Google Day  《一日世界》

by Jeremy Beacock

The Internet giant is now recording the real world as well.
網路巨擎 Google 現在紀錄真實世界的生活情況。

  Google has become one of the most influential forces in the world. Recently, the company embarked on an ambitious global project to document life off the Internet, _(1)_ on it.
  Life in a Day _(2)_ on the 24th of July. The idea was simply to record samples of people's lives from all over the globe to create a slice of life on one specific day. _(3)_ something similar has been done before—The New York Times completed their A Moment in Time photography project earlier this year—Google wanted videos, not only photos. Google asked people to record their lives as documentaries, stories, or even animations on the 24th and then _(4)_ their footage to YouTube.
  Although the project is meant to be "crowdsourced," using only films created by ordinary people, big names are also _(5)_ in the project. Director Kevin MacDonald will be editing the footage into a single, _(6)_ movie, with Ridley Scott of Gladiator as producer. The movie is to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in 2011.
  Of course, not all the footage will be used in the movie. However, Google dedicated a YouTube channel _(7)_ all the submissions received. Even if you didn't get to add a segment of your life to the project, you'll still be able to find out what July 24, 2010 was like all around the world.

1. (A) except for(B) in addition(C) as well as(D) as long as
2. (A) gave rise (B) took place(C) passed out(D) dropped by
3. (A) Even (B) Once(C) Unless(D) While
4. (A) compare (B) translate(C) upload(D) apply
5. (A) involved (B) satisfied(C) composed(D) deposited
6. (A) separate (B) coherent(C) respective(D) domestic
7. (A) with (B) from(C) to (D) in


1. Recently, the company embarked on an ambitious global project to document life off the Internet, as well as on it.
a. (A) except for...  除了……之外
例: Mike will eat anything except for liver and onions.
(B) In addition, S + V  此外,……
例: Mary is beautiful. In addition, she is very friendly.
(C) as well as...  以及∕和……
例: Ted, as well as Chris, should be held responsible for the accident.
(D) as long as + S + V  只要……
例: You can live with us as long as you share the rent.
b. 空格後為介詞詞組 on it,根據上述,except for 為片語介詞,其後需接名詞或動作受詞,故 (A) 不可選;in addition 為獨立副詞片語,用來修飾主要子句,而 as long as 則為副詞連接詞,其後需接含主詞和動詞的子句,故 (B)、(D) 亦均不可選。
c. as well as 為對等連接詞片語,可連接對等的詞類,置入後,可連接空格前後的介詞詞組 off the Internet 和 on it,可知應選 (C)。

2. Life in a Day took place on the 24th of July.
a. (A) give rise 之後通常與介詞 to 並用,形成下列用法:
give rise to...  造成∕導致……
= bring about...
例: The bad economy gave rise to more homeless people in the city.
(B) take place  發生;舉行
例: The dinner party will take place at seven o'clock this evening.
(晚宴將於今晚 7 點舉行。)
(C) pass out  昏倒
= faint vi.
例: Matt passed out after working in the heat without taking a break.
(D) drop by  (未事先通知而)造訪
例: Sandy dropped by to say hello.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。

3. While something similar has been done before...Google wanted videos, not only photos.
a. (A) even adv. 甚至,連
(B) once conj. 一旦
(C) unless conj. 除非
(D) while conj. 雖然,儘管
例: While Bill is pretty smart, he does stupid things every once in a while.
b. 空格後為兩個完整的子句,可知空格應置入連接詞以連接兩句,由此可知,(A) even 為副詞,故不可選;once、unless、while 雖均為連接詞,然根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

4. Google asked people to record their lives...and then upload their footage to YouTube.
a. (A) compare vt. 比較;比喻
compare A to B  比較 A 與 B;把 A 比作 B
例: My parents always compare me to my cousins.
例: The reviewers compared the singer's voice to an angel's.
(B) translate vt. 翻譯
translate A into B  將 A 翻譯成 B
例: Tony translated the French article into Chinese.
(C) upload vt.(電腦)上載
download vt.(電腦)下載
例: It took me an hour to upload all the photos I took.
(D) apply vt. 應用
apply A to B  把 A 應用在 B 上
例: Scientists are able to apply solar technology to automobiles.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C),置入後,表 Google 邀請大眾在 24 號這天記錄下他們的生活,並將影片『上傳』到 YouTube 網站。

