
目前分類:英語好好玩 (651)

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【對白解析】 擁抱豔陽天:《里約大冒險》
導演:Carlos Saldanha
文 / 萬修安
Linda: Are you all right?
Tulio: I’m not really built for this weather.

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Fitness the Army Way 塑身新兵營

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The Right Way to Take Vitamins 服用維他命有撇

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【對白解析】 解開阿波的身世之迷:《功夫熊貓2》
導演:Jennifer Yuh
文 / Gina Wang
Po: Master Shifu, what do we got? Pirates? Vandals of Volcano Mountain? Whatever it is, l will take them down. 'Cause l am in the mood. l need to get something done, you know what l mean?

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Like Me! Like Me! 給我一個讚!

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文.朱立群 圖.林格立





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Celebrating the Luck of the Irish 綠色嘉年華

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【對白解析】 女傭的秘密心事:《姊妹》
導演:Tate Taylor
文 / Gina Wang
Aibileen: I loved that baby. And he loved me. That's when I learned I could make children feel proud of theyself. Alton used to always be asking me how come I was black. Just ate him up. And one time, I told him it was because I drank too much coffee. You should have seen his face.

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A Cake to Remember 難忘的噁心蛋糕

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Flying High with the Flick of a Joystick

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The Witch Doctor Will See You Now 有請巫醫

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【別看字幕】 愛與勇氣的冒險:《納尼亞傳奇:黎明行者號》
導演:Michael Apted
文 / Lydia
Lucy: Do you really believe there’s such a place? (Aslan’s country)
Reepicheep: Well, we have nothing if not belief.


Reepicheep: As effervescent as ever, I see. Find your sea legs?

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Classified 高度機密

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文•張瓊方 圖•林格立





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【對白解析】 英雄的孤獨與幻夢:《飆風雷哥》
導演:Gore Verbinski
文 / 謝璇、Gina Wang
Rango: I know who I am. I'm the guy, the protagonist, the hero. Every story needs a hero. I mean, who else is better qualified to bask in the adulation of his numerous companions? The stage is waiting. The audience thirsts for adventure. Who am I? I could be anyone.〔……〕 That's it! Conflict. Victor, you were right. I have been undefined. People, I've had an epiphany. The hero cannot exist in a vacuum! What our story needs is an ironic, unexpected event that will propel the hero into conflict!

Rango: I'm from the West. Out there, beyond the horizon. Past the sunset. The Far West. The place I come from, we kill a man before breakfast just to work up an appetite. Then we salt him, and we pepper him. Then we braise him in clarified butter. And then we eat him. Hell, I’ve seen things make a grown man lose control of his glandular functions! You spend three days in a horse carcass, living off your own juices. It'll change a man. So, no, my hirsute little rodent friend, I am not from around these parts. You might say I'm from everywhere there's trouble brewing and hell waiting to be raised. You might say I'm what hell's already raised up. Name's Rango.
雷哥:我知道我是誰,我是大人物、是主角、英雄。每個故事都需要一個英 雄,而誰比我更有資格被數不清的同伴崇拜?好戲正要上場,觀眾等不及要踏上冒險旅程。我是誰?我想成為誰都可以。〔……〕沒錯,衝突!維特,你說的對,我 角色並不明確,大夥兒,我剛才靈光乍現,英雄不能與世孤絕!我們的故事要有反差和意外,逼得英雄面對衝突!

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A War with Post-Its 便利貼大戰

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Destination: Whistler, Canada 前進加拿大惠斯勒

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文.李珊 圖.莊坤儒





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Fresh This Season 時令蔬果最新鮮

by Owain Mckimm
Why do strawberries taste different in the summer and the winter?

  The fruits and vegetables in local supermarkets usually remain unchanged throughout the year. _(1)_ However, it's also clear that the flavors of these out-of-season fruits are lacking in comparison with those of in-season ones.
  How can the lank, patchy spinach of winter possibly compare to the thick-leaved, juicy spinach of spring and summer? There is even a difference in their nutritional values. _(2)_ The reason for this is that the fruits and vegetables delivered to supermarkets out of season are either shipped from other parts of the world or grown in the artificial conditions of greenhouses. These foods are usually harvested before the produce is suitably ripe, refrigerated, and sometimes zapped with radiation to kill germs before the lengthy transportation process. _(3)_ Foods that have been carried halfway around the world have duller colors and blander flavors, not to mention insipid textures.
  Another important factor to consider when choosing seasonal foods is the simple matter of price. _(4)_ Thus, local farmers' markets are great places to buy fruits freshly picked and vegetables straight from the ground. Moreover, prices will reflect the supply and demand of seasonal foods. _(5)_ When figuring out what to cook for dinner, check to make sure it's in season first.

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