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Four Wheels and a Board滑板——衝浪者的突發奇想

In the 1950s, surfing1 had taken off in America. But there was one problem with waiting for the perfect wave—sometimes it just wouldn't come. On days when the ocean was flat, surfers still longed for the feeling of riding on top of the water. Eventually, a surfer took the wheels off of a pair of roller skates2 and attached four of them to his surfboard. While it wasn't perfect, this was the beginning of what would later be known as skateboarding3.

  By the 1960s, makers were producing skateboards and sold 50 million of them in just three years. Soon, some experts claimed that skateboards were unsafe, which caused sales to slow. In the 1970s, though, with the invention of a kick tail4 and new material for the wheels, skateboarding started becoming popular again. Skate parks were constructed and many new tricks were developed during this time. However, it wasn't until the 1980s and 1990s that skateboarding became a mainstream5 sport. Skaters were doing amazing tricks in big competitions that were attended by thousands of people. Skateboarding is now a sport that captures people's attention worldwide, all thanks to the cleverness of one surfer who got tired of waiting for waves.

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何大一現任紐約洛克斐勒大學艾倫‧戴蒙德愛滋病研究中心主任,而正在進行第二期臨床試驗的TMB-355,正是透過他的牽 線,由2007年9月成立的宇昌生技,以現金5,000萬美元外加5,000萬美元等值股票,向1976年創立的全美第一家生技公司Genentech買 進專利。今年3月,宇昌改組更名為中裕新藥,董事長則由熟稔全球生技產業生態的中天生技董座路孔明出任。



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The Bloody Tower  倫敦塔血淚史

by Sebastian Bitticks
England's greatest historical landmark has a violent history.

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Amazon Rainforest地球的守護者——亞馬遜雨林

Biodiversity is vital for many reasons, one of which is medicine. Many drugs that we use to cure illness and fight disease are made from plants in the rainforests. That is why scientists always do tests on plants that are newly found there. If the rainforests keep disappearing, we might lose the chance to find cures for certain diseases. Aside from medicine, there is the beauty of the rainforests and the creatures that live there. When the rainforests are gone, they will be gone forever. The same goes for plants and animals. Those that become extinct will never be seen again.

  The millions and millions of trees and plants in the rainforests help to clean carbon dioxide1 out of the air. This reduces air pollution and helps keep the Earth clean. However, the life of the Amazon rainforest is being seriously threatened. Climate change2 is one problem that makes it harder and harder for the rainforest to survive. Another is farming3. People have been cutting down the trees to clear the land so that they can use it for farming. Deforestation4 causes great damage to rainforests. Although it is important that people can grow food on farms, it is equally important to save the Amazon rainforest. Researchers believe that within 20 years, 40 percent of the current Amazon rainforest will be lost forever. Therefore, we should make every effort to protect this natural treasure before it is too late.

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The Reverse Bungee反向高空彈跳,一起衝上天吧!

by Joshua Samuel Brown
Up, up, and awaaaaaaaay!!!!

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The Way of Witches神秘的巫師之道 Most young people in Taiwan are familiar with the main characters in the "Harry Potter" series. They are witches as well as heroes in the books. However, there was a time when being a witch was thought of as a terrible thing. People even died because they had been accused of being witches.   Stories about witches exist in most countries in the world. They are often thought to be people who possess magical1 powers. In the West2, witches were even considered to be friends of the Devil3 that used their powers to do bad things.   These witches were often people who went against the rules of society. In other words, they lived a very different lifestyle. In every society, people are afraid of things which they cannot understand. Even in modern times, people are treated cruelly for being different from others.   People used to organize witch hunts in the past. Those who acted differently would be seen as witches and put on trial. More often than not, the victims of these witch hunts were women. If they admitted to being witches, they might be let go. If they didn't, they would be killed. We still use the term witch hunt today. It describes a situation where people try to accuse others of doing bad things without any proof4 or convincing reasons. Building Your Vocabulary 1. accuse vt. 指控;指責 Jo was angry that he was accused of lying. 對於被人指責說謊,阿喬感到很生氣。 2. possess vt. 擁有;持有 It is illegal to possess a gun in this country. 在這個國家持有槍械是違法的。 3. organize vt. 籌劃,籌辦 We will organize a book fair this winter. 我們將在今年冬天籌辦一場書展。 4. convincing a. 令人信服的 The excuse Eddie gave wasn't convincing. 艾迪所給的藉口難以令人信服。 Phrases for Learning 1. in other words  換句話說 Vic was angry when he saw me with Tim. In other words, he was jealous. 維克看見我和提姆在一起時很生氣。換句話說,他吃醋了。 2. on trial  受到審判 The man was on trial for murder. 那個男子因謀殺而受到審判。 3. more often than not  通常 More often than not, we eat curry for lunch. 通常我們中餐都會吃咖哩。 4. admit to + 動名詞∕名詞  承認…… Carrie rarely admits to her mistakes. 凱莉鮮少會承認犯錯。 Extra Words 1. magical a. 有魔力的;魔法的 2. the West n. 西方社會,西方世界 3. the Devil n.(基督教中的)撒旦 4. proof n. 證據;證明 Tips In Use ...witches were even considered to be friends of the Devil... (……巫師甚至被當作是撒旦的朋友……) be considered (to be)...  被認為(是)…… = be thought of as... = be seen as... = be regarded as... = be viewed as... = be looked upon as... Michael was considered (to be) one of the best dancers in the world. = Michael was regarded as one of the best dancers in the world. (麥可被視為是世上最棒的舞者之一。) 中文翻譯 台灣的年輕人大多對《哈利波特》系列裡的主角們都相當熟悉。在書中,他們既是巫師也是英雄。不過曾有一段時期,身為巫師卻被視為是一件糟糕的事。有人甚至因遭指控為巫師而喪命。   世界多數國家中都存在著關於巫師的故事。他們常被認為是一群擁有法力的人。在西方世界,巫師甚至被當作是撒旦的朋友,並且會用他們的法力為非作歹。   這些巫師通常是不按社會規範行事的人。換句話說,他們的生活方式有別於他人。在每個社會裡,人們都很畏懼他們所不瞭解的事物。甚至到了現代,仍有人會因為異於他人而遭到殘酷的對待。   在古代,人們曾經發起過witch hunt(獵巫行動)。那些行為舉止較為不同的人會被認定是巫師而被抓去受審。這些行動的受害者通常是女性。如果她們承認自己是巫師就可能被釋放。如果不認罪,她們就會被處死。時至今日,我們仍沿用witch hunt一詞。它是用來形容人們在沒有任何證據或充分理由的情況下,試圖指控他人犯罪。 from 常春藤生活英語 ( HTML 圖文版 )

