Tianmu Flea Market 挖寶的好去處 ── 天母生活市集

The Tianmu Market has a mix of cultures and a special section which really sets it apart from other flea markets

  Popular in the West, flea markets are places where people go to hunt down bargains on second-hand goods. They can be housed in permanent indoor facilities or pop up as temporary weekend bazaars. Since 2007, a small neighborhood in Taipei's Shilin District has been the place for flea market enthusiasts in Taiwan. Located at the intersection of Zhongshan North Road and Tianmu East Road, the Tianmu Market is not your typical Western-style flea market.

  The Tianmu Market has a mix of cultures. Every Friday through Sunday, the nearly 200 stalls attract an average of 30,000 to 50,000 national and international visitors who are looking to buy or just browsing. Not only are there traditional vendors selling second-hand goods, but also individuals promoting their creativity. This special section displays handmade products like soap, clothing, jewelry, and even food. It really sets the Tianmu Market apart from other flea markets. In addition, up-and-coming musicians, street performers, and underground bands can show off their stuff at the market's outdoor stage. The sights and sounds of the Tianmu Market are perfect for happy hunting.

[ Questions ]
1. Which is NOT a reason why visitors go to the Tianmu Market?
(A) To show off their musical talent.
(B) To check out or purchase goods.
(C) To see some unique performances at the outdoor stage.
(D) To experience a wide variety of cultures.

2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
(A) How to become a flea market vendor.
(B) Why flea markets are good places for musicians.
(C) How the Tianmu Market differs from others.
(D) The origins of flea markets.


  在西方廣受歡迎的跳蚤市場是人們前去尋找便宜二手商品的好地方。這些跳蚤市場可以固定設置在永久的室內場館,或是以暫時性週末市集的形式出現。自 2007年以來,某個位於台北市士林區的小地方就成為台灣跳蚤市場愛好者的必去之處。位於中山北路與天母東路交叉口的天母生活市集可不是那種一般常見的西 式跳蚤市場。

  天母生活市集融合了許多不同的文化。每個星期五至星期天,當地近兩百個攤位平均會吸引三萬至五萬名意圖購買或僅僅瀏覽一番的國內外遊客。該市集不光只 有販售二手貨品的傳統攤商,還包括推銷自己創意的個人賣家。這個特別的區塊展銷各式各樣的手工產品,像是肥皂、衣物、首飾,甚至還有食物等等。上述的一切 著實令天母生活市集有別於其他跳蚤市場。除此之外,一些歌壇新星、街頭藝人以及地下樂團都可以在市集的戶外舞台上大秀才藝。天母生活市集的種種光景和喧囂 絕對適合大家來尋樂挖寶。

1. 哪一個不是遊客去天母生活市集的理由?
(A) 炫耀他們的音樂才華。
(B) 瀏覽或購買商品。
(C) 觀賞戶外舞台上一些獨特的表演。
(D) 體驗豐富多元的文化。

2. 本文第二段的主旨為何?
(A) 如何成為一名跳蚤市場攤販。
(B) 為何跳蚤市場是適合音樂家的好去處。
(C) 天母生活市集如何有別於其他跳蚤市場。
(D) 跳蚤市場的起源。

答案:1. (A) 2. (C)
Words & Phrases 

1. bargain n. 便宜的貨品;低廉的價格
Judy got a great bargain on some cosmetics at the sale.

2. house vt. 安置;存放,收藏
That museum houses a variety of ancient and modern artwork.

3. pop up  冒出來,突然出現
Before I started writing, many ideas popped up in my head.

4. temporary a. 暫時的,臨時的
The school served as a temporary shelter when the war broke out.

5. browse vi. 隨意瀏覽(商品、書刊等)
I browsed through a bookstore while I was waiting for my friend to pick me up.

6. set A apart from B  使A有別於B
The amazing service at that restaurant really sets it apart from others.

7. show off...  展現∕炫耀……
Lucas likes to show off his sports car wherever he goes.

8. differ from...  與……不同
Peter's views on education differ from those of his wife.
Extra Words 

1. flea market n. 跳蚤市場(本文中亦作形容詞用)
2. bazaar n. 市集,市場
3. enthusiast n. 熱衷者,狂熱者
4. intersection n. 交叉口;十字路口
5. stall n. 攤販,攤位
6. up-and-coming a. 有前途的,有希望的
7. underground band n. 地下樂團

Where Did the Term Flea Market Come From?

  關於『跳蚤市場』這個名稱的由來眾說紛紜,不過主要可歸納出三個常見的說法,其一就是從法文的marche aux puces而來。據說在中世紀時,法國巴黎聖母院旁有個小小的市集,專賣皇室不要的舊衣物,該處後來因為跳蚤肆虐而被迫搬遷到他處,因此跳蚤市場的稱號不 脛而走。
  也有人說跳蚤市場是出自於十八世紀的紐約市集,當時被稱為fly market,荷蘭人則稱之為vlaie,其發音近似flea所致。不論跳蚤市場的名稱由來為何,它們總是能讓大家買到便宜划算的東西,並且滿載而歸。

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