The bigger they are, the harder they fall. However, this is not the case with some of the biggest structures in the world today. This month, National Geographic Channel takes you into the world of giant airplanes and architectural1 domes2. In "Big Bigger Biggest 2: Aircraft," NGC goes over the development of six revolutionary3 airplanes. Then, NGC explains how they all influenced the Antonov 124, the world's largest cargo4 plane.

  The Antonov 124 is bigger than big. It is as tall as a seven-story5 building, and its wingspan6 is long enough to park eight buses end to end with room to spare. What's more, it has enough cargo space for 50 family-sized cars, which is nothing in comparison to what it has already carried. These planes have transported tanks, trains, other aircrafts, and even an elephant from Moscow to Taiwan. However, the Antonov 124 could not have done this without the major technological developments that have allowed engineers7 to build bigger and better cargo planes. So book a flight with NGC's "Big Bigger Biggest 2: Aircraft" and fly with the big boys.

  物品愈大,跌得愈重。但對於現今世界裡一些最大的建築物來說,情形卻並非如此。本月份,國家地理頻道將帶您進入巨大飛機和圓頂建築的世界裡。在《超大 建築狂想曲2:巨無霸運輸機》的節目中,國家地理頻道將一探六架革命性飛機的發展史。接著國家地理頻道將解釋這些飛機如何影響了世上最大貨機—— Antonov 124的建造。

  用大來形容Antonov 124還略顯不足。它和一棟七層樓的建築等高,其翼幅的寬度停入八輛頭尾相接的巴士都還綽綽有餘。此外,它有足夠的貨運空間來容納五十台家庭房車,但這跟 它所載運過的貨物相比之下根本就不算什麼。這種貨機曾運送過坦克車、火車和其它飛機,甚至還從莫斯科將大象運載來台灣。然而要是沒有重大的科技發展使工程 師得以建造出更大更優的貨機,Antonov 124也不會有現在這樣的成就。所以趕快訂好機位,隨著國家地理頻道的《超大建築狂想曲2:巨無霸運輸機》一同和這些空中悍將遨遊天際吧。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. transport vt. 運送,運輸
The goods will be transported by sea.
2. technological a. 科技的
Technological advances have made our lives easier.
3. book vt. 預訂
I would like to book a KTV room for tonight.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be the case  狀況∕情形正是如此
Life is easier now, but that wasn't the case in the past.
2. go over...  仔細審視∕考慮……
Have you gone over my proposal yet?
3. end to end  頭尾相接地
The waiter put two tables end to end so that all of us could sit together.
4. room/money/time to spare  
Hurry up. We don't have any time to spare.
5. in comparison to/with...  與……相比
In comparison with Bob, Larry is short.
Extra Words 

1. architectural a. 建築的
2. dome n. 圓頂建築物;穹頂
3. revolutionary a. 革命性的,創新的
4. cargo n.(一批)貨物(本文中作形容詞用)
5. story n.(建築物的)層
6. wingspan n. 翼幅(兩翼展開的寬度)
7. engineer n. 工程師

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
The + 比較級形容詞∕副詞..., the + 比較級形容詞∕
副詞...  愈……,就愈……
1. 在此句構中,第一個 the 視為副詞連接詞,引導副詞子句,同時亦兼作副詞,修飾其後的比較級形容詞或副詞;第二個 the 則視為副詞,修飾其後的比較級形容詞或副詞。若句中無形容詞或副詞時,則在句首依句意加上"the more"或"the less"即可。
The louder the music is, the more excited the crowd gets.
2. 若句中主詞為一般名詞,而非代名詞或專有名詞,且其後動詞為 be 動詞時,則此 be 動詞可予以省略。故上句亦可寫為:
The louder the music, the more excited the crowd gets.

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