Secret Bible Week 聖經傳說週
To some, the Bible is just a book. To others, it is the word of God. Still others see it as a window through which they can glimpse into the past. National Geographic Channel looks into the Bible during Secret Bible Week.
The Knights Templar was headquartered in Jerusalem and Paris. This most secret society was said to own the Holy Grail (the cup/plate from which Jesus drank during the Last Supper), know the bloodline of Jesus, and to have discovered the New World a century before Columbus even set sail. The Knights Templar was beyond the shadow of a doubt the most powerful religious body in the Middle Ages. After running afoul of the King of France, they were labeled devil worshipers, traitors, and even worse. What happened to this powerful group? The story of their downfall and its relationship to the Bible is explored in The Knights Templar.
Jesus is the Son of God. During his lifetime, he performed miracles by feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and raising the dead. It may not be common knowledge, but Jesus wasn't the only miracle worker in his day. Also said to be the Messiah, Apollonius of Tyana was known for the miracles he performed. Oddly enough, there were several others also considered equals of Jesus. In Rivals of Jesus, National Geographic Channel takes a look at these different messiahs and the birth of a religion.
Is the end of the world close at hand? With war, tsunamis, earthquakes, and plagues knocking at our door, some people believe that our days are numbered. Predicted in the Bible, the Apocalypse, or end of the world, may in fact be closer than we think. Apocalypse helps separate fact from fiction. Tune in and take a peek into the Bible during Secret Bible Week.
——by Jerri Graham
1. Which of the following isn't covered in Secret Bible Week?
(A) The people who discovered the Bible a century before anyone else.
(B) The fall from grace of an influential group.
(C) People with great abilities that other people didn't possess.
(D) The possibility of the world as we know it ending.
2. Which of the following is closest in the meaning to the word "labeled" in the second paragraph?
(A) Fastened.
(B) Nominated.
(C) Respected.
(D) Categorized.
3. What is the purpose of the show Rivals of Jesus?
(A) To introduce others that were thought of as the Son of God.
(B) To prove that Jesus was not as holy as everyone thought he was.
(C) To let people in on some very valuable information about God.
(D) To cover up the truth about Jesus and his bloodline.
4. Why do some people believe that the world is coming to an end?
(A) Various groups of knights have said it will happen.
(B) Apollonius of Tyana predicted it.
(C) Because of the different events happening in the world around us.
(D) It is written in the first chapter of the Bible.
1. some...others...still others... 一些……另一些……還有一些……
* 用於非限定的三個群體。
例: After graduation, some graduates start working, others continue their studies, and still others travel.
2. set sail 啟航
例: The Queen Mary set sail for India last week.
3. beyond the/a shadow of a doubt 毫無疑問地
= without a shadow of a doubt
例: Dr. Lee's contributions to chemistry were without a shadow of a doubt very helpful.
4. run afoul of... 和……發生衝突
afoul n. 衝突
例: Some students ran afoul of school authorities because they skipped school.
5. label vt. 貼上標籤 & n. 標籤
例: The file on the desk was labeled classified.
6. Oddly enough, S + V 奇怪的是,……
例: Oddly enough, he hasn't had any water for 10 hours, yet doesn't feel thirsty.
7. equal n. 同等的人
have no equal 無與倫比,首屈一指
例: The track star has no equal at school.
8. be close/near at hand 即將到來
例: The opening of the new shopping mall is near at hand.
9. one's days are numbered 某人來日不多
例: Knowing her days were numbered, Martha started to write her will.
10. separate A from B
區分 A 與 B;將 A 與 B 分隔
例: A river separates the downtown from the rest of the city.
11. let sb in on... 讓某人知道並嚴守(秘密等)
例: I let Mark in on some of my personal secrets because he is trustworthy.
12. cover up... 掩飾……
例: Even though the president tried to cover up the scandal, it still reached the newspapers.
聖殿騎士團總部設在耶路撒冷和巴黎。這個極度秘密的協會據說持有聖杯(耶穌在最後晚餐中使用的杯子或餐盤)、知道耶穌的世系,並在哥倫布啟航前一個世 紀便已發現新大陸。聖殿騎士團無疑是中古世紀最有權力的宗教組織。但和法王發生衝突之後,即被冠上惡魔崇拜者、叛徒,甚至更不堪入耳的稱號。這個強而有力 的組織發生了什麼事情?在《聖殿騎士團》單元中,將探討該組織的式微及其與聖經的關係。
耶穌是神子。在世期間,他行神蹟餵飽飢餓的人、醫治病人、並讓死者起死回生。這並非尋常的知識,但耶穌不是那個時代唯一的行神蹟者。提亞那的阿波羅奧 尼斯也因行神蹟出名,而被稱為彌賽亞。怪的是,還有好幾個人被視為與耶穌棋逢敵手。在《耶穌的對手》單元中,國家地理頻道將一窺這些不同的救世主和宗教的 誕生。
1. Knights Templar(s) 聖殿騎士團(十二世紀初為保衛聖地耶路撒冷和朝聖者而成立的團體)
Templar n. 聖殿騎士
2. headquartered a. 總部設於……的
headquarters n. 總部(單複數同形)
3. society n. 社團,協會
4. the Holy Grail 聖杯(= the Grail)
grail n. 杯;盤
5. bloodline n. 世系;血統
6. body n. 組織,團體
7. traitor n. 叛徒
8. downfall n. 沒落,衰敗
9. Messiah n. 彌賽亞(猶太
10. rival n. 對手
11. tsunami n. 海嘯
12. Apocalypse n.(聖經中)
13. possess vt. 擁有
14. nominate vt. 提名
15. categorize vt. 將……分
1. perform miracles 行神蹟
2. tune in 收聽(廣播);收看(電視)
3. take a peek into... 一窺……
4. the fall from grace 失去上帝的恩寵
1. 下列何者不包含在《聖經傳說週》節目中?