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The Master  藝術大師——畢卡索

by Marcus Maurice
"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."

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Why We Love to Grill一家烤肉萬家香

From yakiniku in Japan to shashlik in Russia, churrasco in Brazil to braai in South Africa, everyone loves a good barbecue. With centuries-old recipes and various traditions, no country or culture can claim the BBQ as their own. In America, however, thousands of people are trying hard to change that. The goal is to make the perfect barbecue and make it American.

  The KCBS, Kansas City Barbecue Society1, doesn't have a long history. What it has, though, is 10,000 members, which makes it the largest society for barbecuing on the planet. Their aim is to make American barbecue the absolute best in the world.

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To Catch a Killer  緝兇功臣──鑑識科學

by Jeremy Beacock
Modern forensic science has its roots in China.

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Apocalypse: The Second World War二次大戰啟示錄

by Marcus Maurice
A new series on NGC uncovers lost footage shot during World War II.

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Lion Army獅子大軍

This month, NGC takes us inside a pride1 of lions. However, the Singita pride that lives in South Africa's Kruger National Park is not ordinary. There are around 40 lions in this big pride, and life in it is not as easy as you might think. In NGC's Lion Army, we will learn how the pride tries to stay together and live peacefully. Also, the program will reveal the reasons why the pride has so much trouble.

  Being a lion in the African wilderness2 might seem easy. Often, we see images of lions taking naps all afternoon and making a kill whenever they get hungry. Unfortunately, this is not the case in real life. In reality, when lions hunt, they fail more times than they succeed. Although they are strong and powerful, the animals they hunt are not dumb3. They have their own tricks to survive. Even so, this is not why the Singita pride is having trouble. Their problem is that there are nine teenage males in the pride who are not cooperative. Instead, they are lazy, greedy4, and mean5.

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文‧張瓊方 圖‧薛繼光





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Compulsive Collectors囤積狂──怪癖,還是怪病?

by Jeremy Beacock
One man's garbage is another man's treasure.

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文.滕淑芬 圖.林格立





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The California Gold Rush一夕致富淘金夢

Since the world's economy started having trouble, everyone has been looking for different ways to make money. For example, in the hills of California, people are seeking treasure. To be exact, they are searching for gold.

  In 1848, gold was first found in California. By 1850, people from every part of the world were traveling to California to make their fortune. Although the California Gold Rush1 came to an end by the mid-21850s, gold can still be found in mountain rivers and streams there today.

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Slow Down or Speed Up?紅綠燈──煞車、前進全看它

by Sebastian Bitticks
It took many years to develop the traffic light that we know today.

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With a 12-gun salute1 and the tapping2 of a keg3 by the mayor of Munich, Germany, Oktoberfest gets under way. This 16-day festival takes place in late September. It is one of the most important events in Germany and has become famous worldwide. More than six million Germans and tourists take part in Oktoberfest each year to eat, drink, and celebrate. Traditional German food, like sausages4, potatoes, and cheese, is consumed with many different kinds of beer.

  At Oktoberfest, many people drink too much beer and then pass out. These people are called "beer corpses5" and are often brought to a medical tent to receive help. But starting in 2005, special tents have been set up for "quiet Oktoberfest." This is mainly for families who do not drink or have young children. Altogether, Oktoberfest has 14 main tents with seating6 for 100,000 people on 103 acres7 of land. Women work in traditional clothing and can each deliver up to eight mugs of beer at a time to the guests. So whether you enjoy beer or simply want to experience the biggest festival in Germany, visit in late September for Oktoberfest.

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Dunking Delights  人見人愛甜甜圈

Countries like Germany, Holland, and the US have all claimed the origin of the donut.

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The Machine for the Dirtiest Job洗衣機——清潔溜溜的好幫手

In early times, clothes were carried far away from home and then beaten against river rocks until they were clean. Even after people began doing their wash at home, removing the dirt1 from clothes was still hard work. Each piece of clothing had to be hit or scrubbed all by hand until there was no more dirt. Before modern washing machines, the laundry2 was the hardest housework3 of all because it took a lot of effort. Dirty clothes were worn longer so that people could save their strength.

  Early washing machines helped, but not much. These machines were mostly turned by hand. Some let gravity4 do the work, which was to drop the clothes after raising them. Others used gears5 to turn rough boards that rubbed the clothes clean. Even with these simple machines, the laundry for one house could take an entire day of boring work.

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