Black History Month 黑人歷史月

  The world changes pretty fast. Less than 150 years ago, black people taken from Africa were kept as slaves in the US. The idea seems horrible today, but it was all too normal back then. Eventually, the people in the US came to realize that it was wrong, and black people were freed from slavery1. Of course, that didn't mean they received immediate equality2 with the rest of America's citizens3. It has taken a lot of time for black people to gain power and become a part of American society.

  Black History Month was created to make sure that all Americans think about the challenges that black people have faced. It is a time to celebrate the victories that black people have had. It is also a chance to honor great heroes that were, and are, black. The tradition began as Negro4 History Week and was established by Carter G. Woodson in 1926. Woodson was unhappy when he saw that there was almost nothing about black history in history books. He believed that education was an important part of changing the way things were. Americans had to be made aware that black people had made many significant contributions to the world. Over the years, his idea has become bigger and bigger. His Negro History Week is now Black History Month, and many people think it has made a real difference.


  世界瞬息萬變。在不到一百五十年前,非洲的黑人被帶到美國充當奴隸。這樣的思 維用現代的眼光來看似乎很可怕,然而在當時卻極為普遍。最後,美國民眾逐漸瞭解到這樣的行為是不對的,黑人們才從奴隸制度中獲得解放。當然,那並不代表他 們能立即和其他美國公民一樣享有平等。黑人花了很長一段時間才得到權力,並成為美國社會的一份子。

  黑人歷史月的創立是為了確保所有美國人能夠省思黑人長久以來面對的挑戰。這是用來慶祝黑人獲得勝利的時刻。這也是一個表彰諸多古今偉大黑人英雄的機 會。這項傳統始於卡特‧伍德森在1926年所開創的黑人歷史週。當伍德森觀察到歷史書籍中幾乎沒有提到黑人歷史時,他感到很不滿。他相信教育是改變舊習的 重要環節之一。美國人必須意識到黑人曾對世界做出許多重大的貢獻。多年來,他的想法得到愈來愈多的響應。他的黑人歷史週如今也成了黑人歷史月,而許多人也 認為黑人歷史月著實影響深遠。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. horrible a. 可怕的;糟糕的
The chowder at that restaurant is horrible.
2. immediate a. 立即的
I didn't give Carl an immediate reply when he asked me out for dinner.
3. challenge n. 挑戰
Ann bravely faces the challenges in her life.
4. establish vt. 建立,設立
A priest established this charity in 1976.
5. significant a. 重要的,重大的
Dr. Li made a significant medical discovery.
6. contribution n. 貢獻
The religious leader received recognition for his contributions to world peace.
Phrases for Learning 

1. all/only too + 形容詞∕副詞  極為∕非常……
Our manager resigned all too unexpectedly.
2. come to realize...  逐漸瞭解……
I came to realize the importance of honesty.
Extra Words 

1. slavery n. 奴隸制度;奴隸身份
2. equality n. 平等
3. citizen n. 公民,市民
4. Negro n. 黑人 (此字有歧視意味,目前僅用於某些專有名詞中)
Tips In Use 

Eventually, the people in the US came to realize that...
come to realize...  逐漸瞭解……
"come to + 原形動詞"表『逐漸……』,其後動詞大多為表『瞭解,認知』的動詞,如:realize, understand, know, learn 等。
Daisy came to know that it is wrong to judge others by their appearance.

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