People who
are totally
into cuteness should go check out Siku the baby polar bear online. Born in November 2011, Siku has become a worldwide
sensation, with
viral videos and thousands of Facebook fans. Siku, whose name means ice in
Greenlandic, lives at the
Scandinavian Wildlife Park in Denmark. The zookeepers
responsible for his care have been posting pictures of the
adorable little
furball on his Facebook page, along with videos and updates.
Since his mother could not produce milk, Siku had to be hand-fed with a bottle. At first, his
handlers were not sure if Siku would even
take to the bottle. However, he has
responded well and is now
thriving. He doubled in size and weighed three kilograms in December, and he tripled that in February of 2012, with a weight of nine kilograms. By the time he is fully grown, Siku will weigh around 500 kilograms and stand three meters tall.
Siku is not just about cuteness. With Polar Bears International, Siku asks that people do more to reduce their
carbon footprints for their future's
sake. Siku really brings cheer into the world in more ways than one.
1. According to the article, which of the following is NOT true? (A) Siku is loved by people all over the world.
(B) Pictures and videos of Siku have been taken and posted on Facebook by his handlers.
(C) The name Siku means ice in Greenlandic.
(D) Siku now weighs 500 kilograms and stands three meters tall.
2. What is Polar Bears International trying to do? (A) Attract more tourists to the zoo where Siku lives.
(B) Train handlers on how to hand-feed baby polar bears.
(C) Raise people's awareness about global warming.
(D) Find families to font color="E051041A">
adopt polar bears in the wild.