The Royal Library of Alexandria 亞歷山卓圖書館之謎

What happened to the Royal Library of Alexandria is still a mystery today.

  Julius Caesar and the Roman army were in hot pursuit of his archrival Pompey in Alexandria, Egypt when they found themselves face to face with trouble. A fleet of Egyptian ships had _(1)_ their escape routes, so Caesar made the unusually brutal decision to set all the vessels on fire. Soon, the fire _(2)_ across the enemy fleet, jumped onto the docks, and started lighting up explosive materials that were ready for export. The huge fire went inland, and the Royal Library of Alexandria, the most famous library of the ancient world, was consequently _(3)_.
  While the above paragraph makes for a harrowing tale of ancient times, it hasn't been proven that Caesar's army _(4)_ burned down the Royal Library. There are a few other versions of the destruction, but like many stories about the library, no one really knows for sure. _(5)_ is a fact is that this great library was the first to hold a vast number of history books from other countries. The Royal Library's goal was _(6)_ all of the world's knowledge. The total number is disputed, but some historians put the number of papyrus scrolls at one million, while others believe half that. _(7)_ collecting books and scrolls, the library hosted scholars and used many of its vast areas for scientific research. While the Royal Library of Alexandria's demise is not completely known, its influence lives on today because many universities use it as a blueprint for their campuses.

1. (A) put out (B) turned off(C) cut off(D) kicked out
2. (A) spreads (B) spread(C) have spread(D) should spread
3. (A) destroyed (B) resigned (C) annoyed (D) confirmed
4. (A) scarcely (B) actually(C) exactly(D) occasionally
5. (A) That (B) However(C) Whichever(D) What
6. (A) house (B) housed(C) to house(D) by housing
7. (A) Apart from (B) By means of(C) Except for(D) With regard to

1. A fleet of Egyptian ships had cut off their escape routes, so Caesar made the unusually brutal decision to set all the vessels on fire.
a. (A)put out.../put...out  熄滅……
put out a fire  滅火
(B) turn off.../  關掉(水、電、瓦斯、電器等)
(C) cut off.../  切斷∕中斷……
例: The electricity was cut off for several hours due to the storm.
(D) kick out sb/kick sb out  開除某人;把某人攆走
例: Ted's wife kicked him out of their house last night.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。

2. Soon, the fire spread across the enemy fleet, jumped onto the docks, and started lighting up explosive materials that were ready for export.
a. 空格前有主詞 the fire(大火),且由本句的時態可知,空格內應置入簡單過去式動詞,因此 (B) spread(蔓延)應為正選。
b. spread 三態同形,此處空格內的 spread 是過去式。

3. The huge fire went inland, and the Royal Library of Alexandria, the most famous library of the ancient world, was consequently destroyed.
a. (A) destroy vt. 破壞
例: The tornado destroyed three large buildings in the city.
(龍捲風吹毀了該市 3 棟大型建築物。)
(B) resign vt. 放棄(工作、職位)& vi. 辭職
例: Al was forced to resign from his job after he was found incompetent.
(C) annoy vt. 使煩惱;使惱怒
例: Ed's habit of eating loudly annoyed his girlfriend.
(D) confirm vt. 確認;證實
confirm one's flight  確認某人的班機
例: Police have confirmed the report that the robber is still at large.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。

4. While the above paragraph makes for a harrowing tale of ancient times, it hasn't been proven that Caesar's army actually burned down the Royal Library.
a. (A) scarcely adv. 幾乎不
例: Sally was so upset that she could scarcely sleep.
(B) actually adv. 實際上
例: This colorful substance is actually quite toxic.
(C) exactly adv. 精確地;正是
例: William's wife was in labor for exactly six hours.
(威廉的太太整整分娩了 6 個鐘頭。)
(D) occasionally adv. 偶爾
例: Everyone should occasionally take breaks during the day.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。

5. What is a fact is that this great library was the first to hold a vast number of history books from other countries.
a. 空格後有 be 動詞 is 和 that 所引導的子句作主詞補語,可知空格應置入一個能引導名詞子句作為主詞的詞類。
b. that 雖可引導名詞子句作主詞用,但其後需為完整的子句,而空格後的 is a fact 並非完整子句,故 (A) 不可選。
c. however(不論如何)為副詞連接詞,無法引導名詞子句,故 (B) 不可選。
d. whichever(不論哪個)雖可引導名詞子句,但置入後語意不合,故 (C) 不可選。
e. 疑問代名詞 what 可引導名詞子句,亦可在所引導的子句中作主詞,置入後符合語意、用法,故選 (D)
例: What Teddy just said is a total lie.

