


1830 年,科學家們首次由胡蘿蔔中分離出一種黃色色素,將之命名為胡蘿蔔素。到了1919年,科學家們才將體內β­­-胡蘿蔔素轉換成維他命A的過程搞清楚。長久以來人們只是把β­­-胡蘿蔔素當成維生素A看待,因為β­­-胡蘿蔔素可以作為轉換成維生素A的先質。隨著抗氧化理論的盛行,β­­-胡蘿蔔素終於脫離配角的地位,榮登「抗氧化家族」的閃亮舞台,擔任起台柱的角色。  




在蔬菜中,維生素A是以「維他命原、維他命前趨物」的型態,存在於黃色色素β­­-胡蘿蔔素中,因此也有人將β­­-胡蘿蔔素稱為「植物性維生素A」。 β­­-胡蘿蔔素是由兩個具有活性分子的視黃醛(維生素A的主要活性成分),相互結合而成。因為β­­-胡蘿蔔素無法有效的代謝成為維生素A,因此在相同重量下,β­­-胡蘿蔔素作為維生素A來源的效率,僅為視黃醛的六分之一。 


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抗氧化劑能減少人體因環境污染,過多紫外線及壓力所引起的損害而產生的"自由基"。根據美國加州醫藥學院及西乃山(Mount Sainai)醫學院之研究,提出"自由基"都是有一個急于配對的電子,會設法從另個分子組合中奪取一個電子。這個分子即是細胞,於是這層細胞就不穩定,同時可引發足以傷害重要細胞架構的連鎖回應,累積的細胞損害便在人體內外呈現老態。最明顯的就是皺紋及腎功能衰退。


依照這理論攝取含維生素A(Beta 胡蘿蔔素)CE、微量元素硒的ATX能預防自由基引起的傷害,提升抵抗力,使肝功能正常、肝硬化復原,並防止哮喘、癌症、中風、心臟病、血壓高、糖尿病、白內障、青光眼、關節炎、柏金森症、老人痴呆症、消除老人斑等未老先衰的症狀。


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雷達波輻射防護片TM 是一個利用先進的雷達波吸收和隱形技術而開發出來的獨特裝置。該技術曾經為美國國防部專用,現已用於專利產品雷達波輻射防護片,由此創造出一種技術先進的電話輻射防護裝置,能吸收無線電話的耳機部位所釋放出的輻射,結果使微波輻射減少的程度高達98%



雷達波輻射防護片Stealth Radar Shield


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工商時報 2008.02.12 







工商時報 2008.02.12 

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Blue Ocean Strategy






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Big Beautiful Blogs  無所不在的部落格


Most people want to express themselves and feel like they're being heard. One of the easiest ways of doing this is through online personal journal publishing, or blogging. Blogs are an easy way to reach a large audience and share information.

There are millions of blogs all over the world, each made to reflect individual preferences and tastes. The blogger (the person who is blogging) can design their own web page, update their journals as often as they wish, choose the color scheme, and add photographs. The blogger is the designer, writer, and editor.

Blogs are also a useful means of communication. A blogger can choose to make the blog accessible to everyone, or a select group of readers. People who have trouble keeping in touch can use blogs as a way for friends to check in and see how the writer is doing. Readers can also be allowed to comment on the entries, allowing the writer to have feedback on their journal.

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Taiwan to the World  綻放真台灣


In cooperation with the Government Information Office, National Geographic Channels International has given the world a gift. Taiwan to the World is a snapshot of the wonderful culture that makes this island so unique.

Paul knows that death is knocking at his door and that there's little time left before he has to answer it. Georgia 's husband passed away last year, leaving her a widow with a 10-month-old baby to raise. Spirit Talk brings Paul and Georgia together on their quest for answers. Paul is looking at death, while Georgia is searching for ways to communicate with her beloved late husband. Spirit Talk is just one of the highly acclaimed documentaries in Taiwan to the World on the National Geographic Channel.

