A Worthwhile Cause  遏止愛滋,履行承諾

by Marcus Maurice

World AIDS Day is an opportunity to focus on a major problem around the world.

  The idea of choosing a day to simply bring attention to a cause might seem like a small thing. For important issues like AIDS, though, it is not enough that only researchers and doctors are _(1)_ the problem. People all over the world need to know about the situation. With World AIDS Day, the hope is to raise _(2)_ of AIDS and the difficulties people living with HIV and AIDS have.
  In 1988, the World Health Organization _(3)_ December 1 World AIDS Day during a summit for AIDS prevention. It has _(4)_ been put into practice by governments and organizations around the world. The object of this day is to shed light on the myths about AIDS and to publicize the fact that there are an _(5)_ 33.4 million children and adults living with HIV and AIDS. Each year around World AIDS Day, charities and organizations have seminars, classes, and fundraisers with the focus on AIDS research.
  From the start of the first World AIDS Day, each year has had a slogan. This year's will _(6)_ the last few years' highly successful slogan, "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise." This was decided on because 2010 is the year in which governments the world over promised to provide universal access _(7)_ HIV treatment. On December 1 of this year, take the time to talk about how serious the AIDS epidemic is as a way to honor World AIDS Day.

1. (A) coming across(B) filling out(C) taking after(D) working on
2. (A) guidance    (B) awareness(C) response(D) celebration
3. (A) declared    (B) measured(C) notified(D) exposed
4. (A) once    (B) after(C) since(D) until
5. (A) estimating(B) estimated(C) estimation(D) estimates
6. (A) relieve  (B) recall(C) repeat(D) remind
7. (A) to    (B) from(C) of    (D) with

1. For important issues like AIDS, though, it is not enough that only researchers and doctors are working on the problem.
a. (A) come across... 偶然遇見……;無意中發現……
例: Jack came across his ex-girlfriend at the bookstore.
例: Gary came across a wallet with NT$10,000 inside of it this morning.
(B) fill out...  填寫……(表格等)
= fill in...
例: Edward filled out the application while he waited to be interviewed.
(C) take after...  (外表)像……
例: I take after my mother, while my brother takes after my father.
(D) work on...  致力於……;著手……
例: Diane spent the whole night working on her homework assignments.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

2. With World AIDS Day, the hope is to raise awareness of AIDS and the difficulties people living with HIV and AIDS have.
a. (A) guidance n. 指導,指引
under one's guidance  在某人的指導下
例: Under Mr. Chung's guidance, John's English has improved.
(B) awareness n. 察覺,體認
raise awareness of...  喚起對於……的意識;使更進一步了解……
例: This commercial raised awareness of breast cancer.
(C) response n. 反應,回應(其後通常與介詞 to 並用)
例: Currently, the public's response to the mayor's new measures is positive.
(D) celebration n. 慶祝
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B),表藉著世界愛滋病日,希望大眾能對愛滋病、以及感染 HIV 的人和愛滋病患者所面臨的困難有更進一步的『了解』。

3. In 1988, the World Health Organization declared December 1 World AIDS Day during a summit for AIDS prevention.
a. (A) declare vt. 宣佈
declare A (to be) B  宣佈 A 為 B
例: The president declared the city a disaster zone after the earthquake.
(B) measure vt. 測量
(C) notify vt. 通知
notify sb of sth  通知某人某事
= inform sb of sth
例: Please notify me of your safe return.
(D) expose vt. 使接觸;使暴露
expose sb/sth to + N/V-ing  使某人∕某物接觸∕暴露於……
例: Traveling exposes you to different cultures.
b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (A),表在愛滋病防預計劃的高峰會議上,世界衛生組織『宣佈』 12 月 1 號為世界愛滋病日。

4. It has since been put into practice by governments and organizations around the world.
a. 空格前為完成式助動詞 has,後有過去分詞 been,因此空格內應置入副詞。選項 (D) until(直到……時)為介詞或連接詞,故不可選。
b. 選項 (A) once(曾經、一度)及 (B) after(之後)雖可作副詞,但 (A) 置入後語意不合,而 (B) 則無置於完成式助動詞之後的用法,故均不可選。
c. 選項 (C) since(從那時起、自此以後)作副詞時,可用來修飾完成式的句子,since 則可置於句尾或句中完成式助動詞 have、has、had 之後。
例: Jimmy and I met five years ago, and we have since become good friends.
(吉米和我 5 年前相識,從那時起我們就變成了好朋友。)
d. 根據上述,故選 (C)。

