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澳洲昆士蘭旅遊局日前在全球廣召有志青年應徵大堡礁保育員的工作,每天只要賞鯨、餵海龜、探索大堡礁迷人勝景,再撰寫部落格記錄,半年就可以領到澳幣15 萬元的高薪(約新台幣360萬元),號稱是「全世界最棒的工作」。




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Ancient Megastructures  遠古工程巡禮

Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat are two of the most amazing structures known to mankind.

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for親id羊g大大ㄇ: QQ,安安ㄚㄍ位羊gㄉㄉ,挖i王j民,王投球好率好褲,挖ㄟ把拔馬麻也i看王j民,ㄅ託羊g球團ㄍ位ㄉㄉㄅ要ㄖ王j民肥ㄑ3A好ㄇ?

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Salvage Code Red海上救難

Have you ever wondered what the most dangerous job in the world is? Well, this month on National Geographic Channel, you will learn about salvors1, people who face heavy odds and constant dangers. Their job is to save ships and anything they can on board. They also must fight to prevent serious environmental pollution caused by shipwrecks2. NGC's five-part series, "Salvage Code Red3," takes viewers inside salvors' rescue missions to see how they use their skills to rid the oceans of damaged ships.

  In "Firestorm4," a ferry5 carrying trucks and fuel tanks burns for two days. Salvors go aboard to put an end to the raging fire. At the same time, their lives are on the line because one mistake in the darkness could be fatal.

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The Power of Color  顏色左右你的腦?

Scientists are coming up with new findings about brain-boosting colors.

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Destination: Kenya前進肯亞

A vacation to Kenya is the perfect way to have a wild time. This large country on the east side of Africa is full of adventure. One of its world-famous regions is the Masai Mara. Every year, millions of zebras and wildebeest travel to the Masai Mara from the Serengeti. You can observe this amazing natural event from July to October. While you are there, seize the opportunity to see the many prides1 of lions in the Masai Mara.

  Safari2 trips are popular in Kenya because it has all of the Big Five animals—lions, elephants, buffalo3, rhinos4, and leopards. Near Nairobi, Kenya's capital, you can experience rare on-foot safari walks. In Nairobi, the National Museum of Kenya stores large collections of artifacts5 and the remains of early mankind. Interestingly, this city also has Africa's largest ice rink6, which offers an escape from Kenya's hot weather.

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Time Is Money  時間貨幣

The time-based currency offers a fairer solution to work.

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Dream Improvement終結惱人惡夢

Although many people don't always remember them, everyone has dreams when they are sleeping. Needless to say, with so many dreams, there are bound to be some unpleasant or frightening ones. These scary or disturbing dreams are known as nightmares1. There is no way to guarantee that you won't have nightmares. However, there are some things you can do to lower your chances of waking up terrified.

  In general, the level of stress you feel before sleeping affects how enjoyable your dreams are. It is best to find ways to relax and avoid tension2. A cup of herbal3 tea or a little stretching could do the trick. Even a light snack can help get you into sleep mode4. But remember, don't eat too much and avoid spicy or fatty foods. Such foods are hard to digest. If your body is struggling during the night, you will be likely to end up with nightmares. Plus, don't do any intense exercise before bedtime. Finally, making the

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Fighting Hunger  對抗飢荒的食物銀行

by Sebastian Bitticks
Food banks can help feed those in need.

  Despite its economic success, some 38 million Americans have a hard time getting enough to eat each day. Soup kitchens have provided free meals for many years, but these places can only help a small section of town, and a lot of the leftover food goes to waste. To _(1)_ the needs of a hungry nation and to fight famine, the first food bank opened in the 1960s.
  John van Hengel was a retired businessman who enjoyed spending his free time _(2)_ at his local soup kitchen. He started to use his former work experience to increase the donations for food at the soup kitchen. Van Hengel soon found that oftentimes, people's generosity was greater than the needs of his small community, and _(3)_ his soup kitchen had too much food. About the same time, someone mentioned to van Hengel that every day, supermarkets were _(4)_ food that was edible but couldn't be sold. Van Hengel decided to organize the different charities, supermarkets, and nearby farms together, _(5)_ all the food in the first food bank. This bank would then offer the food to soup kitchens and homeless _(6)_ all over the city.

