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Spellbound  一『拼』不可收拾的拼字比賽

A love of spelling can lead to riches and fame for some teenagers.

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Cinco de Mayo光輝五月五

Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for the "Fifth of May," and it is a day to eat, drink, and celebrate the great country of Mexico. Many people believe that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day, but that is not true. In 1862, a Mexican army in Puebla, though greatly outnumbered1, defeated French troops who were invading Mexico. Because of this, Cinco de Mayo is now a day to celebrate overcoming obstacles, no matter how great they are.

  Interestingly, Cinco de Mayo celebrations were actually started in California, not Mexico. It was reported that the celebrations were held to show rebellion2 against France's eventual occupation of Mexico. Even today, more people celebrate this holiday in the US than in Mexico. The celebrations usually involve feasts and dancing. For Mexican emigrants3 living around the world, Cinco de Mayo is also a time to honor their home country and their heritage4. This May, no matter where you live, take a moment to reflect on the obstacles you have overcome in your life. Then, play some lively music, cook some Mexican food, and enjoy this great holiday!

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文.陳歆怡 圖‧薛繼光




一聽到銀翼雀屏中選,一些老饕可能會立刻抗議,「什麼,現在比以前可差一截了!」另一些人則會說,「都是那些老菜式,還有什麼好說的?」不管哪一 種,都有著濃濃的「兒時味」在裡面。記憶或許會美化、或許會褪色,但沒錯,在眾多食評家眼中,銀翼仍是探訪台灣江浙菜的第一選擇。

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Big Blue  大藍鯨

Blue whales are bigger than anything on Earth, but we know very little about them.

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Hometown Baghdad我的家在巴格達

This month, National Geographic Channel's "Hometown Baghdad" shows rarely seen images of the homes and lives of regular people in Iraq. This two-part documentary1 series is about three college students who were living in a war zone2. In the summer of 2006, NGC interviewed these students. They talked about their daily struggles to stay alive in a place where "there is nothing fair..." and "innocent people die every day."

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Early to Bed, Early to Rise 早睡早起省能源?

Get the most out of sunshine in the summertime.

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Strange Ways to Go Green怪怪環保術

There are lots of ideas about how to live greener these days. Some of them are simple, some are more complicated, and some are just totally strange! One strange and somewhat creepy way to be green is called vermicomposting1. Regular composting2 is letting organic waste decompose3 naturally. A lot of our everyday waste is organic material such as food scraps4. Instead of filling up a garbage bag with this kitchen waste, many people choose to compost it. In fact, it is one of the most common ways to be environmentally friendly.

  So what is vermicomposting? It is composting with a twist. The "vermi" part of vermicomposting refers to worms. These wiggly5 creatures love food scraps and are always eager to eat. They can eat up to half their weight in food every day. When worms digest kitchen waste, they help decrease composting time. The result is rich, organic compost that is great for house plants and gardens. Another bonus of vermicomposting is that it cuts down on the bad smell that is created during regular composting.

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Thailand: The Ultimate Paradise熱帶天堂——泰國

From shopping to seclusion to amazing festivals, Thailand has it all.

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Voices of Taiwan熱鬧多元的台灣之聲

Language is more than just what we use to talk to each other. The way we speak expresses who we are, where our ancestors1 came from, and where we are going to in the future. Language is closely connected to culture, which means it is part of our personal identities. Even though Taiwan is merely a small island, many languages are spoken on it. Some are languages in the Chinese language family while others began right here on the island. Together, these languages and others make up the voices of Taiwan.

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A Day of Dominoes 變化萬千的推骨牌遊戲

Every year, domino enthusiasts congregate to break world records.

