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文‧陳歆怡 圖‧莊坤儒





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A Special Kind of Fat  脂肪也能幫你瘦身?

by Matthew Brown
Scientists believe that brown fat may help people lose weight.

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文‧陳歆怡 圖‧莊坤儒

依據傳統習俗,農曆7月7日是七星娘娘的誕辰。這一天,擁有16歲以下未成年孩子的家庭,會準備麻油雞、油飯來酬謝「七娘 媽」這位兒童的保護神,順便為孩子補補身子。從自然的規律來看,從七夕往回推的這3個月,正是一年一度的芝麻產季;半世紀以前,榨麻油的業者都在這段期間 搶做一整年份的麻油,喜溫耐旱的芝麻田也處處可見。




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On Board Air Force One and On Board Marine One 美國空軍一號及美國陸戰隊一號

Presidents must be able to meet with numerous people every day. This means going to different cities or countries all in one day. Sometimes, they may even have to come back the same night. The only way for a president to do this is to have a handy means of transportation2 when he or she needs it. For US President Barack Obama, Inauguration3 Day on January 20, 2009 was the first day he got to officially ride on Air Force4 One.

  This month, National Geographic Channel follows Obama on his way to the inauguration. In the program, "On Board Air Force One," NGC learns all about the new president's mobile office. This includes what he first ordered—a burger and fries—and some jokes he made with the captain. Since the general public5 is not even allowed to be near Air Force One, most people don't know what it looks like inside the plane. NGC shows viewers the president's bedroom and the top-secret area where the president can talk with other world leaders. This month, "On Board Air Force One" goes inside the most famous plane in the world.

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The Scariest Places on Earth小心,生人勿近!

We all know one or two places that are said to be haunted1. They might be an old house that no one lives in or a dark cemetery2. It could even be a famous building or a classroom in your school. However, when it comes to the scariest places in the world, two names keep appearing—the Catacombs3 of Paris and New Orleans, Louisiana. Both have long histories and are favorite places for ghost hunters and people who love mysteries4.

  Long ago in Paris, almost all large churches had their own cemeteries inside the city. After years of war, disease, and death, the cemeteries became too crowded and caused health problems. The government tried to fix them with laws, but it didn't work. Finally, a police officer's idea was put into action in 1786, and the cemeteries were emptied. The bones were moved to the quarries5 that stretch for miles under Paris. Over the years, the quarries have become known as the Catacombs. This is because of the piles of bones and the murders6 that took place inside.

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An Acquired Taste只黏你口、不黏你手的納豆風味

by Jeremy Beacock
Natto separates even the Japanese.

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The Master of Suspense  驚悚大師――希區考克

by Marcus Maurice
Alfred Hitchcock is one of the greatest to ever sit in a director's chair.

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Got an Itch?搔到癢處最痛快

How does it feel to scratch an itch1? Could you describe it in words? It turns out that the relief2 from scratching comes from a special signal that quiets nerve3 reactions4. Scientists have discovered a special kind of nerve in the spinal cord5 that carries the "relief" and itchy feelings. Now, there is hope for people who can't stop feeling itchy, no matter how hard they scratch.

  Many diseases can lead to repeated or constant itching. Therefore, people with them can suffer from serious injuries which are caused by too much scratching.

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Brain Games  答對這題,你就是百萬富翁

Game shows have been entertaining people for years and years.

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文.李珊 圖.林格立




首先,台灣出口至中國大陸的紡織品,以布料為大宗(占紡織品的65%),而東協出口至大陸的紡織品則以化纖絲為主,兩者「井水不犯河水」,不至造成 影響。至於台灣出口東協的紡織品,也是以布料最多(比例高達72%);中國大陸出口東協的大宗則是針織成衣和棉花,佔5成以上,同樣也重疊性不高,不會互 相取代。

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Strength in Numbers—The Power of Online Group Buys網路合購魅力大?


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Working Up a Sweat揮灑汗水向前跑

Dialogue A
Fred and Kelly are driving to the countryside.
Fred: Thanks for giving me a ride to meet up with the running club.

