watch is called a "watch?" According to behavioral scientists, the average person consults his watch 50 times a day. _(3)_ these timepieces became known as "watches."
The history of the watch is interesting, too. Though various kinds of clocks have been _(4)_ for thousands of years, the modern watch was not made possible until the introduction of the spring mechanism in Europe in the 15th century. _(5)_ the 18th century, Switzerland had emerged as the kingdom of clock- and watch-makers, a _(6)_ it still holds to this day. In the 19th century, craftsmen from the region began introducing watches to the world. By the end of that century, watches could be wound by a small stem at the side of the timepiece rather than with a key. It was also around this time _(7)_ German naval officers started wearing wristwatches. Today, most people in the world watch their watch from time to time.
——by Bruce Bagnell
1. (A) Another ones (B) Quite others (C) Still others (D) Some others
2. (A) collects (B) collected (C) collect (D) collecting
3. (A) In addition (B) No wonder (C) At random (D) In doubt
4. (A) around (B) across (C) away (D) along
5. (A) For (B) In (C) By (D) At
6. (A) opponent (B) position (C) suppression (D) destination
7. (A) until (B) in which (C) which (D) that
1. 第一題空格應選 (C) Still others
a. 本空格測試代名詞作主詞的用法:
some...others...still others...
例: Hobbies vary with people. Some like to read comic books, others like photography, and still others enjoy swimming.
b. 在原句中,空格前兩句的主詞分別為 Some(一些)和 Others(另一些),得知空格應置入 Still others(還有一些),故 (C) 應為正選。
2. 第二題空格應選 (D) collecting
a. 空格前有介詞 with,譯為『有了……』,且其後有 watch enthusiasts(熱衷於手錶者)作為受詞,故其後不可能接動詞。(A)、(C) 分別是現在式第三人稱動詞及原形動詞,因此均不可選。
b. 本空格測試 with 引導的『情狀介詞片語』之用法,句型如下:
with + 受詞 + 現在分詞/過去分詞
例: He talked to me with his hands moving in front of him.
*兩手主動揮動,故用現在分詞 moving。
Sitting in the living room with the curtains drawn, I felt all alone.
*窗簾被拉下來,故用過去分詞 drawn。
c. 根據上述用法,空格內應置入現在分詞 collecting,表示熱衷手錶者主動收集名牌錶,故 (D) 為正選。
3. 第三題空格應選 (B) No wonder
a. (A) in addition 此外
例: We'll take a week off. In addition, everyone will get a large bonus.
(B) no wonder 難怪(置於句首)
例: She's been dieting for months. No wonder she lost weight successfully.
(C) at random 隨意
例: My parents chose my sister's name at random.
(D) in doubt (受)質疑
例: His ability to deal with unexpected problems has never been in doubt.
b. 空格前提及人們一天看手錶五十次,根據語意與前後文,可知應選 (B)。
4. 第四題空格應選 (A) around
a. have been around for + 一段時間
=have been in existence for + 一段時間
例: Cell phones have been around for less than 50 years.
b. 此為固定用法,可知應選 (A)。
5. 第五題空格應選 (C) By
a. 本空格測試下列時間副詞片語與過去完成式的關係,句型如下:
By + 過去某時, S + 過去完成式
例: By midnight, I had finished ten pages of the assignment.
b. 根據上述,原句有過去完成式 had emerged,可知應置入介詞 By,故選 (C)。
6. 第六題空格應選 (B) position
a. (A) opponent n. 對手
(B) position n. 地位
例: Jack's position in his company was high until he made a big mistake.
(C) suppression n. 壓制
例: The suppression of the riots took more than a month.
(D) destination n. 目的地
例: We can reach our destination by either bus or MRT.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
7. 第七題空格應選 (D) that
a. 空格前有 It was 加時間副詞片語 around this time,得知本空格測試強勢句構,句型如下:
It is/was + 介詞片語/副詞子句/時間副詞(片語)+ that 引導的名詞子句
例: It was yesterday that we finished our group report.
b. 根據上述,可知應置入 that 以引導名詞子句,故選 (D)。
1. plastic a. 塑膠的
2. enthusiast n. 熱衷者
3. brand name n. 名牌
4. behavioral a. 行為的
5. timepiece n. 計時器
6. spring n. 彈簧
7. mechanism n. 機制
8. wind vt. 上(……的)發條
三態為 wind、wound、wound。
9. stem n. 柄
10. naval a. 海軍的
11. wristwatch n. 腕錶
這些東西有些是塑膠作成的,花費不到一百元。有些很實用、不昂貴,還能用很久。還有些是純金打造,有些人工作十年也買不起。這些東西就是各式各樣的錶。多數人都有一錶在手,而且有些熱衷手錶的人會收集他們最喜歡的名牌手錶,一收集就是好幾十支。人們都喜歡錶。你可曾想過為什麼錶被稱作 "watch"(看)嗎?根據行為學家的說法,一般人每天平均會『看』錶五十次。難怪這些計時器會被稱為 "watches" 了。
標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C)
6. (B) 7. (D)
1. dozens of... 數十個……
2. rather than... 而非……
1. be made of... 由……(材料)製成
例: My grandfather's little house in the country is made of wood.
2. wonder vt. 納悶,感到奇怪
例: I wonder how Brenda knows about the surprise party next week.
3. consult vt. 查看;參考
例: When you have questions, please consult this manual.
4. make...possible 使……有可能
例: Your devotion to this research will make this project possible.
5. from time to time 不時
例: I think about my old friends from time to time.
FROM 常春藤解析英語雜誌