No Borders 關愛無國界


Documentaries tell true-to-life stories about people and places that exist or did exist at one time. These films touch a chord in most people, opening their eyes to a world that can be heartfelt or horrifying. This month, National Geographic Channel showcases nine of the most gripping documentaries in No Borders.
  Afghanistan has been at war for nearly three decades. In recent years, it has been known as the home of Osama bin Laden, the terrorist behind the 911 attacks on the US. However, Afghanistan is also home to millions of souls, including eight-year old refugee, Mir. In the award-winning documentary The Boy Who Plays on the Buddhas of Bamiyan, filmmakers follow the cheeky and inquisitive child. Faced with hunger, thirst, and the day-to-day struggle for survival, Mir retains a smile that can warm even the coldest of hearts.
  In the depths of Southern China, independent filmmaker, Qinze Wang, finds himself among the Nu tribe. With no electricity, few roads, and "going out for dinner" meaning getting out your bow and arrow, the tribe has let time pass it by. Wang meets up with Ou Dede, the last remaining village musician. In a land where men pass down their craft to their sons, Ou Dede is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He has three daughters. Watch Ou Dede and His Daughters to see which offspring he chooses and what the future holds in a land that time has forgotten.
  No Borders is a passport to the universe and National Geographic Channel is offering unique stamps that will surely broaden your horizons.
──by Jerri Graham

1.Which of the following would qualify as a documentary?
(A) A thrilling love story set against life on a distant planet.
(B) A murder mystery involving animated characters.
(C) A story about a woman who helped develop a new medicine.
(D) A comedy starring Brad Pitt and Michael Douglas.

2.What is so unique about Mir in The Boy Who Plays on the Buddhas of Bamiyan?
(A) Both of his parents are dead.
(B) He is happy despite all of the bad things in his life.
(C) He has learned to play music from his father.
(D) He was a former employee of Osama bin Laden.

3.In the third paragraph, what is meant by "stuck between a rock and a hard place"?
(A) Ou Dede has to build a home of brick instead of mud.
(B) Raising three daughters is expensive.
(C) Instruments can be taxing to learn.
(D) Ou Dede is in a difficult position.



1.true-to-life a. 真實的;逼真的
be true to life
:The animated movie was so true to life that I thought it was real.

touch/strike a chord in sb  引起某人共鳴
:The president's speech touched a chord in the audience, moving many of them to tears.

inquisitive a. 好追根究底的
:By nature, he is inquisitive and likes to ask questions about everything.

retain vt. 保持,保有
:Though he is a multimillionaire, my boss still retains his sense of decency.

meet up with...  遇見……;面臨……
:The climbers met up with danger after an avalanche buried their base camp.

pass down sth to sb  將某事物傳給某人
:Mr. Williams wanted to pass down his ideas to his oldest son.

be (stuck) between a rock and a hard place
=be in a dilemma

:Mark and Jane were stuck between a rock and a hard place when their two families couldn't agree on a date for the wedding.

a/the passport to + N/V-ing  達到……的手段
:The passport to becoming a better student is to commit yourself to your studies.

broaden one's horizons  拓展某人的視野
:Reading novels, though not as exciting as traveling, can still broaden your horizons.

qualify as...  有資格作……
:This paper you wrote doesn't qualify as a research paper. Please do it again.

taxing a. 累人的,費力的
:Having a conversation with him can be taxing as well as infuriating.

  阿富汗飽受戰火近30年之久。近幾年來,因其為美國911恐怖分子攻擊事件幕後主謀奧薩瑪‧賓拉登的家鄉而知名。然而,阿富汗也是數百萬人民的故鄉,其中包括一位8歲的難民Mir。在《The Boy Who Plays on the Buddhas of Bamiyan》這部得獎紀錄片中,電影製作小組追隨這個有旺盛好奇心的頑童。縱然面臨飢渴交迫與險境求生,Mir臉上仍掛著足以溶化冰山的微笑。
  獨立製片人Qinze Wang來到中國南方深處的Nu族。這部落沒有電力,也沒什麼道路,還得帶著弓箭出外覓食,時光的流逝好像不曾帶來影響一樣。Wang遇見Ou Dede,他是村裡碩果僅存的音樂家。在這地方,男人只將他們的技藝傳授給兒子,而Ou Dede卻陷入兩難──他只有3個女兒。一同觀賞《Ou Dede and His Daughters》,看看他會選擇哪個女兒繼承衣缽,以及這片被時間遺忘的土地有怎樣的未來。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D)



1. documentary n. 紀錄影片

exist vi. 存在

heartfelt a. 感人的,真誠的

gripping a. 引人入勝的

refugee n. 避難者,難民

cheeky a. 調皮的

independent a. 獨力的,自立的

offspring n. 兒女,後代(集合名詞) home to...  是……的故鄉∕棲息地

be faced with...  面臨著……


The poems of Maya Angelou ______ a ______ in the hearts of her readers.

The actress's beauty was her ______ ______ a successful career.

答案: 1. touch/strike, chord 2. passport, to


from 常春藤解析英語雜誌


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