Ready to Save the World 對抗災禍,拯救世界

by Rebecca A. Fratzke
TEEX is where real-life heroes go to receive training.

  As one of the largest states in the US, Texas has a reputation for doing everything big—big cattle, big hats, big people, big business, etc. This applies to education as well, such as the extensive programs found at the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). TEEX is a member of the Texas A&M University System, which is one of the largest education systems in the US. Famous for its hands-on training, TEEX offers specialized training programs for people wanting to improve their skills and those looking for a trade. In 2010 alone, TEEX helped over 194,000 people improve themselves through education. In total, the A&M System touches more than 22 million lives worldwide each year. Students come from all over the globe and every walk of life to get the TEEX experience.
  TEEX has been around for over 80 years, and its goals have remained the same. From protecting the environment to developing economic growth, TEEX promotes educational training as a way to improve the world one job at a time. By creating a strong and knowledgeable workforce at the core, a better foundation is given to everyone to start on. TEEX's achievements can be appreciated in everyday things we take for granted, such as water. Thanks to TEEX's training, we're all drinking cleaner glasses full of it.
  Some of the top programs offered at TEEX are for fire services, homeland security, public safety and security, and search and rescue. In fire services, students are given comprehensive fire fighter training. In fact, since 1929, TEEX has had the best fire training for emergency responders available. Even so, the program that puts TEEX on the map is search and rescue because it leads the world in preparing for the worst.

1. have a reputation for...  以……著稱
例: Mrs. Smith has a reputation for being strict with her students.

2. apply to...  適用於……
例: The new regulations apply to everyone at the office.

3. hands-on a. 實際操作的
例: Do you think people learn better by using a hands-on approach?

4. in total  總共,共計(與數字並用)
= in all
例: Patricia has given birth to five children in total.
(派翠西亞一共生了 5 個孩子。)

5. from every walk of life  來自各行各業
= from all walks of life
例: These volunteers are people from every walk of life.

6. have been around for + 一段時間  存在……(一段時間)
= have been in existence for + 一段時間
例: Automated teller machines have been around for many years.

7. 數字 + at a time  一次……(數目)
例: Albert usually takes the stairs two at a time.

8. knowledgeable a. 有知識∕學問的
例: My grandfather is very knowledgeable about Chinese literature.

9. foundation n. 基礎
lay the foundation for...  為……奠定基礎
例: Careful planning will lay the foundation for your future success.

10. appreciate vt. 體會;欣賞;感激
例: Many people come to appreciate their homeland more after living abroad for a while.

11. take...for granted  視……為理所當然
take it for granted + that 子句  視……為理所當然
例: Don't take my help for granted. There's no way you could have done it by yourself.
例: Joe takes it for granted that his wife cooks and cleans for him.

12. comprehensive a. 廣泛的;全面的
例: The researchers made a comprehensive study of the economies of the world.

13. available a. 可得到的;有空的
例: Are there any seats available on the afternoon flight?

14. Even so, S + V  即使如此,……
例: Richard is blind. Even so, he holds a positive attitude towards life.

15. put...on the map  使……出名∕為人所知
例: The new shopping mall really put that area of town on the map.

16. prepare for the worst  為最壞的情況做準備
prepare for...  準備……,為……作準備
prepare sb for...  使某人對……做好準備
例: Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
例: The actors are preparing for the final dress rehearsal.
例: This course is designed to prepare students for a career in business.

1. cattle n. 牛;牛群
a herd of cattle  一群牛
cattle 如同 people 一樣,視作複數名詞,可被二以上的數字修飾。如:
two cattle  兩隻牛
many cattle  許多牛
2. extensive a. 廣泛的,全面的
3. extension n. 推廣;延展
4. specialized a. 專業的,專門的
5. trade n.(尤指需要特殊手工技巧的)職業;手藝
6. alone a. 僅僅,單單(置於名詞後作後位修飾)
7. touch vt. 對……有影響
8. workforce n. 全體從業人員,勞動力
9. core n. 核心
10. achievement n. 成就
11. homeland security  國土安全
12. public safety and security  公共安全與保障
13. responder n. 回應者,反應者

thanks to...  因為∕由於……
= due to...
= because of...
= on account of...
= as a result of...
上述皆為片語介詞,接受詞後形成介詞片語,作副詞用,使用時通常置於句首或句尾,用以修飾句中動詞或主要子句;但其中由於 due 是形容詞,故 due to 亦可置於 be 動詞後作主詞補語,其餘則不可。
例: Thanks to advanced computer technology, shopping online has become easier than ever.
= Shopping online has become easier than ever thanks to advanced computer technology.
例: Kevin's failure is due to laziness.


  身為美國最大州之一,德州以凡事皆大而聞名――大頭的牛、大頂的帽子、高大的人民、大型的企業等。這個特性也適用於教育,像是美國德州農工大學消防訓 練中心(TEEX)所提供的廣泛課程。TEEX 隸屬德州農工大學系統,而德州農工大學系統則是美國最大規模的教育系統之一。TEEX 以實際操作訓練著名,提供專業化的訓練課程,給那些想要提升技術和從事專業工作的人們。光是 2010 年,TEEX 就幫助 19 萬 4 千多人透過教育精進自我。農工大學系統每年總共影響了全世界超過兩千兩百萬人的生命。來自世界各地各行各業的學員們都到 TEEX 取經。
  TEEX 已經成立 80 多年,而且其目標始終如一。從環保到經濟發展,TEEX 推廣教育訓練,來作為用逐一工作改善世界的方式。藉由創造強健且知識豐富的核心勞動力,每個人都能獲得更好的起始基礎。TEEX 的成就可由日常生活中諸如水等我們認為理所當然的事物來一窺究竟 。多虧 TEEX 的訓練課程,我們才能喝到一杯杯更乾淨的水。
  TEEX 提供一些最優質的課程,包括消防、國家安全、公共安全與保障,以及搜救工作。在消防方面,學員會獲得全面的消防訓練。事實上,從 1929 年開始,TEEX 就已經提供緊急應變處理人員最精良的消防訓練。即使如此,其搜救課程引領世界做好準備、應付最糟的情況,這才是讓 TEEX 成名的原因。


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