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Body Art 歷史悠久的身體藝術——刺青

  Tattoos1 are often seen on sailors, bikers2, and gang3 members, but now, they are not just connected with people with something to prove. Instead, they have become popular with ordinary people. In fact, people all over the world have been marking their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years. The earliest known tattoos were found on several female Egyptian mummies4 from around 2000 BC. However, scientists discovered in 1991 AD that the art of tattooing is much older.

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文•王婉嘉 圖•薛繼光

全年無休、全台遍布的24小時便利超商,讓消費者享受前所未有的便利與安心,然而在那一聲聽似歡愉的「歡迎光臨!」背後, 卻有人默默承受著重擔。你所不知道的超商另一面,也值得一探。


畢業自清大社會所的前財經記者吳偉立,花了兩年半時間,全台走訪40位超商從業人員,並親自上場擔任實習店員後,以超商加盟體制為他的碩士論文,近 日改寫出版而成《血汗超商》一書。為何超商會被冠上「血汗」字眼?


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The Paper Dome  充滿希望與再生的紙教堂

by Timothy Laird

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Sir Edmund Hillary 傲立世界巔峰的勇者

 He was the first to accomplish something that others before him had failed to do. He reached the top of the world—Mount1 Everest. Sir Edmund Hillary was born on July 20, 1919 in Auckland, New Zealand. Before he became a mountain climber, he was working as a beekeeper2. In 1953, Hillary joined the British climbing team. Before that, he had already climbed 11 different peaks3 in the Himalayas.

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美麗是上天賦予花的權利,但為植物牽線作媒、替花朵增色添美,則是育種者的智慧與巧思。然而,有人反對任何生命被冠以某人 「專利」,植物品種權也不例外;有人則認為,植物品種權固然是育種者的權利,但也是生產者的機會,兩者魚水相幫,不應因「專利」造成對立。

中興大學園藝系教授朱建鏞授權給農友公司栽培販售的朱槿(扶桑花),上個月出現了「分享者」,大剌剌地在eBay拍賣網站上公開販售。朱建鏞表示, 台灣花農對於「花卉品種權」仍缺乏正確認知與「危機意識」,看到中意的花種就順手拿來阡插繁殖,完全沒想到這是別人的「智慧財產」。

事實上,市售的許多花卉品種,早期多是這樣「引進」繁衍的,玫瑰是最典型的例子。台灣目前市面上流通的玫瑰花品種,多是某園藝大老的學生在一次國際 花展後,不顧惡臭,半夜在垃圾堆中翻找,將國外參展者故意毀損的玫瑰枝幹「救」回去繁衍的後代。


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Uncle Sam and the Rest of the Gang  山姆、約翰、瑪麗安,還有……

by Matthew Brown

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Seriously Joking—Won Fu  不只幽默而已——旺福樂團


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Shark Men 鯊魚冒險家

  It is a beautiful, sunny day at the beach. You are enjoying a refreshing swim in the ocean when someone suddenly screams, "Shark!" The life guards1 spot the fin2 sticking out of the water and start shouting for everyone to get ashore. Everyone is hysterical3 and climbing to get out as fast as they can because they don't want to be eaten alive by a great white shark. At least, this is what Hollywood wants you to believe.

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A Celebration of Pop Culture  讓你愈戳愈上癮的氣泡墊

by Nadia Chung

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Destination: Space Camp 前進太空營

Which American schoolchild hasn't heard of Space Camp? It is a legendary institution1 more exclusive2 and exciting than Disneyland. Children collect cereal3 box tops, sell charity chocolates, or enter annual contests in hopes of winning a spot at the camp. At Space Camp, children from ages nine to 18 can experience the life of an astronaut4. Not far from where actual space missions are launched, campers are put through a week of astronaut training exercises and flight simulations.

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How Many Miles Are on Your Plate?  你的食物里程有多少?

by Jeremy Beacock

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Dragons: East Meets West 中西龍,大不同


In Taiwan, everyone knows the Dragon Boat Festival started with Qu Yuan, an honorable court1 official who committed suicide after being wrongfully put into exile2 from his native land. However, some scholars3 believe the story of Qu Yuan was told after the festival was already widely celebrated. They believe the festival began as dragon worship long before Qu Yuan. The dragon king rules the rivers and protects the villages through the tough winter

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文•滕淑芬 圖•莊坤儒

從2010年初在台北國際書展上亮相後,市面上至少出現十幾款電子書閱讀器,包括科技大廠明基、華碩、台達電等3C廠商都 推出自家研發的電子書閱讀器,唯一以出版社身分投資電子書閱讀器的只有遠流出版社。營收規模與研發能力都難與3C大廠抗衡的遠流,為什麼敢投入這場「紅 海」競爭?

「我是在參與『自己消滅自己』的過程,紙本書會逐漸往數位方向走,最後可能變成博物館裡的收藏!」遠流出版公司董事長王榮文語出驚人的預測;但從另 一角度看,「我也是在參與一個新時代的誕生,重新歸零開始。」



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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 波斯王子:時之刃


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The Fish that Fly  聖卡塔利娜島的飛魚季

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Universal Design—Seeking the Greatest Inclusivity  通用設計,尋找最大包容點

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Rescue Ink 動物救難隊


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Extreme Skydiving 極限高空跳傘運動


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Junk Food and Bad Sleep  遠離垃圾睡眠,擁有健康人生

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Silence of the Night Owls  無聲飛行的夜間貓頭鷹

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