The Hottest Spot 無線上網樂無窮
You're sitting in a café drinking your coffee, watching the lady at the next table as she pulls out her laptop and connects to the Internet. Without seeing any cables or wires, it dawns on you that you actually have no idea how this technology works. In the same thought, you also realize that you are sitting in what you've heard some of your friends call a "hotspot"—a public area that has been fitted with wireless technology which allows users to gain access to the Internet.Almost all modern laptops, PDAs (personal data assistants), and other hand-held devices are now equipped with an internal Network Interface Card (NIC), which allows the owner to connect to a wireless network. A network that generates a hotspot basically consists of a modem, a device that encrypts and stores information, and a wireless router which forwards the information to a specific destination. When trying to establish a connection, the NIC sends out radio waves and when it receives a signal strong enough, it asks permission to log onto the network.
Let's look at it this way. Think of a hotspot as a conversation. The speaker, who has infinite knowledge (the Internet), is hosting a conversation in which a select group of people (anyone with a wireless-enabled device) is able to join in, listen, and share their thoughts. Admission to this conversation may be free or it may cost you a small access fee.
1. laptop n. 筆記型電腦
2. cable n. 電纜
3. wire n. 電線
4. hotspot n. 無線上網據點
5. wireless a. 無線的
6. hand-held a. 手提式的
7. interface n. 界面
8. modem n. 數據機
9. encrypt vt. 編碼,將……譯成密碼
10.router n. 路由器
11. forward vt. 發送;轉寄
12. radio wave n. 無線電波(一般用複數)
13. signal n. 信號
14. infinite a. 無限的
15. select a. 挑選出來的
16. admission n. 許可
1. connect to... 與……連接
2. in the same thought 同時
3. allow sb to V 允許某人做……
4. log onto... 登入……
5. join in... 加入…
1. it dawns on sb + that 子句
例: It dawned on me that I forgot to pay my phone bill this month.
2. be fitted with... 安裝/配備……
例: The women's restrooms in this building have been fitted with new sinks.
3. gain access to... 得以進入……
例: The spy gained access to the room by pretending to be a janitor.
4. be equipped with... 配備有……
例: The soldiers were equipped with gear that would protect them from chemical attacks.
The studio was equipped with state-of-the-art computers.
5. generate vt. 產生
例: Mr. Davis generated a lot of publicity for his company by promoting wisely.
6. consist of... 由……組成
= be made up of...
例: The book consists of articles written by young business people.
7. permission n. 許可
give sb permission to V 允許某人做……
例: The owner of the theater gave us permission to perform our show on a regular basis.
幾乎所有的現代筆記型電腦、PDA(個人數位助理),和其他手提式裝置都配有內建網路卡,讓使用者能連上無線網路。建立無線上網據點的網路最基本由一 台能加密儲存訊息的數據機,和一台傳輸訊息至某個特定據點的無線路由器構成。要連線時,網路卡會發送無線電波,在接收到夠強的信號時,便會要求登入網路。
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