

本屆影展大賞頒發500美元獎金給來自甘恩高中,由Aja Mathews, Caroline Hodge, Kait Macknick和Emily Viggiano一行人共同執導的「簡單10步,生活更環保」(10 Simple Steps to Make Your Life More Green)。他們簡單做環保的立異之處,小至善用布製購物袋和自己的水瓶,大則回收電子零件和購買輕巧的螢光燈泡等。


半島社區媒體中心執行長佛加(Annie Folger)也在這次影展中,為這些學校的電影製作課程及影片和環境等課外活動大聲喝采。

Student Filmmakers Win With Environmental Focus
PALO ALTO, California, May 29, 2007 (ENS)

The second annual GREENLIGHT Earth Day Film Festival awarded nearly $5,000 in prizes to 18 South Bay students and three adults for their exploration of environmental citizenship through films, public service announcements, and documentaries.

The Best of Festival award and $500 cash prize went to the film "10 Simple Steps to Make Your Life More Green" by Aja Mathews, Caroline Hodge, Kait Macknick and Emily Viggiano of Gunn High School in Palo Alto. Their easy ways to make a difference range from using cloth shopping bags and your own water bottle to recycling electronics components and buying compact fluorescent light bulbs.

In the process of creating their entry, another team of filmmakers from Terman Middle School initiated a schoolwide education campaign to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Annie Folger, Midpeninsula Community Media Center executive director, applauds the schools for their filmmaking classes and extracurricular activities relating to video and the environment.


關鍵字: 地球日 紀錄片 學生 影展 環境公民權

發表時間: 2007/06/04 - 9:33am 提交人: 陳胤安

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