(A) 比其他人早一個世紀發現聖經的人。
(B) 一個有影響力組織的殞落。
(C) 擁有其他人沒有的神奇能力者。
(D) 我們所知的世界正邁向終點的可能性。
題解: 在第二段提到,據說聖殿騎士團比哥倫布早一個世紀發現新大陸,並沒有提到任何關於發現聖經的事情,故 (A) 為正選。
2. 下列何者在字意上最接近 "labeled"?
(A) 被繫上。
(B) 被提名。
(C) 受尊敬。
(D) 被分類。
題解: "label" 作名詞時指的是『標籤』,當動詞意指『貼上標籤』,意思上接近被分類,故選 (D)。
3. 《耶穌的對手》的目的為何?
(A) 介紹其他被認為是神子的人。
(B) 證明耶穌不像大家想的那麼神聖。
(C) 告訴人們一些關於上帝的寶貴訊息。
(D) 掩飾關於耶穌與其世系的真相。
題解: 本文第三段提到《耶穌的對手》節目內容,說耶穌不是那個時代唯一的行神蹟者,還有其他人被視為彌賽亞,而本節目也將一一介紹這些人,故 (A) 為正選。
4. 為何有些人相信世界正走向滅亡?
(A) 許多騎士團體都說會發生。
(B) 提亞那的阿波羅奧尼斯預測的。
(C) 因為不同的事件在我們週遭的世界發生。
(D) 這寫在聖經的第一章。
題解: 本文最後一段提到戰爭、瘟疫等人為或天然災害接踵而來,因此有些人覺得世界末日將近。與選項 (C) 意思相近,故選之。
標準答案: 1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (C)
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌
To some, the Bible is just a book. To others, it is the word of God. Still others see it as a window through which they can glimpse into the past. National Geographic Channel looks into the Bible during Secret Bible Week.
The Knights Templar was headquartered in Jerusalem and Paris. This most secret society was said to own the Holy Grail (the cup/plate from which Jesus drank during the Last Supper), know the bloodline of Jesus, and to have discovered the New World a century before Columbus even set sail. The Knights Templar was beyond the shadow of a doubt the most powerful religious body in the Middle Ages. After running afoul of the King of France, they were labeled devil worshipers, traitors, and even worse. What happened to this powerful group? The story of their downfall and its relationship to the Bible is explored in The Knights Templar.
Jesus is the Son of God. During his lifetime, he performed miracles by feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and raising the dead. It may not be common knowledge, but Jesus wasn't the only miracle worker in his day. Also said to be the Messiah, Apollonius of Tyana was known for the miracles he performed. Oddly enough, there were several others also considered equals of Jesus. In Rivals of Jesus, National Geographic Channel takes a look at these different messiahs and the birth of a religion.
Is the end of the world close at hand? With war, tsunamis, earthquakes, and plagues knocking at our door, some people believe that our days are numbered. Predicted in the Bible, the Apocalypse, or end of the world, may in fact be closer than we think. Apocalypse helps separate fact from fiction. Tune in and take a peek into the Bible during Secret Bible Week.
——by Jerri Graham
1. Which of the following isn't covered in Secret Bible Week?
(A) The people who discovered the Bible a century before anyone else.
(B) The fall from grace of an influential group.
(C) People with great abilities that other people didn't possess.
(D) The possibility of the world as we know it ending.
2. Which of the following is closest in the meaning to the word "labeled" in the second paragraph?
(A) Fastened.
(B) Nominated.
(C) Respected.
(D) Categorized.
3. What is the purpose of the show Rivals of Jesus?
(A) To introduce others that were thought of as the Son of God.
(B) To prove that Jesus was not as holy as everyone thought he was.
(C) To let people in on some very valuable information about God.
(D) To cover up the truth about Jesus and his bloodline.
4. Why do some people believe that the world is coming to an end?
(A) Various groups of knights have said it will happen.
(B) Apollonius of Tyana predicted it.
(C) Because of the different events happening in the world around us.
(D) It is written in the first chapter of the Bible.
1. some...others...still others... 一些……另一些……還有一些……
* 用於非限定的三個群體。
例: After graduation, some graduates start working, others continue their studies, and still others travel.
