◎ 主題句
What’s the rate?
◎ 大師提點

1. rate
․What’s the rate?
․telephone rate「電話費」
․utility1 rate「公共事業費用」
․the base rate「基本收費」
2. charge
●There is a two-dollar charge for that.
●How much is the charge for delivery?
●service charge「服務費、手續費」
●no charge for admission2「免費入場」(用於佈告等)
3. fare
●How much is the fare from Osaka to Kobe?
●taxi fare「計程車費」
●single fare「單程票價」
●round-trip fare「來回票價」
4. price
●Prices are going up.
●fixed price「定價」
●retail price「零售價」

5. fee
●God heals and the doctor takes the fee.
●legal fees「律師費」(常用複數)
●school fees「學費」(常用複數)
●admission fee「入場費」
6. toll
●We had to pay a toll when we crossed the bridge.
7. expense
●My expenses were greater than I had expected.
●wedding expenses「結婚費用」(常用複數)
Do you have a reduced rate for members?
Is there any discount?
Is a service charge included?
Can I have a receipt?
How much is it altogether?
What is the weekly rate?
How much is the entrance fee?
You gave me the wrong change.
let down:使某人失望
lie down:躺下 bring down
burn down:燃燒殆盡,全部燒毀
break down:故障
call down:責罵某人
cut down:砍倒
calm down:保持冷靜
die down:減緩,削弱
fall down:1. 倒塌 2.失敗
hand down:留傳、把…傳下去
hold down:壓制
put down:1. 把 …放下 2.苛責 3. 寫下
sit down:坐下
slow down:減速
step down:退休,辭職
take down:1. 拿下來 2.寫下來
tear down:拆毀
turn down:1. 轉小聲 2拒絕
wear down:逐漸磨損
之前我們談過up的相關動詞片語,現在就來聊聊dow n。down這個字很單純,不像up反反覆覆的,只要用「往下」的概念去解釋,所有相關的動詞片語就會一目暸然。
讓某人的心情往下沉,let down自然有「令人失望」的意思,lie down很自然有著「躺下」、cut down有著「砍倒」、fall down有「倒塌」、slow down有著「減速」、sit down是「坐下」、take down是「拿下」、calm down有著「冷靜」、burn down有著「全部燒毀」、tear down則有「拆毀」的意思在。
值得一提的是,call down這個片語,你稱讚某人,自然有種將其捧上天的感覺在,可當你在指責某人,自然不看好那個人,把那個人稱呼到一個很低下的狀況,call down自然有著「指責」的意思在。
die down則常用於「風勢」的減弱,把風給擬人化,風勢減弱,自然趨於死亡,die down 有著「減弱」的意思在,也就順理成章了。
以上內容改寫自「英語片語辭典 如何出版」。