Flying High with the Flick of a Joystick

Flying High with the Flick of a Joystick 用搖桿翱翔天際

by Leigh Goldberg
The e-volo multicopter takes personal travel to new heights.

  Who wouldn't like to walk out of their house, step into their own vehicle, and fly off into the sky Now, with the _(1)_ of a personal helicopter, a team of German professionals are close to making this happen.
  The e-volo multicopter is not your average helicopter by any means. First, it doesn't have just one propeller. Instead, it has a total of 16. Four are _(2)_ placed on each of the four metallic arms radiating out from the pilot's seat. Second, the uncovered ultralight aircraft weighs around 80 kilograms and can carry a load equal to its own weight. Third, the e-volo is _(3)_ with an almost completely automatic on-board navigation system. The system manages everything from _(4)_ to altitude to balance. The multicopter itself is controlled entirely with a simple video game joystick. Finally, what makes this personal transport vehicle _(5)_ the typical helicopter is that it is powered solely by off-the-shelf lithium-ion batteries. Currently, the e-volo's flight time is _(6)_ to 20 minutes. The creators can _(7)_ that to more than an hour with the integration of a hybrid gas system or increased battery capacity.
  Recently, the engineering team _(8)_ completed a manned flight of their e-volo multicopter prototype. The _(9)_ flight lasted one minute and 30 seconds, with the vehicle taking off, hovering, and landing. The design team is now looking into e-volo's _(10)_ applications, including emergency rescue, sightseeing, and aerial photography and surveillance. Without harmful exhaust fumes or excessive noise, the eco-friendly e-volo multicopter is definitely making the possibility of personal flight for the ordinary person a dream come true.

(A) expand (B) equipped (C) outshine (D) creation (E) historic
(F) direction (G) limited (H) successfully (I) potential (J) strategically

1. Now, with the creation of a personal helicopter, a team of German professionals are close to making this happen.
a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有介詞 of,可知空格內應置入名詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (D) creation(創造)、(F) direction(方向)以及 (I) potential(潛力),惟 creation 置入後符合語意,故選 (D)。
c. creation n. 創造,創作
The creation of cell phones has changed the face of communication.

2. Four are strategically placed on each of the four metallic arms radiating out from the pilot's seat.
a. 空格所在的句子句構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞,修飾其後的過去分詞 placed(被放置)。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (H) successfully(成功地)以及 (J) strategically(策略性地),惟 strategically 置入後符合語意,故選 (J)。
c. strategically
adv. 策略上地;戰略性地
Turkey is strategically located between Europe and Asia.

3. Third, the e-volo is equipped with an almost completely automatic on-board navigation system.
a. 空格前為 be 動詞 is,後為介詞 with,可知空格內應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) equipped(配備有)、(E) historic(有歷史性的)、(G) limited(受限的)以及 (I) potential(可能的),惟 equipped 置入後符合語意,並形成以下固定用法:
be equipped with...  配備有……
The cell phone is equipped with an MP3 player and a camera.
這支手機配有 MP3 播放器和相機。
c. 根據上述,可知 (B) 為正選。

4. The system manages everything from direction to altitude to balance.
a. 空格前後分別為介詞 from 和 to,可知空格內應置入名詞或動名詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (F) direction(方向)和 (I) potential(潛力),惟 direction 置入後符合語意,故選 (F)。

5. Finally, what makes this personal transport vehicle outshine the typical helicopter is that...
a. 空格前有使役動詞 makes(使……)和受詞 this personal transport vehicle(這項個人運輸工具),空格後有名詞詞組 the typical helicopter(一般直昇機),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞,形成動詞片語,作受詞補語。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) expand(擴大)和 (C) outshine(使失色,勝過),惟 outshine 置入後符合語意,可知 (C) 為正選。
c. outshine vt. 勝過,使失色(三態為:outshine, outshone, outshone)
Claire outshone her classmates in the school play.

6. Currently, the e-volo's flight time is limited to 20 minutes.
a. 空格前為 be 動詞 is,後有介詞 to,可知空格內應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (E) historic(有歷史性的)、
(G) limited(受限的)和 (I) potential(可能的),惟 limited 置入後符合語意,故選 (G)。
c. be limited to + NV-ing  被限制在……
Your future is not limited to this company.

7. The creators can expand that to more than an hour with the integration of a hybrid gas system or increased battery capacity.
a. 空格前為助動詞 can,其後有代名詞 that,可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (A) expand(擴充,擴張),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. expand vt. 擴充,擴張
The company set up a branch in Hong Kong to expand its business.

8. Recently, the engineering team successfully completed a manned flight of their e-volo multicopter prototype.
a.空格所在的句子句構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞,以修飾其後的過去式動詞 completed(完成)。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (H) successfully(成功地),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. successfully adv. 順利地,成功地
Dolly the sheep was the world's first successfully cloned mammal.
桃莉羊是史上第 1 隻成功複製的哺乳類。

9. The historic flight lasted one minute and 30 seconds, with the vehicle taking off, hovering, and landing.
a. 空格之前有定冠詞 The,空格之後則有名詞 flight(飛行),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (E) historic(有歷史性的)及 (I) potential(可能的),惟 historic 置入後符合語意,可知應選 (E)。
c. historic a. 有歷史性的,有歷史意義的
The government is trying to attract tourists to the historic part of the city.

