Honoring the Caregivers 國際護士節

  For years, nurses have been tending wounds, comforting the sick, and holding hands throughout long nights. They have the tough job of making sure ill people get better. Everyone has at least one memory of a nurse. Perhaps he or she calmed your fears. Maybe she made you laugh. Maybe he saved your life. Because of their dedication, nurses around the world are honored on May 12 with International Nurses Day. This date was chosen because it was the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who many people believe was the founder of modern nursing2.

  To celebrate International Nurses Day, the International Council3 of Nurses creates and distributes kits4. For nurses everywhere, the kits are made up of educational and public information. They are coordinated with the year's theme, which is chosen by the ICN and highlights current health issues. The hope is that the nursing community and the public can fight against diseases, enhance health care, and even better the world. For 2011, the theme is "Closing the Gap5: Increasing Access6 and Equity7." Posters, videos, flyers, and other materials are also created. Some of the past themes for International Nurses Day have been "Women's Heath: Nurses Pave the Way," "Healthy Young People = A Brighter Future," and "Safe Staffing8 Saves Lives."

  Additionally, nursing associations hold events on and around International Nurses Day. These inform the public about what nurses do and why they are so important in our daily lives.

  多年來,護士一直都負責照料傷口、安慰病人並握著他們的手陪他們度過漫漫長 夜。他們所從事的是一份要確保病人康復的艱難工作。每個人的一生中至少會記得一位護士。記得的原因也許是他們撫平了您的恐懼。也許是她讓您開懷大笑。又或 許是他救了您一命。由於他們的犧牲奉獻,全世界的護士都會在五月十二日的國際護士節受到表揚。選定這個日子作為國際護士節是因為這天是佛羅倫斯‧南丁格爾 的生日,有許多人都認為她奠定了現代的護理工作。

  為了慶祝國際護士節,國際護理協會會製作並分發各種套裝資料。這些套裝資料包含了各種教育及公共資訊,是要贈送給世界各地的護士的。它們會與該年度由 國際護理協會所遴選、用以強調當前健康議題的主題做結合。其目的是希望護理界及一般大眾能群起對抗疾病、加強健康照護,甚至是改善這個世界。2011年的 主題是『縮短差距:健康照護之可近性與公平性』。許多海報、影片、傳單和其他宣傳品也會紛紛因應製作發行。國際護士節過去的一些主題包括了『婦女健康,護 理任務』、『健康的青年=燦爛的未來』還有『安全人力,護衛生命』。


1. tend vt. & vi. 照顧,照料(亦常寫為片語 tend to)
Sylvia took time off from work to tend to her mother in the hospital.
2. comfort vt. 安慰
Ann tried to comfort her friend whose son just died.
3. dedication n. 奉獻,投入的心力
Mother Teresa was respected for her dedication to caring for the poor.
4. distribute vt. 分發,分配
Owen helped his teacher distribute questionnaires to his classmates.
5. coordinate vt. 協調,搭配
The interior designer coordinated the color of the furniture with that of the walls.
6. enhance vt. 改進;增加;提高
The success of the last movie the actress starred in enhanced her reputation.
7. better vt. 改善,加強
The mayor took steps to better the situation for the city's working-class citizens.
Phrases for Learning 

pave the way (for...)  (為……)鋪路∕創造可能性
The iPad has paved the way for more advances in digital publishing.
Extra Words 

1. caregiver n. 護理員,看護人員
2. nursing n. 護士∕護理的工作(本文中亦作形容詞用)
3. council n. 委員會;理事會
4. kit n. 一成套的用品∕工具
5. gap n. 差距
6. access n. 接近∕使用的權利
7. equity n. 公平,公正
8. staffing n. 人員配置

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