Stop Bugging Me! 惱人的害蟲
You awake to a cockroach crawling across your pillow. At lunchtime, you drop a piece of sandwich and soon _(1)_ ants have carried it off. By the end of the day, you will have swung an electric racket twenty times, killing several mosquitoes mid-flight. Pests. They seem to be plentiful and ever-present. Can anything be done?
Total elimination is impossible, but you can _(2)_ some precautions to secure your home. Ants and cockroaches seek out food, so you should keep an airtight lid on un-refrigerated food and keep open food bags securely _(3)_. Sweeping floors and wiping the table after meals are good added precautions. Ant and cockroach sprays can catch these pests unaware and kill them quickly. Spraying a small amount around windowsills and cracks can prevent them from entering the premises. If you're _(4)_ on time, many kinds of sticky tape or powdered poisons can take care of business for you.
Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide humans exhale, so it's easy for them to _(5)_ us. Citronella candles, smoke, and mosquito nets create a shield they are unlikely to penetrate. If your primary _(6)_ is with their destruction, you may use a bug zapper or mosquito racket to quicken their demise.
Above all, preparedness and cleanliness are the best defenses _(7)_ pests. If you create an unwelcoming environment, the pests will move on.
──by Trudy Barnes
1. (A) a herd of(B) a colony of
(C) a flock of(D) a school of
2. (A) fix(B) let
(C) take(D) bring
3. (A) clipped(B) clipping
(C) clip(D) to clip
4. (A) low(B) wanting
(C) short(D) lacking
5. (A) adopt(B) confirm
(C) obtain(D) detect
6. (A) concern(B) impact
(C) destination(D) complaint
7. (A) with(B) against
(C) for(D) upon
標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (B)
1. swing vt. 揮舞,擺動
三態為:swing, swung, swung。
2.racket n. 球拍 (= racquet)
3.mid-flight adv. 飛行中
4.elimination n. 根除,消除
5.airtight a. 密封的
6.spray n. 噴液 & vt. 噴
7.windowsill n. 窗台
8.premises n. 房屋及其附屬建築物及地基(恆用複數形)
9.carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳
10.citronella n. 香茅油
11.shield n. 屏障;盾
12.primary a. 主要的
13.zapper n. 滅蟲器
14.demise n. 死亡
15.unwelcoming a. 不歡迎的,不吸引人的
1.bug vt. 打擾,使厭煩 & n. 蟲子
例: It really bugs me when telemarketers call me during dinner.
(吃晚餐時,有電話行銷員打電話來實在很煩。) off...
例: The robbers stormed the village and carried off several pigs.
(搶匪闖入村中,劫走了幾隻豬。) out... 找出……
例: We were forced to seek out shelter when the storm suddenly struck.
4.un-refrigerated a. 沒有冷藏∕凍的
refrigerate vt. 冷藏,冷凍
例: You should refrigerate the ketchup after you open the bottle.
(蕃茄醬開瓶後應該冰起來。) attracted to sb/sth 受某人∕物吸引
例: Danny is attracted to girls that are good-looking but not necessarily smart.
6.penetrate vt. 貫穿,穿過
例: The stray bullet penetrated the soldier's helmet but didn't hit his head.
1.第一題空格應選 (B) a colony of
a.(A) a herd of cattle/deer/horses
(B)a colony of ants 一群螞蟻
(C)a flock of birds/sheep 一群鳥∕羊
(D)a school of fish 一群魚
2.第二題空格應選 (C) take
空格後有precautions(預防措施),得知本題動詞應選(C) take,以形成下列用法:
take precautions to V
例: Gil took precautions to protect his house from the hurricane.
3.第三題空格應選 (A) clipped
a.空格前有不完全及物動詞keep及受詞open food bags(開封的食品袋),之後應接現在分詞
b.根據上述,可知(A) clipped為正選。
4.第四題空格應選 (C) short
a.(B) wanting a. 缺少的,沒有的
be wanting in... 缺乏……
=be lacking in...
例: The small apartment is wanting in windows and proper ventilation.
(C)be short on/of... 缺乏……
例: I am short of money. Would you lend me some?
5.第五題空格應選 (D) detect
a.(A)adopt vt. 採取;採用
(B)confirm vt. 確認
(C)obtain vt. 獲得
(D)detect vt. 發現,察覺
例: This machine detects metal buried underground.
6.第六題空格應選 (A) concern
a.(A)concern n. 關切,關心
show much concern in...
例: The father didn't show much concern in the matter of his son's violent behavior.
(B)impact n. 影響
have an impact on... 對……有影響
例: The war has had an impact on oil prices.
(C)destination n. 目的地
(D)complaint n. 抱怨;抗議
make a complaint against...
例: Why did someone make a complaint against Brenda?
7.第七題空格應選 (B) against
a.defense n. 防禦,抵抗
例: The farmers planted trees around the field as a defense against the wind.
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