

匯豐集團總裁格林(Stephen Green)上午在倫敦新聞中心舉行活動開幕時說:「與這4個世界上最受尊敬的環境組織合作,並且動員全世界數千名員工成立綠色工作團隊,我們相信我們可以解決氣候變遷的成因及衝擊。」

廣播及製片家安特波若爵士(Sir David Attenborough )說:「現在若採取共同、果斷的行動,我們將能有所作為,可以有效地減少氣候變遷的成因,並大幅增加保護下一代地球生命的多樣性的機會。」


氣候組織總裁霍華(Steve Howard)說:「氣候變遷是一個日益嚴重的都市問題。夏日的高溫、風暴以及海平面升高,都將會對城市生活有更極端的衝擊。我們只剩一點時間來採取行動。有許多解決之道其實就在城市本身,如首都、決策者、幕僚及人民的投入。」


International Bank Offers $100 Million to Fight Climate Change
LONDON, UK, May 30, 2007 (ENS)

The financial institution HSBC today announced a five year, US$100 million partnership to respond to the "urgent threat" of climate change worldwide. Four partner organizations will share in the funding - The Climate Group, Earthwatch Institute, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and WWF.

At the London news conference held to launch the event this morning, HSBC Group Chairman Stephen Green said, “by working with four of the world's most respected environmental organizations and creating a green task force of thousands of HSBC employees worldwide, we believe we can tackle the causes and impacts of climate change."

Broadcaster and filmmaker Sir David Attenborough said "We are not powerless if we act now, collectively and decisively, We can significantly reduce the causes of climate change and greatly improve the chances of safeguarding for future generations the spectacular diversity of life on Earth."

To initiate the partnerhip, HSBC will make the largest donations ever to each of these organizations and the largest donation ever made by a British company. Through its work with The Climate Group, the HSBC Climate Partnership will help five of the world's largest cities – Hong Kong, London, Mumbai, New York and Shanghai - respond to the challenge of climate change.

Steve Howard, CEO of The Climate Group said, "Climate change is an increasingly urban issue. High summer temperatures, storms and rising sea levels will have more extreme impacts on city life. We have a short period of time left to take action. Many of the solutions lie in cities - concentrations of capital, decision makers, opinion formers and population."

HSBC's Climate Partnership program sets forth targets and offers transformational support for the environmental organizations involved. The donations will help to deliver increased capacity, help the charities to expand across new countries and research sites, and increase their access to more people.


關鍵字: 氣候變遷 城市 匯豐銀行 捐贈 環境組織

發表時間: 2007/06/04 - 10:42am 提交人: 陳胤安

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