While millions of people worry about the spread of diseases, something just as contagious is constantly in the air—yawns. Everyone from minutes-old babies to 99-year-old grandfathers yawn. In fact, we start yawning even before we've made it outside the womb. _(1)_ ultrasound, these moments have been witnessed in 11-week-old fetuses. Most mammals as well as some _(2)_ of birds, fish, and reptiles also yawn.

There are many theories _(3)_ why we yawn. The most likely one is that it is a way of physically stretching, thus _(4)_ us to flex our muscles and joints. A false theory used to hold that yawning meant that we needed to provide our brain _(5)_ more oxygen. While it is true that we yawn more when tired or bored, there are plenty of times when neither is the _(6)_. It is now believed that yawns help our bodies change from a state of inactivity to activity or vice versa.

Seeing someone else yawn usually compels other people around him or her to _(7)_ yawns. In a study _(8)_ at the Primate Research Institute at Kyoto University, a 27-year-old chimp viewed a video of another chimp yawning. _(9)_ after watching the video, she yawned as well. Through this research, it was _(10)_ that yawning is a result of empathizing with others. The next time a friend yawns and you follow suit, you will demonstrate how in touch you are with the people around you.
——by Jerri Graham

(A) Via (B) with (C) case (D) as to (E) allowing
(F) Shortly (G) concluded (H) species (I) let out (J) conducted


1. 第一題空格應選 (A) Via
a. 本空格位於句首,得知空格內應置入字首為大寫的選項,選項中僅 (A) 與 (F) 為字首大寫的單字,然空格後為名詞 ultrasound,得知應置入介詞,以形成介詞片語作副詞用,故 (A) 為正選。
b. via prep. 憑藉,經由
例: I received a message from Jonathan via email.

2. 第二題空格應選 (H) species
a. 空格前為數量形容詞 some,得知空格內應置入一名詞。
b. 空格後有 of 接鳥類、魚類、爬蟲類(birds, fish, and reptiles)等物種形成的介詞片語,故根據語意得知,空格應置入名詞 species。
species n.(生物)種類(單複數同形)
c. 根據上述,(H) 為正選。

3. 第三題空格應選 (D) as to
a. 空格前為完整子句 "There are many theories",而空格後有疑問詞 why 引導的名詞子句,得知應置入片語介詞 as to,並形成下列固定用法:
as to + 疑問詞引導的名詞子句 關於/有關……
例: I was very confused as to how the thief came in without making a sound.
b. 根據上述,(D) 為正選。

4. 第四題空格應選 (E) allowing
a. 原句中已有完整子句 "The most likely one is that...",而空格前僅有逗點和副詞 thus,而缺乏連接詞,得知空格內應置入現在分詞。
b. 空格後有受詞 us 及不定詞 to flex,得知空格應置入現在分詞 allowing,並形成下列固定用法:
allow sb/sth to V  允許某人/某物(做)……
例: his television allows you to watch two programs at the same time.
c. 根據上述,(E) 為正選。

5. 第五題空格應選 (B) with
a. 空格前有動詞 provide 加 our brain 作其受詞,得知應置入介詞 with,形成以下固定用法:
provide A with B  提供 B 給 A
例: If you can provide me with a description of the car, I can help you find it.
b. 根據上述,(B) 應為正選。

6. 第六題空格應選 (C) case
a. 空格前為定冠詞 the,得知應置入一名詞。
b. 選項中僅 case 為名詞,且置入後亦形成下列用法:
be the case  就是這種情況
例: It isn't the case that I don't like you. I'm just not interested in French guys.
c. 根據上述,(C) 應為正選。

7. 第七題空格應選 (I) let out
a. 空格前有不定詞的 to,得知應置入一原形動詞。
b. 選項中僅 let out 為原形動詞片語,且置入後亦符合語意,故 (I) 為正選。
c. let out...   發出……;釋放……
例: Ted let out a high-pitched scream when he saw the spider crawling up his leg.

8. 第八題空格應選 (J) conducted
a. 空格前為名詞 a study,後為地方副詞片語 "at the...University",得知空格應置入分詞,以形成分詞片語作形容詞,修飾其前的 study。
b. 選項中 (G) 與 (J) 均為過去分詞,但僅 (J) 置入後符合語意,故為正選。
c. conduct vt. 進行(研究、調查等)
例: Gary conducted a survey in the halls of his school.

9. 第九題空格應選 (F) Shortly
a. 本空格位於句首,得知空格內應置入字首為大寫的選項。
b. 空格後為介詞片語 "after watching the video",而選項中的副詞 Shortly 可修飾 after 引導的介詞片語,置入後符合語意、用法,故 (F) 為正選。
c. shortly/right/immediately + after/before 引導的介詞片語或副詞子句
例: Shortly after I bought the MP3 player, they came out with an even better one.
我剛買 MP3 隨身聽不久,就推出更棒的款式。

10. 第十題空格應選 (G) concluded
a. 空格前有 it was, 其後則為 that 引導的子句,得知應置入過去分詞,形成 "it is/was + 過去分詞 + that 子句" 之用法。選項中 concluded 置入後符合語意、用法,故 (G) 應為正選。
b. It is concluded + that 子句  下……的結論,推論……
conclude vt. 下結論,推斷出
例: It was concluded that violence towards that man was not necessary.

1. contagious a. 傳染性的
例: The contagious disease can be quickly spread from person to person.

2. in the air  在空中
例: Love is in the air during the early months of summer.

3. flex vt. 舒展(四肢等)
例: Marcus was flexing his huge muscles while looking in the mirror.

4. compel sb to V  迫使某人(做)……
compel vt. 強迫,迫使
例: His rude remark compelled me to say something back to him.

5. empathize with...  

empathize vi. 移情;有同感
例: The child has the ability to empathize with animals.

6. follow suit  跟著照做
例: Ed took out a cigarette and his younger brother followed suit.

7. be in touch with sb  與某人相聯繫
例: The yoga teacher believes that she's in touch with all of her students.

 1. yawn vi. & n.(打)呵欠

2. constantly adv. 不斷地

3. ultrasound n. 超音波

4. fetus n. 胎兒

5. mammal n. 哺乳類動物

6. reptile n. 爬蟲類動物

7. stretch vt. 舒展(肢體)

8. joint n. 關節

9. oxygen n. 氧氣

10. inactivity n. 不活動;靜止

11. vice versa adv. 反之亦然

12. chimp n. 黑猩猩

= chimpanzee

13. demonstrate vt. 顯示,展現

1. make it outside the womb  出生

2. A as well as B  A 和 B

3. plenty of...  很多的……




1. (A) 2. (H) 3. (D) 4. (E) 5. (B)
6. (C) 7. (I) 8. (J) 9. (F) 10. (G)

from 常春藤解析英語雜誌


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