6. The Royal Library's goal was to house all of the world's knowledge.
a. be 動詞之後可用動名詞或不定詞作主詞補語。若用動名詞作補語時,表示一種經驗或已知的事;而用不定詞作補語時,通常表示一種意願、目標、目的、計畫或未完成的事。
b. 名詞如 goal(目標)、dream(夢想、理想)、plan(計劃)、purpose(目的)、intention(意圖)等,均表示一種未完成或想要完成的 願望、企圖。故此類名詞作主詞,之後有 be 動詞時,不可接動名詞作補語,而應接 to 引導的不定詞片語,以表示此類未完成的願望或企圖。
例: Tim works for an organization whose purpose is to protect African wildlife.
c. 空格前的主詞為 goal(目標),故根據上述,空格應選 (C) to house。

7. Apart from collecting books and scrolls, the library hosted scholars and used many of its vast areas for scientific research.
a. (A)Apart from + N/V-ing, S + V  除了……,(還)……
例: Apart from playing chess, Charlie usually plays poker twice a week.
(B) by means of...  藉由……
例: Jill became a millionaire by means of investing money in the stock market.
(C) Except for + N/V-ing, S + V  除了……之外,(沒有)……
例: Except for Frank, no one else knows my secret.
(D) With regard to + N/V-ing, S + V  關於……,……   
= In regard to + N/V-ing, S + V
例: With regard to your request for a raise, the boss has decided in your favor.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。

1. in pursuit of...  追捕……;追求……
pursuit n. 追趕;追求
例: The police were in pursuit of the murderer.
例: Amy moved to Taipei in pursuit of a better future.

2. face to face with...  面臨……;與……面對面
come face to face with...  與……面對面
例: As I was leaving the restaurant, I came face to face with my ex-girlfriend that was coming in.

3. set...on fire  對……縱火,放火燒……
= set fire to...
例: The robbers set the building on fire.

4. light up...  點燃……;點亮……
light vt. 點燃;點亮
三態為:light, lit /lighted, lit/lighted。
例: Dad lit up the Christmas tree with hundreds of tiny white lights.

5. consequently adv. 結果,因此
例: Chris missed a lot of days at work. Consequently, he was fired.

6. make for...  造成……,促成……
例: Candles, champagne, and soft music make for a romantic evening.

7. burn down...  燒毀……(建築物等)
burn up...  燒掉∕燒光……(紙張、信件等)
例: The man was arrested for burning down six buildings.
(那名男子因燒毀 6 棟建築物而遭到逮捕。)
例: Sherry burned up all the letters her ex-boyfriend had sent her.

8. + 數字  估計……為……(數目)
例: The insurance company put the damage at US$10 million.

9. completely adv. 完全地
= totally adv.
例: This necklace is made completely of recycled paper.

1. archrival n. 主要競爭對手
2. fleet n. 艦隊
3. route n. 航線;路線
4. brutal a. 殘酷的
5. vessel n. 船,艦
6. dock n. 碼頭
7. explosive a. 易爆炸的 & n. 爆炸物
8. export n. 出口
import n. 進口
9. inland adv. 向內陸,在內地
10. harrowing a. 慘痛的,令人痛心的
11. version n. 說法;版本
12. vast a. 龐大的
13. disputed a. 有爭議的(過去分詞作形容詞用)
dispute vt. & n. 爭論
14. papyrus n.(古埃及人用的)紙莎草紙
15. scroll n. 卷軸
16. host vt. 招待
17. demise n. 死亡;終止
18. blueprint n. 藍圖
19. campus n. 校園

  凱撒和羅馬軍隊追捕其頭號敵人龐培至埃及亞歷山卓港的時候,發現他們面臨到了 難題。埃及艦隊切斷了他們的逃生路線,所以凱撒下了一個不尋常又殘酷的決定,那就是放火焚燬所有的船艦。不久,火勢蔓延到了敵方的艦隊,波及了碼頭,還因 此點燃原本準備要出口的易爆性原料。大火燒到了內陸,而亞歷山卓圖書館這座古代最著名的圖書館,結果就這樣付之祝融。
  以上這段文字雖然造就一段慘烈的古老故事,但凱撒的軍隊是否真燒燬亞歷山卓圖書館則未經證實。另外尚有一些其他關於亞歷山卓圖書館被毀的說法,但就和 許多與該圖書館有關的故事一樣,沒有人知道真相。確知的事實是這是首座收藏大量國外歷史書籍的大型圖書館。亞歷山卓圖書館的目標就是儲藏全天下的知識。關 於總藏書量的說法紛紜,有些歷史學家估計館內的紙莎草紙卷軸達 100 萬卷,但有些人則相信是 50 萬卷。除了藏書和卷軸之外,這座圖書館還用來招待學者和利用其廣大的場地作為科學研究之處。雖然我們並不完全清楚亞歷山卓圖書館殞落的真相,但她的影響至 今仍然存在,因為許多大學都以她作為自己校區的藍圖。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (C) 7. (A)

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