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文‧楊齡媛 圖‧藍春曉

「新圓山診所」開設在人潮喧嚷的忠孝東路上,避開塵囂,由後巷進入診所內,即刻被輕柔的背景音樂裹住,讓人卸除身上的煩俗。在診所創辦人崔玖醫師的 診間裡,有個過動傾向的小女生,她閉上眼睛,在醫師叮囑下放鬆心情。尚未與她深談過的崔玖,依序拿出了一瓶瓶花精放在她手上,並觀察她的身體是否自然傾近 瓶身──那一瓶花精,就代表小女生的個性。




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A Fool's Errand傻瓜的差事

Dialogue A
Milly and Stan are camping in the woods.
Milly: Camping is such fun! Here, catch this Frisbee1.

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A Sporting Chance  基因決定你運動行不行

DNA testing may find the next generation of athletes.
DNA 測試或許能挖掘下一代的運動家。

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文.朱立群 圖.莊坤儒

台北縣三鶯橋下大漢溪旁河岸高灘地上的都市原住民「三鶯部落」,去(2008)年初被縣府以違章建築為由強制拆除。同為阿 美族人的北縣原住民族行政局局長朱清義,面對三鶯、溪洲、小碧潭等縣內「都原」聚落違建問題而天人交戰、數夜輾轉難眠。也是基督教長老教會長老的他,多次 向神禱告、尋求解決問題的勇氣與智慧:「政府之『法』與族人之『情』之間,我該站在哪一邊?」



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Giant Pandas  大熊貓

National Geographic Channel spends two years following around the nearly extinct giant pandas in their natural habitat.

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文‧張瓊方 圖‧林格立

「身心健康的孩子,長大後才有能力組織健全的家庭;一個個健全的家庭,才能造就健康自主的社區。」45歲、台東知本長大的 陳俊朗,8年前回到故鄉,從2個孩子的父親,變成建和社區裡的「陳爸」,他設立書屋、組鼓隊、樂團、單車隊,自編教材為孩子做課輔,目的在斬斷家鄉依賴、 缺乏競爭力的世代連結,一步一步實踐「教育造鎮計畫」。

星期五晚上,鐵皮搭建的「台東教育發展協會」聯合辦公室人聲鼎沸,十幾位參與教育部「攜手計畫」國中基測提升方案的國3學生,在放學後匆匆趕來。阿 強拿起一旁的吉他認真地彈唱。「外面的世界很精彩,外面的世界很無奈……」這首齊秦唱紅的「外面的世界」,貼切地表達了這位15歲少年對外面世界及未來的 憧憬。


「逼急了,孩子會跑;太鬆了,孩子會放縱,」陳俊朗說,每晚課輔都是他與孩子之間的費力「拉扯」。一個半小時的課輔時間,陳俊朗使出渾身解數,吸引 這些一天下來已經快「沒電」的孩子,將心思放在千年前的南北宋時期。陳俊朗唱作俱佳,還不時要穿插笑話,讓快與周公打交道的孩子醒過來。

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Boss: Where were you born?
Sardar: India ..
Boss: which part?
Sardar: What 'which part'? Whole body was born in India .

2 sardar were fixing a bomb in a car.
Sardar 1: What would you do if the bomb

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The Season for Sneezing  打噴嚏的季節

Allergies can make eyes water, noses run, and drive even the calmest people crazy.

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Destination: Ecuador前進厄瓜多

Although Ecuador is the second smallest country in South America, it is bursting with things to see and do. No matter who you are or what you are into, you will enjoy every second of a vacation in Ecuador. Two of its most beautiful cities are Cuenca, in the highlands1 of Ecuador, and Quito, the country's capital. They are special because of their colonial2 buildings, which have made them World Heritage Sites3.

  If you love nature, Ecuador offers a large variety of unusual animals, insects, and plant life to investigate. If you long for adventure, there are high mountains to climb and exciting waves to surf. If culture is what you want, Ecuador is full of traditional markets that feature various kinds of native4 handicrafts5. A nice thing about Ecuador is that you don't have to plan much in advance. Everywhere you turn, adventure can be found. From swinging through the tree tops in the Amazon rain forest to eating guinea pigs6, a vacation in Ecuador will be the one you tell your grandchildren about.

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Hot Springs and Hot Food溫泉美食鄉——匈牙利

Hungary's wealth of attractions leaves visitors hungry for more.

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