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Veni, Vidi, Vici, Vending Machines什麼都賣,什麼都不奇怪

by Jeremy Beacock
Vending machines have conquered the world.

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Paying It Forward to Save a Life把愛傳出去

In 2006, Matthew Jones decided to donate his kidney1 to anyone who needed it—even a total stranger. He turned to a special computer program to help him find someone to save. The revolutionary new software paired Jones with a woman from Arizona. The woman's husband had originally wanted to give her his kidney, but their blood types weren't compatible2. Jones gave his kidney instead, and the husband used the software to donate his kidney to another stranger in need.

  Ten transplants3 later, the "donor4 chain5" Jones started is still going. The kind actions of one stranger are paid forward by someone close to the patient who receives the kidney. The people participating in the chain don't know each other beforehand. That is because the purpose isn't to just help a friend or relative—it is to help anyone who needs it. "My dream would be that we eliminate the waiting list because we could turn every altruistic6 donor into 100 transplants," said Dr. Michael Rees, an expert in kidney transplants. As long as there are enough people like Matthew Jones to inspire others with their generosity, donor chains could really change the world.

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文‧張瓊方 圖‧陳重豪提供





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The Best of the Worst 糟,也是一門藝術

Awards usually only go to the best. Only the highest quality books, the most outstanding music, and the finest movies get all of the attention. Maybe the reason why people try so hard to be the best in their field is that they want to be praised, to receive awards, and to have their pictures taken. Sometimes, though, you have to wonder: what about all of the people who are not the best and the ones who come up with art, music, or ideas that are not so great? In fact, what about those who are really, truly terrible?

Well, you don't have to worry. There are various ways that the not-so-great, the bad, and the awful get attention these days. The most famous is an award show called the Golden Raspberry1 Awards, better known as the Razzies. The Razzies are the opposite of the famous Academy2 Awards, or the Oscars. They are given to the worst of Hollywood, such as the worst films and the worst actors. Everyone knows that Hollywood does produce some truly terrible films every year, so the Razzies have an important job. Surprisingly, a good number of Razzies winners almost seem to be proud of their achievement. Many have actually attended the ceremony and given funny acceptance3 speeches. And the name? It has nothing to do with the delicious berry4 in this case. Raspberry is also a name for sticking out your tongue and making a pthhhh sound, which usually means, "This is terrible!"

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The Troubled Times of Julius Caesar凱撒大帝

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

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文‧林欣靜 圖.願景青年行動網協會提供


不過近年來國際青年志工的樣貌已漸趨多元,跳脫了傳統「到落後國家提供人道援助」的範疇。有志到海外做公益的青年,不但能 選擇去日本富士山淨山攻頂、菲律賓離島種水筆仔,還能到義大利的西西里島當微笑小丑、丹麥哥本哈根宣揚公平貿易理念,甚至遠赴北極圈的格陵蘭島當永晝志 工,在做好事之餘,也省下大把的旅行經費。


趙心鈴左思右想,最後選擇參加國內著名的青年志工組織「願景青年行動網協會」所規劃的「德國國際工作營」,遠赴柏林附近「德紹-沃利茨園林王 國」(Dessau-W鬏litz Garden Realm,為中歐最具代表性的英式景觀公園,2000年時被聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產),進行為期3周的志工服務。

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Taiwan's Handmade Crafts台灣好手藝

No matter where you go in Taiwan, there are lots of things to buy and look at, but you should be most curious about the items specially made in Taiwan. Many of these crafts have long histories. Some are traditions brought here by immigrants1 while others started locally. Taiwan's crafts show off the skills of its people and how unique this island is.

  One simple yet special craft is making dough2 figures. Originally, these edible figures were made for temples. Aside from representing offerings3 to the gods, they can be famous characters or parts of scenes from legendary stories.

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A Vocational Vacation打工渡假讓你賺旅費,也賺經驗

From farms in Australia to snowboard lodges in Canada, many young people are enjoying working holidays.

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