Tango lovers received some good news in 2009. The United Nations
declared that the tango was a part of the world's cultural heritage1, which especially pleased Argentina and Uruguay. Despite
recognition for both countries, there had been an old disagreement that lasted for quite some time. Uruguay insisted that this
original music had been created by one of their own in the city of Montevideo. However, Argentina argued that this passionate dance had come from the working classes2 of Buenos Aires in the late 1800s.
In fact, the tango tradition, music and dance alike, was developed in both Montevideo and Buenos Aires by the lower classes3, which included European immigrants4 and descendants5 of African slaves. They mixed with native-born Argentines to create a melting pot6 of cultures, which
resulted in the birth of the tango. The tango has become a part of the cultural identity7 of both countries, and its spirit continues to spread across the globe. Argentina and Uruguay had been arguing about the tango's birthplace for years. Finally, they
set their
differences aside, and their efforts to
convince the United Nations
of the cultural status of the tango paid off. Both countries will continue to
preserve and promote the passionate tradition of the tango.
喜愛探戈的朋友們在2009年得知了一些好消息。聯合國宣佈將探戈納為世界文化遺產的一部份,而這項消息尤其令阿根廷與烏拉圭雀躍不已。儘管兩國皆因 此得到表揚,但雙方之間卻早已為某件事爭論了許久。烏拉圭堅持這個原創的音樂是在蒙特維多城由他們的一位同胞所創作的。然而,阿根廷則主張這種熱情的舞蹈 是源自於1800年代末期身處布宜諾斯艾利斯的勞工階級。
事實上,探戈這項傳統--音樂及舞蹈皆然--是由蒙特維多與布宜諾斯艾利斯兩地的下層階級所共同發展而成,而這些下層階級包括了歐洲移民以及非洲奴隸 的後裔。這些人與阿根廷當地居民融合,產生了一個文化的大熔爐,進而促成探戈的誕生。探戈已經成為兩國人民文化認同感的一部份,其精神也持續傳播至全球各 地。阿根廷和烏拉圭曾為了探戈的發源地爭論了許多年。最後他們拋開歧見,而雙方聯手為了說服聯合國瞭解探戈的文化地位所付出的努力也獲得了回報。今後兩國 也將持續保存及發揚探戈這項熱情奔放的傳統。