5. Although the project is meant to be "crowdsourced," using only films created by ordinary people, big names are also involved in the project.
a. (A) involve vt. 參與;牽連,涉入
be involved in...  參與∕牽涉∕捲入……
例: It is reported that the mayor is involved in the bribery scandal.
(B) satisfy vt. 使滿意
be satisfied with...  對……感到滿意
例: The teacher was not satisfied with Paul's report.
(C) compose vt. 組成,構成
be composed of...  由……組成
例: This salad is composed of potatoes and eggs.
(D) deposit vt. 放置;寄存
例: Please deposit the money into my account by noon tomorrow.
b. 根據上述用法及前後語意,可知應選 (A)。

6. Director Kevin MacDonald will be editing the footage into a single, coherent movie, with Ridley Scott of Gladiator fame as producer.
a. (A) separate a. 分開的,不同的
(B) coherent a. 連貫的,前後一致的
例: The report wasn't coherent enough, so I rewrote it.
(C) respective a. 個別的
例: After the meeting, we went back to our respective desks.
(D) domestic a. 家庭的;國內的
domestic violence  家庭暴力
b. 根據語意,可知空格應選 (B),置入後,表導演凱文‧麥唐納將會把這些影片剪輯成一部『連貫的』電影。

7. However, Google dedicated a YouTube channel to all the submissions received.
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法:
dedicate A to B  將 A 奉獻給 B
dedicate vt. 把……獻給;奉獻
例: Tracy dedicated her life to helping the poor in Nigeria.
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。

1. influential a. 有影響力的
例: Ed is an influential man. The products he recommends always become bestsellers.

2. embark vi. 著手,從事
embark on...  從事∕著手……
例: Josh embarked on a year-long trip to Central Asia to study its people.

3. specific a. 特定的;明確的
be specific to + 地方  是某地所特有的
be specific about...  明確說明……
例: This problem is specific to big cities.
例: Please be more specific about what you need.

4. edit vt. 剪輯,剪接(錄音、影片等)
例: After the initial filming, the director spent six months editing his movie.
(在最初的拍攝結束後,這名導演花了 6 個月的時間剪輯他的電影。)

5. submission n. 提交(物),呈遞
submit vt. 提交,呈遞
submit sth to sb  將某物呈交給某人
例: The accountant submits financial reports to the boss every week.

6. add A to B  將 A 加進 B
例: Jim added hot water to the instant noodles and waited for three minutes.
(吉姆在泡麵裡加熱水然後等 3 分鐘。)

1. ambitious a. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的
2. document vt.(以電影或照片的方式)記錄 & n. 文件
3. sample n. 實例;樣本
4. slice n. 部分
5. photography n. 照相,攝影
6. documentary n. 紀錄片
7. animation n. 動畫;卡通
8. footage n.(影片的)連續鏡頭;影片
9. crowdsourced a. 群眾外包的(指靠著在網路上彼此不相干的人集思廣益,找出問題的答案,以完成某件事情)
crowdsourcing n. 群眾外包
10. big name n. 知名人士
11. premiere vi. & n. 首映,首演
12. channel n. 頻道
13. segment n. 部分;片段

Google 已經成為世界上最具影響力的龍頭之一。最近這家公司著手進行一項野心勃勃的全球計劃,就是記錄人們的日常與網路生活。
  《一日世界》於 7 月 24 號進行。這個想法單純只為記錄世界各地人們的生活片段,藉以創造出當天的生活點滴。雖然類似的活動早已有人做過,《紐約時報》就曾在今年年初完成 A Moment in Time 的照片募集活動,但 Google 這次收集的是影片,而不單單只是相片。Google 邀請大眾在 24 號這天記錄下他們的生活,不論是以紀錄片、故事敘述或甚至動畫的方式呈現皆可,並將影片上傳至 YouTube 網站。
  雖然這項活動靠的是群眾力量,也就是只使用一般大眾拍攝的影片,但這項計劃仍有一些知名人士參與。導演凱文‧麥唐納將會把這些影片剪輯成一部連貫的電影,而《神鬼戰士》一片的導演雷利‧史考特則擔任製片。這部電影將會在 2011 年的日舞影展首映。
  當然不是所有影片都會出現在這部片中。不過 Google 會在 YouTube 架設一個頻道,專門用來收藏所有上傳的作品。即使你沒有為這個活動貢獻一份心力,你還是可以欣賞到 2010 年 7 月 24 日世界各個角落發生的事。

答案:1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (C)

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