Seriously Joking—Won Fu  不只幽默而已——旺福樂團


  In Taipei's Huashan Creative Park, the club Legacy is packed with a crowd of over 1,000 fans who were brought here by the band playing tonight, Won Fu. The theme of the show is the Olympics. At the start of the gig, Won Fu's vocalist Mami and bassist Twiggy set off a roar from the crowd as they cartwheel onto the stage. Later, during Indian Lover, lead vocalist and guitarist Xiao Min picks up a sitar and sits cross-legged on the stage, transforming himself into a yoga guru. Suddenly, he jumps down into the crowd, where the fans help him float through the room.
  Formed in 1998, Won Fu has released five full-length albums in their 12 years. They began when Xiao Min, then a student at Tamkang University, met bassist Twiggy and former vocalist Judy online and was later introduced through an upperclassman to drummer Dupi. After recording three albums with the band since 2003, Judy left the band to pursue different plans in 2006, after which Hit FM DJ Mami joined, finalizing the current lineup. As for the band's name, that came from the name Twiggy gave to a chubby stray dog she used to see at school—Won Fu.
  Long-haired, gaunt Xiao Min, with a penchant for playful winking, is the soul of the group. He not only writes all of the band's music, but even decides, based on the song he hears in his head, whether the vocals should be the sweet sounds of Mami or his own ebullient voice.
  From small clubs to massive music festivals, the Won Fu band members are versatile performers. In 2003, they earned huge plaudits from the judges at the Hohaiyan Rock Festival. They described the band's music as "childlike and playful, but technically complex and creative," echoing the feelings of the band's fans.

1. be packed with...  擠滿……
例: The train is packed with passengers during the holidays.

2. set off...  引發……
例: The news of a pop quiz set off a wave of panic in the class.

3. transform A into B  將 A 轉變為 B
例: Mary can transform a simple salad into an exotic dish.

4. release vt. 發行;發表
例: The band will release their new album next week.

5. pursue vt. 追求
例: You are never too old to pursue an education.

6. finalize vt. 完成
例: We haven't finalized the details of our trip yet.

7. penchant n. 愛好,嗜好
have a penchant for...  強烈愛好……
例: Lynn has a penchant for figure skating.

8. versatile a. 多才多藝的
例: John is remarkably versatile because he is a painter, a musician, and an engineer.

9. technically adv. 技術上;技巧上
例: Steve is the most technically advanced programmer in his company.

10. echo vt. 附和;重複(他人的話)
例: Tommy always echoes what his brother says.

1. gign. 演奏會;公演
2. vocalist n. 歌手
a lead vocalist  主唱
3. bassist n. 貝斯手
4. roar n. 吼聲,叫喊聲
5. cartwheel vi. 做側手翻 & n. 側翻筋斗
6. sitar n. 西塔琴(印度的弦樂器)
7. cross-legged adv. 盤著腿
8. guru n. 印度教的導師或高僧(本文指瑜珈大師)
9. float vi. 飄浮
10. full-length a. 標準長度的
11. upperclassman n. 學長
lowerclassman n. 學弟
12. lineup n. 陣容
13. chubby a. 圓胖的
14. stray a. 流浪的
a stray dog/cat  流浪狗∕流浪貓
15. gaunt a. 瘦削的
16. playful a. 開玩笑的
17. winking n. 眨眼睛
18. ebullient a. 情感奔放的
19. plaudit n. 喝采,稱讚(常用複數)
20. complex a. 複雜的
Grammar Tips 

Long-haired, gaunt Xiao Min, with a penchant for playful winking, is the soul of the group.
long-haired 為『形容詞 + 名詞變成的過去分詞』所形成的複合形容詞。此類結構形成的複合形容詞均與身體部位的器官或組織有關。如何形成『形容詞 + 名詞變成的過去分詞』之類的複合形容詞?在形容詞子句中,若有表『身體部位的器官或組織』的名詞,之前有形容詞修飾時,可在該形容詞之後置入連字符號,再 將該名詞變成過去分詞置於連字符號之後即成複合形容詞。
例: a girl who has big eyes
→ a big-eyed girl(大眼睛的女孩)
a soldier who has only one leg
→ a one-legged soldier(獨腳的士兵)
a spider which has eight legs
→ an eight-legged spider(一隻 8 腳蜘蛛)

華山藝文特區裡的『Legacy』live house 裡,擠滿上千名樂迷,他們是為了一睹今晚表演的『旺福』樂團而來。這場秀是以『奧林 PK』運動會為主題。開場時女主唱『瑪靡』及貝斯手『推機』以側翻登場,引起一陣叫好聲。之後唱到《印倫情人》一曲時,主唱兼吉他手『小民』手捧印度西塔 琴,在舞台上盤腿而坐,化身為瑜珈大師,突然間他往台下一躍,讓歌迷抬著滿場飛。
  1998 年成軍至今 12 年,共發行 5 張專輯的旺福,最初是小民就讀淡江大學時,透過網路結識貝斯手推機及前任女主唱茱蒂,又經學長介紹後邀來鼓手『肚皮』組團。自 2003 年起一同發行 3 張專輯後,茱蒂因另有生涯規畫而退出,2006 年改由原是台北之音電台主播的瑪靡加入,底定目前陣容。而團名則借用自推機曾在學校裡看見一隻胖嘟嘟的流浪狗,於是幫牠起的名字──旺福。
  留著長髮、身材瘦削,總愛擠眉弄眼的靈魂人物小民,不僅譜寫樂團的全部詞曲,也會根據想像中的成品,決定這首歌是該由瑪靡的甜美女聲主唱,或是由他自 己一展奔放的歌喉。
  從小型 live house 到大型露天音樂祭,旺福的團員各個多才多藝,他們在 2003 年曾奪下貢寮國際海洋音樂祭評審團大賞,評語寫著『童趣十足,簡單的詼諧感,背後卻是複雜的技術與創意,』也道出眾多旺福樂迷的心聲。

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