The Smurfs 藍色小精靈

  What are blue and only three apples tall? These white-capped1 blue dwarfs2 are the Smurfs. Fans of the cartoon series from the 1980s are in for a treat. These little blue forest dwellers3 are coming to the big screen. They are starring in their very own full-length film—"The Smurfs." It is a live-action4 comedy and has amazing computer graphics5 as well as 3-D technology.

  The Smurfs live among knights, kings, and wizards6 during the Middle Ages. Life in their hidden forest village is happy and peaceful. The only thing that threatens this is the evil wizard Gargamel. The Smurfs have magical powers, and Gargamel wants them.

  By chance, Gargamel discovers the Smurfs' village and chases a group of them into a forbidden7 cave. Before they know it, they are magically transported to the Big Apple in the 21st century. It is quite a shock, but the Smurfs must find a way home before Gargamel catches them. Will these sweet, innocent creatures succeed in getting back to their magical world? You will just have to catch "The Smurfs" in theaters this month to find out.

  有什麼東西通體發藍,而且只有三個蘋果高?這群戴著白帽的藍色小矮人就是藍色 小精靈。喜愛這齣1980年代卡通影集的影迷們有福了。這些渾身發藍的小小森林居民即將登上大銀幕。他們將要主演一部屬於自己的電影——《藍色小精靈》。 這是一部由真人演出的喜劇片,裡頭還有炫目的電腦繪圖以及3D科技特效。


  賈不妙在偶然間發現了藍色小精靈的村落,而且還把一群小精靈趕進一處禁忌的洞穴裡。在他們還來不及反應之前,他們就神奇地被傳送到二十一世紀的大蘋果 (編按:大蘋果即紐約市的暱稱)。雖然他們大吃一驚,不過藍色小精靈們必須在賈不妙抓到他們之前找到回家的路。這些天真可愛的小傢伙能不能成功回到他們的 奇幻世界?您只有在本月份到戲院裡觀賞《藍色小精靈》才能一見分曉。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. star vi.(某人)主演(某電影,須與介詞 in 並用)& vt.(某電影)由……(某人)主演
The movie series stars Johnny Depp as an unusual pirate.
2. threaten vt. 威脅,危害
Michelle handed her money over when the bully threatened her with a knife.
3. magical a. 有魔法的;神奇的
  magically adv. 神奇地
The stain on the white shirt magically disappeared after the cleaning product was used.
4. transport vt. 帶(……到另一個地點或時間);運送,運輸
These new cars will be transported to Italy by ship.
5. innocent a. 天真無邪的;無辜的
The baby's innocent smile melted our hearts.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be in for a treat  將要遇到樂事∕好事
You guys are in for a treat because I am cooking my famous sweet and sour pork.
2. by chance  偶然,碰巧
It was simply by chance that Nicole was chosen to dance with the singer on stage.
3. succeed in + 動名詞∕名詞  成功於……
I am sure you will succeed in whatever you set your mind on doing.
Extra Words 

1. capped a. 戴帽子的
2. dwarf n. 小矮人;侏儒
3. dweller n. 住在某處的人,居民
4. live-action a.(卡通、漫畫等改編)真人演出的
5. computer graphics n. 電腦繪圖(恆用複數)
6. wizard n. 男巫師
7. forbidden a. 禁忌的,被禁止的

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