There are lots of ideas about how to live greener these days. Some of them are simple, some are more complicated, and some are just totally strange! One strange and
somewhat creepy way to be green is called vermicomposting1. Regular composting2 is letting
organic waste decompose3 naturally. A lot of our everyday waste is organic material such as food scraps4. Instead of
filling up a garbage bag with this kitchen waste, many people choose to compost it. In fact, it is one of the most common ways to be environmentally friendly.
So what is vermicomposting? It is composting with a
twist. The "vermi" part of vermicomposting refers to worms. These wiggly5 creatures love food scraps and
are always
eager to eat. They can eat up to half their weight in food every day. When worms digest kitchen waste, they help decrease composting time. The result is rich, organic compost that is great for house plants and gardens. Another
bonus of vermicomposting is that it
cuts down on the bad smell that is created during regular composting.
Vermicomposting is a great choice for people who live in the city or don't have room to compost outside. All you need is a large container with a cover, paper waste, peat moss6, some water, and of course, worms. When worms are put to work for the environment, they become superheroes!

近 來出現了許多讓生活更環保的點子。其中有些點子很簡單、有的很複雜,還有一些簡直就是奇怪到家!有一個既古怪、還有點恐怖的環保方式叫做蠕蟲堆肥法。一般 的堆肥就是讓有機廢料自然分解。我們日常的廢棄物中,有許多都是諸如剩菜剩飯等的有機物質。與其讓廚餘裝滿垃圾袋,許多人選擇把它們拿來堆肥。事實上,這 是最為常見的環保方法之一。
那麼到底何謂蠕蟲堆肥法?那就是一種『加料的』堆肥法。vermicomposting中的vermi指的就是蠕蟲。這些扭來扭去的生物最愛剩菜剩飯,而 且總是迫不及待要飽餐一頓。牠們每天能吃下多達牠們體重一半的食物。蠕蟲在消化廚餘時,牠們有助於減少堆肥所需的時間。成果就是產生適合室內植栽及花園的 營養有機肥料。蠕蟲堆肥法的另一項外帶好處就是它能減少一般堆肥過程中所產生的惡臭。