Taiwan's Handmade Crafts台灣好手藝

No matter where you go in Taiwan, there are lots of things to buy and look at, but you should be most curious about the items specially made in Taiwan. Many of these crafts have long histories. Some are traditions brought here by immigrants1 while others started locally. Taiwan's crafts show off the skills of its people and how unique this island is.

  One simple yet special craft is making dough2 figures. Originally, these edible figures were made for temples. Aside from representing offerings3 to the gods, they can be famous characters or parts of scenes from legendary stories.

  There are two ways to make dough figures. The first is to use colored dough to shape the figures. The second is to create the figures and then paint them. Today, these figures are collector's4 items that are adored by children and adults alike.

  Over 100 years ago, a man moved an oil-paper umbrella workshop5 in Guangdong to Meinong. At that time, oil-paper umbrellas were used in daily life and also exported to Japan. These carefully crafted umbrellas are still popular today but are usually just for gifts and decorations. Making an oil-paper umbrella takes patience and care. The long process includes soaking the bamboo in water for at least one month. This gets rid of the sugar in the bamboo so that it won't mold6 and insects won't be attracted to it. For Hakka people, oil-paper umbrellas are given as wedding gifts to wish the couple good luck in having many children.




一百多年前,一名男子把一間位於廣東的油紙傘工坊遷至美濃。在當時,油紙傘不但用於日常生活中,同時還出口到日本去。這些精心製作的傘如今依然深受歡迎, 不過通常都只作為禮物或是裝飾品之用。製作油紙傘需要耐心和細心。其漫長的製作過程包含了把竹子浸泡在水中至少一個月之久。這麼做能除去竹子中的糖分,如 此便能防霉避蟲。對客家人來說,油紙傘是結婚禮物,可用來祝福新人有多子多孫的好運道。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. craft n.(尤指傳統的手工)工藝;工藝品 & vt. 手工製作(本文中以過去分詞作形容詞用)
This glass artwork was crafted by my dad.
2. edible a. 可以食用的
Not all kinds of mushrooms are edible.
3. legendary a. 傳說中的;非常有名的
The legendary monster is said to have lived in this lake.
4. adore vt. 非常喜歡
That singer is adored mostly by kids.
5. export vt. 出口
We exported our products mainly to the US.
6. process n. 過程;程序
The process of writing a book is complex.
7. soak vt. 浸,泡
I always soak my laundry before I wash it.
Phrases for Learning 

get rid of...  擺脫∕除去……
How do you get rid of ants in the kitchen?
Extra Words 

1. immigrant n.(外來)移民
2. dough n. 生麵團(本文中亦作形容詞用)
3. offering n. 供品,祭品
4. collector n. 收藏家
5. workshop n. 工場;工作坊
6. mold vi. 發霉
Tips In Use 

...that are adored by children and adults alike.
1. 此處的 alike 作副詞用,表『同樣地,一樣地』。
Friends and family alike are worried about Janet's health.
2. alike 也常作形容詞用,表『相同的,相像的』,通常置於 be 動詞後作主詞補語,而不可置於名詞前修飾。表『相似的,相像的』時,其前不可用 very 修飾,而應用 much。
Owen and his brother are much alike.

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