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歷經前10年的規畫與打撈,以及後10年的出水古物保存,台灣首次發現的古代沉船「將軍一號」,迄今獨自承載著我國20年 來「水下考古」的歷史。令人遺憾的是,這艘古船的發現者──澎湖漁民黃加進,已於2006年罹癌病逝。撒手人寰之前,他念茲在茲的,除了沉船博物館尚未興 建之外,就是身上背負的「竊占國寶」污名。



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The Master of Terror—Edgar Allan Poe驚悚大師愛倫坡

Edgar Allan Poe was an American novelist1, poet, literary2 critic3, and playwright4. He also invented the modern detective story. Poe was born as Edgar Poe in Boston on January 19, 1809. Poe's parents passed away when he was very young. Therefore, he was taken in by a couple called the Allans, who gave him his middle name. Poe's relationship with the Allans became difficult while he was at university. Eventually, he left school and joined the military.

  Poe then went to live with his aunt and later married his 13-year-old cousin, Virginia Clemm. His first book of poetry was published in 1827, and in 1835, Poe became editor of the "Southern Literary Messenger." There, he began to write essays5 and literary criticism.

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The Pride of New Zealand紐西蘭國寶——奇異鳥

The bird with the long beak is the national symbol of New Zealand.

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Waking the Baby Mammoth娃娃長毛象

Over 40,000 years ago, a healthy baby mammoth1 was born into a family group that took care of her. One month later, she died. This sad story does not end there, though. This tiny mammoth's body was found in May of 2007. She is the most perfectly preserved woolly2 mammoth ever discovered. Scientists hope she holds the answers to some of the biggest mysteries about mammoths and the world they lived in.

  This month on National Geographic Channel, watch Waking the Baby Mammoth. You will journey with researchers as they go back to where Lyuba, the baby mammoth, was found. She was discovered by a reindeer3 herder4 on a river bank5 in northwestern Siberia. Two mammoth experts study the place where she was dug up and explain more about the area.

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文‧張瓊方 圖‧林格立



走進位於台南歸仁鄉的牛頭牌鞋業總部,第二代經營者魏百慶,腳踩鮮豔玫瑰紅色布希鞋出來迎客,令人莞爾。2007年9月,一場「台灣入聯/返聯遊行 大車拚」,意外捧紅了魏百慶腳上這雙牛頭牌布希鞋。民進黨以「穿布希、踏中國、愛台灣」為名,號召挺綠者腳踩布希鞋遊行;國民黨則「腳踩青天拚本土」,號 召挺藍者穿著「台味」十足的藍白拖鞋應戰。


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In the Womb  子宮內日記

National Geographic Channel reveals the latest findings in fetal development.

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Strange and Unusual Competitions古怪競賽大搜奇

One thing that separates humans from animals is the desire to compete against others. Animals hunt and kill mostly for survival. Humans, on the other hand, since even before the first Ancient Olympic Games, have been racing, fighting, and trying to top each other in all different kinds of ways. Humans are competitive by nature, and sports are a big part of most people's lives. Recently, there have been more and more strange and unusual contests popping up around the globe.

  July 4 is celebrated in America as Independence Day, but another big event happens in New York City. Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is an annual event that is broadcast on TV. This is where contestants1 try to consume the most hot dogs in 10 minutes. This sounds simple, but there has been a big battle raging between two countries for the championship Mustard2 Yellow Belt. A rather small Japanese man came up with a new way to eat the hot dogs and won the title3 six years in a row. But since 2007, an American has taken back the title and become a hero to his countrymen4.

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文‧林欣靜 圖‧莊坤儒


PChome「露天拍賣」的人氣賣家「小蔡」就是一例。他失業後憑藉著過去10年在光華商場工作累積的經驗及人脈,在網路 上開設「速易購」3C賣場,以低於同業的進貨價和貼心服務,在短短一年內就身價翻紅,成為「露天拍賣」電腦館內的超人氣賣家,年營業額超過新台幣千萬元, 還開設了實體店面,自己升格當老闆。



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The Clatter of Clogs  叩叩叩!荷蘭木鞋來也

These distinctive Dutch shoes were first worn for practicality.

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A New Dress Code打造專業形象

Dialogue A
Jenny is talking to one of her managers, Adam, about a new office policy that she has in mind.
Jenny: I've been thinking about the company's image recently. I want to put a dress code1 into effect for all employees.

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