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Love Is in the Air  愛在春意正濃時

Love is still in the air even though Valentine's Day has passed. Every year,different customs mark this day. In England and Italy, some women rise before daybreak on February 14 and stand in _(1)_ at the window. These hopeful women believe that the first man who _(2)_ will be their future husband. In Japan, the day is celebrated on two _(3)_ days. On February 14, a young woman will give chocolates to the man she _(4)_. Then, on March 14, also known as White Day, young men will give gifts to their admirers _(5)_ for the favor.

  After the love is won, what happens next? _(6)_ courting is over, couples of different nationalities have interesting wedding rituals. _(7)_, in Colombia,all of the unmarried men at a wedding will put one of their shoes under the bride's wedding gown. The groom will then choose one shoe, and Colombians say the _(8)_ of this shoe will be the next one to marry. At Greek weddings,guests _(9)_ plates into pieces as a symbol of good luck. An African tradition that has made its way to other shores is for the bride and groom to jump over a broom at the end of the wedding ceremony. This is a _(10)_ leap into their new life together.

  Whether you have a special someone or are on the lookout for one,February can still be an enjoyable opportunity to eat heart-shaped candy and hope for a year full of love.
——by Julia Koprak

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中國時報 2008.06.21

靠行Google成風潮 建網站變容易




     「一起去」旅遊意向網 (ok17go)是在Google架構上建置的新網站,旅遊意向網工程師李開文表示,這個網站結合Google Talk、Gmail、Google地圖與Google地球,以全方位服務的形式,讓用戶可在網路上規畫行程,並互相分享旅遊經驗。他說,有Google 在背後支援,他們不必購買大型設備,而且可使用免費的自由軟體工具做開發,建網站變得很容易。

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這樣就好 快樂學



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澳門馬上GO! 漫步路線8 @仔

撰文∣曾靜葳 攝影∣蘇俊億

超炫!澳門漫步8路線 66個吃喝玩買熱點

本期《行遍天下》精選澳門最經典8條漫步路線、非去不可66個吃玩買熱點、7家全球矚目飯店必享全攻略TOP70、澳門達人掏心掏肺傳授「MUST TRY」口訣!另外,再加惠「澳客」,精心打造深圳、珠海二日遊,讓澳門行歡樂、趣味無限延伸!

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The Spirit of Spain 熱情洋溢西班牙

Spain looks pretty small on a world map, but this country has produced an extraordinary culture.


by Luke Dodds and Matthew Brown

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男性更年期不適 藥膳調養補腎安神



很多人只知道女性更年期,因為可藉由月經的停止來幫助判斷,但是男性亦有更年期的困擾,卻無法靠自己體徵變化來確定,其實男性更年期(male climateric或 Andropause)很容易被誤診成其他疾病,因此常被忽視。

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打死不離父子兵 讓百年品牌回春



文/李郁怡 攝影/楊文財

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When most people are asked to name their favorite flavor of ice cream, the decision often comes down to chocolate or vanilla. In the world of rock and roll, the question is as equally basic for guitar players choosing an electric instrument: Gibson Les Paul or Fender Stratocaster?

  The debate over which guitar is superior has raged since the very beginnings of rock and roll. Famous guitarists who have chosen the Les Paul, or "Paul" for short, include Taiwan's legendary rock star, Wu Bai, as well as the guitarist for Linkin Park. Those who prefer the Stratocaster, or "Strat," include Sting and the late Jimi Hendrix. Even teenagers practicing alone in their bedrooms are prepared to argue in favor of the Strat or the Paul, regardless of whether they can afford to buy either instrument.

  The Les Paul is the instrument of choice for guitarists who prefer a sound that's thick, heavy, or fat. The Strat, on the other hand, appeals to players who want a sound that's bluesy or "spacey." When the first Strat was produced in 1954, it became an instant classic. The earliest Strats now command up to US$25,000 when placed on the market. Vintage Pauls are even more collectable, occasionally fetching up to a quarter of a million dollars. Also, still in demand is Les Paul himself, the man whose design was the basis for the Paul, and who still plays in public every week at the age of 90.
——by Lucien Crowder

1. In rock and roll, people argue about _____.

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Boating in Taiwan 『船』承台灣

 Boating1 has long been a part of Taiwan and its surrounding islands. Almost everyone has been on a boat while fishing, competing, or getting from place to place. After all, Taiwan is an island in the Pacific Ocean and it has many rivers. However, boating isn't just about the boats we see on the water today. It also involves cultural traditions. To really know about boating in Taiwan, we have to look at both the past and the present.

These days, high-tech boat-making businesses are appearing all over Taiwan. They specialize in everything from basic parts to custom-made2 boats. So, whether you need an anchor3, a yacht4, or a floating dock5, it can all be found here. Together, these businesses are helping Taiwan make a name for itself in the international boat-making world.

In the past, wooden boats were always made by hand. This tradition is still an important activity for many of the native peoples of Taiwan. The Yami, who live on Orchid6 Island, are especially famous for their handmade boats. Each boat is carved from one large tree, and there are two main styles. One type is a 10-man boat that is used during the flying fish season. The other is a two-person boat that is used for everyday needs, and most families have one. Making a boat is a group effort. Yet, it is up to the master builder to make sure everything is done appropriately.

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