5. The object of this day is...to publicize the fact that there are an estimated 33.4 million children and adults living with HIV and AIDS.
a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:
an estimated + 數字  估計有……(數目)
例: People will spend an estimated US$4 billion on junk food next year.
(估計明年會有 40 億美元消費在垃圾食物上。)
b. 根據上述,故選 (B)。

6. This year's will repeat the last few years' highly successful slogan, "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise."
a. (A) relieve vt. 解除,緩和
例: This medicine will relieve your toothache.
(B) recall vt. 回想,回憶
例: I can't recall what he just told me.
(C) repeat vt. 重複
例: Excuse me. Can you repeat your question?
(D) remind vt. 提醒;使想起
remind sb to V  提醒某人(做)……
remind sb of...  使某人想起……
例: You have to remind Jane to take out the garbage, or she'll forget.
例: You remind me of my high school teacher.
b. 根據語意,故選 (C),表今年的口號則是『繼續沿用』過去幾年相當成功的『遏止愛滋,履行承諾。』

7. ...because 2010 is the year in which governments the world over promised to provide universal access to HIV treatment.
a. access n. 接近;管道;途徑
* access 其後通常與介詞 to 並用。
例: Students have access to the swimming pool as long as they show their IDs.
b. 根據上述,故選 (A)。

1. worthwhile a. 值得(做)的
It is worthwhile to V  做……是值得的
= It pays to V
例: It is worthwhile to take some time to exercise every day.

2. bring attention to + N/V-ing  使……獲得注意
例: Hopefully, this terrible accident will bring attention to the importance of seatbelts.

3. be put into practice  被付諸實行
put...into practice  將……付諸實行
例: It is sometimes difficult to put theory into practice.

4. shed light on...  澄清……;闡明……
例: The teacher's explanation shed light on the meaning of the difficult poem.

5. publicize vt. 宣揚,宣傳
例: The local government did its best to publicize its new policy.

6. keep the/one's promise(s)  信守(某人的)承諾
break the/one's promise(s)  違背(某人的)承諾
例: I have to keep my promise and meet Cindy at 5:00 PM.
(我得遵守承諾,在下午 5 點和辛蒂碰面。)
例: Mark never breaks his promises.

7. decide on...  選定……
例: Jeremy couldn't decide on a major, so he turned to his father for advice.

8. honor vt. 紀念;表揚
例: They honored the world's top scientists at that conference.

1. cause n. 主張,目標
2. HIV  人體免疫缺乏病毒,愛滋病毒
= human immunodeficiency virus
immunodeficiency n. 免疫缺乏
virus n. 濾過性病毒
3. summit n. 高峰會議
4. prevention n. 預防
5. object n. 目的,宗旨
6. seminar n. 研討會
7. fundraiser n. 募款活動
8. slogan n. 口號,標語
9. universal a. 普遍的;一般的
10. treatment n. 治療(法)
11. epidemic n. 傳染病,流行病
all over the world  世界各地
= around the world
= across the world
= throughout the world
= the world over

單純為了引起大眾注意某件事而選擇一天作為紀念日,這看起來或許微不足道,但對於 像愛滋病這種重大議題而言,光靠研究人員及醫生努力解決問題是不夠的。世界各地的人都有必要了解情況。藉著世界愛滋病日,希望大眾能對愛滋病、以及感染 HIV 的人和愛滋病患者所面臨的困難有更進一步的了解。
  1988 年,在愛滋病防預計劃的高峰會議上,世界衛生組織宣佈 12 月 1 號為世界愛滋病日。全球各國政府及相關組織從此便將之付諸實行。世界愛滋病日的目的主要是揭開關於愛滋病的神秘面紗,並讓大家知道以下這個事實,就是目前 估計約有 3 千 3 百 40 萬大人與小孩感染 HIV 和罹患愛滋病。每年在世界愛滋病日前後,慈善團體及機構都會舉行針對愛滋病相關研究的研討會、課程以及募款活動。
  自從第一屆的世界愛滋病日制訂以來,每年都會有一個口號。今年的口號則是繼續沿用過去幾年相當成功的『遏止愛滋,履行承諾。』選用此口號是因為世界各 國政府承諾在 2010 這年提供普及的 HIV 治療管道。今年 12 月 1 號這天,花點時間討論愛滋病這種傳染病的嚴重性,來作為紀念世界愛滋病日的方式吧。

答案:1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (A)

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