2. set sail 啟航
例: The Queen Mary set sail for India last week.
3. beyond the/a shadow of a doubt 毫無疑問地
= without a shadow of a doubt
例: Dr. Lee's contributions to chemistry were without a shadow of a doubt very helpful.
4. run afoul of... 和……發生衝突
afoul n. 衝突
例: Some students ran afoul of school authorities because they skipped school.
5. label vt. 貼上標籤 & n. 標籤
例: The file on the desk was labeled classified.
6. Oddly enough, S + V 奇怪的是,……
例: Oddly enough, he hasn't had any water for 10 hours, yet doesn't feel thirsty.
7. equal n. 同等的人
have no equal 無與倫比,首屈一指
例: The track star has no equal at school.
8. be close/near at hand 即將到來
例: The opening of the new shopping mall is near at hand.
9. one's days are numbered 某人來日不多
例: Knowing her days were numbered, Martha started to write her will.
10. separate A from B
區分 A 與 B;將 A 與 B 分隔
例: A river separates the downtown from the rest of the city.
11. let sb in on... 讓某人知道並嚴守(秘密等)
例: I let Mark in on some of my personal secrets because he is trustworthy.
12. cover up... 掩飾……
例: Even though the president tried to cover up the scandal, it still reached the newspapers.
聖殿騎士團總部設在耶路撒冷和巴黎。這個極度秘密的協會據說持有聖杯(耶穌在最後晚餐中使用的杯子或餐盤)、知道耶穌的世系,並在哥倫布啟航前一個世 紀便已發現新大陸。聖殿騎士團無疑是中古世紀最有權力的宗教組織。但和法王發生衝突之後,即被冠上惡魔崇拜者、叛徒,甚至更不堪入耳的稱號。這個強而有力 的組織發生了什麼事情?在《聖殿騎士團》單元中,將探討該組織的式微及其與聖經的關係。
耶穌是神子。在世期間,他行神蹟餵飽飢餓的人、醫治病人、並讓死者起死回生。這並非尋常的知識,但耶穌不是那個時代唯一的行神蹟者。提亞那的阿波羅奧 尼斯也因行神蹟出名,而被稱為彌賽亞。怪的是,還有好幾個人被視為與耶穌棋逢敵手。在《耶穌的對手》單元中,國家地理頻道將一窺這些不同的救世主和宗教的 誕生。
1. Knights Templar(s) 聖殿騎士團(十二世紀初為保衛聖地耶路撒冷和朝聖者而成立的團體)
Templar n. 聖殿騎士
2. headquartered a. 總部設於……的
headquarters n. 總部(單複數同形)
3. society n. 社團,協會
4. the Holy Grail 聖杯(= the Grail)
grail n. 杯;盤
5. bloodline n. 世系;血統
6. body n. 組織,團體
7. traitor n. 叛徒
8. downfall n. 沒落,衰敗
9. Messiah n. 彌賽亞(猶太
10. rival n. 對手
11. tsunami n. 海嘯
12. Apocalypse n.(聖經中)
13. possess vt. 擁有
14. nominate vt. 提名
15. categorize vt. 將……分
1. perform miracles 行神蹟
2. tune in 收聽(廣播);收看(電視)
3. take a peek into... 一窺……
4. the fall from grace 失去上帝的恩寵
1. 下列何者不包含在《聖經傳說週》節目中?
(A) 比其他人早一個世紀發現聖經的人。
(B) 一個有影響力組織的殞落。
(C) 擁有其他人沒有的神奇能力者。
(D) 我們所知的世界正邁向終點的可能性。
題解: 在第二段提到,據說聖殿騎士團比哥倫布早一個世紀發現新大陸,並沒有提到任何關於發現聖經的事情,故 (A) 為正選。
2. 下列何者在字意上最接近 "labeled"?
(A) 被繫上。
(B) 被提名。
(C) 受尊敬。
(D) 被分類。
題解: "label" 作名詞時指的是『標籤』,當動詞意指『貼上標籤』,意思上接近被分類,故選 (D)。
3. 《耶穌的對手》的目的為何?
(A) 介紹其他被認為是神子的人。
(B) 證明耶穌不像大家想的那麼神聖。
(C) 告訴人們一些關於上帝的寶貴訊息。
(D) 掩飾關於耶穌與其世系的真相。
題解: 本文第三段提到《耶穌的對手》節目內容,說耶穌不是那個時代唯一的行神蹟者,還有其他人被視為彌賽亞,而本節目也將一一介紹這些人,故 (A) 為正選。
4. 為何有些人相信世界正走向滅亡?
(A) 許多騎士團體都說會發生。
(B) 提亞那的阿波羅奧尼斯預測的。
(C) 因為不同的事件在我們週遭的世界發生。
(D) 這寫在聖經的第一章。
題解: 本文最後一段提到戰爭、瘟疫等人為或天然災害接踵而來,因此有些人覺得世界末日將近。與選項 (C) 意思相近,故選之。
標準答案: 1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (C)
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