10. The design team is now looking into e-volo's potential applications, including emergency rescue, sightseeing, and aerial photography and surveillance.
a. 空格前有所有格 e-volo's(e-volo 的),空格後有名詞 applications(運用),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (I) potential(可能的),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. potential a. 有可能的;有潛力的
Lily regards Jack as a good friend, not a potential boyfriend.

1. any means  絕不是……
= by no means...
Eddie is not a rich man by any means, but he is generous nonetheless.
= Eddie is by no means a rich man, but he is generous nonetheless.

2. a total of + 數字  總共……(數目)
in total  總共
Ted will stay in America for a total of six weeks.
泰德總共會在美國待 6 個星期。
A dozen students in total signed up for the course.
總共有 12 名學生登記修這門課程。

3. radiate vi. 從中心向周圍伸展
The four roads radiate from the center of the town.
這 4 條道路由鎮中心向四周延伸。

4. be equal to...  等於∕相當於……
Bill's pay is not equal to the amount of work he does.

5. navigation n. 導航,航行
This plane is equipped with a high-tech navigation system.

6. transport n. 運輸 & vt. 運送,運輸
A truck will transport all of our furniture to our new house.

7. integration n. 整合
integrate vt. 使結合,使合併
integrate A into B  使 A 併入∕融入 B
I integrated your advice into my plan.

8. take off  (飛機等)起飛
The plane took off on schedule despite the bad weather.

9. look into...  調查…… (= investigate)
My assistant will look into the matter and get back to you as soon as possible.

10. surveillance n. 監視,監督
keep...under surveillance  監視……
The police have kept the pub under surveillance due to suspected illegal drug activity.

11. excessive a. 過度的
Excessive drinking is harmful to your health.

12. a dream come true  美夢成真(作名詞用)
a dream come true(夢想成真)係由 a dream that has come true 化簡而來,且已成習慣用法。
To find a great job is a dream come true for every college graduate.

1. flick n. 輕彈,輕拍
2. joystick n. 操縱桿,搖桿
3. helicopter n. 直昇機
4. multicopter n. 多旋翼飛行器
5. propeller n. 螺旋槳
6. metallic a. 金屬(材質)的
7. uncovered a. 無遮蓋的,無頂的
8. ultralight a. 超輕型的
9. aircraft n. 飛機,飛行器(單複數同形)
10. load n. 裝載量,負載量
11. automatic a. 自動的
12. on-board a. 機載的;車載的
13. altitude n. 海拔,高度
14. solely adv. 僅僅(= only)
15. off-the-shelf a. 現成的
16. lithium-ion battery n. 鋰電池
17. hybrid a. 混合的
18. capacity n. 容量
19. manned a. 由人駕駛∕操縱的
20. prototype n. 原型
21. hover vi. 盤旋
22. application n. 運用
23. aerial a. 空中的
24. exhaust n. 廢氣
25. fume n.(尤指氣味難聞或有害的)煙霧,氣體(常用複數)

e-volo 多旋翼飛行器把個人旅行推向新境界。
  有誰不想走出家門,乘坐自己的飛行器翱翔天際呢?現在,隨著個人直昇機的創意發明,1 個德國的專業團隊即將實現這個願望。
  e-volo 多旋翼飛行器絕不是一般的直昇機。首先,它並不只有 1 個螺旋槳,而總共有 16 個。它策略性地在 4 個由駕駛座延伸出去的金屬機翼上,各安裝 4 具螺旋槳。第二,這種露天的超輕型飛行器僅重約 80 公斤,可以負載和它本身相同的重量。第三,e-volo 配備有接近全自動的機上導航系統。這個系統可以控制每件事,從方向、高度到平衡無所不包。而這架多旋翼飛行器完全用簡單的電動玩具搖桿來操控。最後,讓這 項個人運輸工具勝過一般直昇機的原因在於,它僅用市面上的鋰電池來發電。目前,e-volo 的飛行時間只限 20 分鐘。而隨著混合氣體系統的整合或是電池蓄電量的增加,發明者可以讓飛行時間延長超過 1 個小時。
  最近,工程團隊順利完成真人操控 e-volo 原型機的飛行。這次歷史性的飛行維時 1 分 30 秒,包含起飛、盤旋及降落。設計團隊現在正在調查 e-volo 可能的用途,包含急難救助、觀光以及高空拍照及監控。沒有有害的排放廢氣或過度噪音,環保的 e-volo 絕對能讓一般人的個人飛行美夢成真。

答案:1. (D) 2. (J) 3. (B) 4. (F) 5. (C) 6. (G) 7. (A) 8. (H) 9. (E) 10. (I)

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