Allison: Kate Reddy? I've known her six years. Smartest girl I know. And a heart of gold, too. All us working mothers feel like we're spinning 50 plates in the air at once, but Kate, you can give her ten more plates, all the size of manhole covers, and she just keeps going. --- Kate: I read once that the key to juggling is not catching, but throwing. So I just kept throwing, and throwing, and throwing.〔……〕See, the other basic rule of juggling is that what goes up...must come down. --- Kate: I know you look at me and you see a mess, a hurry, a giant un-tweezed eyebrow, I am walking birth control. --- Allison: A man announces he's going to leave the office to be with a child, and he is hailed as a selfless, doting, paternal role model. A woman announces that she's going to leave the office to be with a child on its sick bed, and she is damned as disorganized, irresponsible, and showing insufficient commitment. 〔……〕At work, when you act like one of the boys, they call you abrasive and difficult. So you act like a woman, and they say you're emotional and difficult. So difficult is really just the word for anything that isn't a man. | 愛莉森:凱特蕾蒂?我認識她六年了,她很聰明也有副好心腸。我們這些職業母親總覺得正在空中同時耍著五十個盤子,但凱特,她可以再多耍十個,而且都跟下水道蓋那樣大,她還是可以照耍沒問題。 --- 凱特:我曾經讀過,「雜耍」時最重要的是不是接而是拋,所以我拼命的拋、拋、拋。〔……〕不過,「雜耍」另一個基本的規則就是,你丟上去什麼,它總會掉下來的。 --- 凱特:我知道你看我總是弄得一團亂,總是匆匆忙忙,不修眉毛,就像個活生生的避孕警示。 --- 愛莉森:若一個男人說,他為了照顧孩子而請假,他會被歌頌為無私、寵愛孩子的模範父親。若一個女人說,她為了照顧孩子而請假,她會被視為不 會帶小孩、不負責任、對小孩照顧不周。〔……〕在職場上,若妳表現得像個男人,他們會說你很大剌剌又難搞;但若妳表現得像女人,他們會說情緒化又難搞。所 以,我想「難搞」這個形容詞只適用在男人以外的生物上。 |