Some consider pigeons a delicacy, while others see them as dirty nuisances. For pigeon racers, these birds are tickets to wealth. Enter the world of pigeon racing, a national sport that can make an enthusiast a millionaire. In The Pigeon Game, the spotlight is put on this lucrative sport and the 30,000-plus fans that enjoy it.

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Wash and Read  閱讀新體驗

After a demanding day, nothing is as relaxing as soaking in a tub of soapy water while reading a novel. You towel off your fingers before carefully turning each page. Suddenly you lose your grip, _(1)_ your novel into the bathtub. Within a fraction of a second, it is ruined and you're left with a soggy mess.

This tragic end to your book could have been avoided completely
_(2)_ the book been manufactured with technology used in the production of DuraBooks. Developed by Melcher Media, DuraBooks are tough, waterproof, and the most revolutionary _(3)_ in the publishing industry in years. The trick in producing a waterproof novel _(4)_ in finding a binding that can withstand being submerged. When most bindings hit water, they _(5)_. The only way to produce a waterproof book is to develop a water-resistant binding.

Other than the bathtub reader, who else would benefit
_(6)_ a waterproof book? Cooks in kitchens could easily wipe away sauces and spills. Auto enthusiasts could flip through a repair manual without fear of leaving behind oily fingerprints. Scuba divers could even _(7)_ various species of marine life by looking at a picture from a book rather than relying on their memory. Just like the number of books, the uses for DuraBooks are endless.

——by Jerri Graham

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Australia's unique and diverse cities are part of its appeal. Sydney , the largest urban area in Australia , is one of the continent's prime destinations. A picturesque port city, Sydney boasts top-notch tourist accommodations and state-of-the-art facilities. Almost as large, the business-oriented Melbourne is also a hit with travelers. Boasting breathtaking landscapes as well as excellent dining, nightlife, and parks, Melbourne is a must-see for any visitor. With its golden beaches for residents and vacationers alike, Brisbane on the east coast is the nation's playground.

The people of Australia are fond of sports and outdoor activities, so there are innumerable opportunities for sports enthusiasts here. By and large, Australians are extremely friendly. With the great number of tourists visiting each year, Australians are accustomed to welcoming foreigners to their land. With a good social security program and a reasonable cost of living, Australia continues to attract droves of fun-loving visitors and new immigrants.

Though located far from East Asia, Europe, and the Americas , Australia attracts and impresses all who visit. Travelers who have made the journey come away with a new spring in their step. Australia is a mix of old and new where the great grandchildren of European settlers dwell alongside descendants of people who have lived on the land since the dawn of time. With the government's involvement in numerous international cooperative agreements, the future is looking bright for this continent. Progressive, diligent, and generous, a relatively small number of Australians have made Australia a major player on the world stage.

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No matter where in the world you go, facial attractiveness is a top priority for many people. Some even spend hours staring at themselves in front of the mirror. _(1)_ While beauty may only be in the eye of the beholder, when it comes to faces, research shows that certain qualities contribute to their overall attractiveness. This may explain why celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez, and Angelina Jolie are considered attractive all over the world.

  _(2)_ This means that there is the perfect amount of space between their eyes, nose, cheekbones, and mouth. Plato wrote that the "width of an ideal face would be 2/3 its length while a nose would be no longer than the distance between the eyes." _(3)_

  In an experiment conducted at the University of Louisville, Plato's theory was proved correct. In the study, participants were shown pictures of Latinos, Asians, and Whites from 13 different countries. _(4)_ Evidence also suggests that our preference to see faces that are balanced begins from a very early age. In a different test, infants preferred to stare at pictures of symmetrical faces rather than asymmetrical ones.

  In their desire to have a perfect face, some people resort to plastic surgery. _(5)_ But when all is said and done, the beauty that is of greatest importance actually lies within.

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第一部 速度篇
on speed


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兩岸風雲:林毅夫 急著與時間賽跑的人生  撰文:宋秉忠




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話題人物:彭汪嘉康 台灣癌症之母的人生傳奇  撰文:周啟東
超越逆境 人生的果實更甘甜




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