
The World at Your Fingertips  寰宇資訊,盡在維基

by Marcus Maurice

Anyone can add anything to Wikipedia.

  Some people love it, while others loathe it. However, with more than 16 million articles and being one of the most visited sites on the Internet, Wikipedia is a phenomenon like no other. In 2000, Jimmy Wales was working on Nupedia, an online encyclopedia where articles were written by experts and reviewed by peers. In 2001, Wikipedia was born as a side project to Nupedia, but it was different in that anyone could add articles. Soon, people from around the world were adding information in different languages, and content was skyrocketing. However, there was one big problem—people were vandalizing pages or adding their opinions to what was supposed to be a neutral online encyclopedia.
  Wikipedia uses the wisdom of the masses to fix this problem. When an article is added or edited, it is available without being reviewed for immediate use. This leads to wrong dates, spelling errors, or worse. Fortunately, there are many people in the Wikipedia community that care about errors, so an inaccuracy is fixed within minutes. Wikipedia boasts having about the same percentage of mistakes as any other online encyclopedia written by professionals.
  While there is a large community that loves Wikipedia, there is a fair share of naysayers. Many college professors don't accept their students using Wikipedia as a footnote reference. They say it's a good place to start their research, but students must find credible sources. This doesn't depress Wikipedia and the community that loves it, as they are adding modifications every day. Wikipedia's reign as the number one place to get small bits of information on the Internet will undoubtedly continue.

1. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Wikipedia was originally edited by experts.
(B) All the articles on Wikipedia are objective.
(C) Anyone can contribute to Wikipedia.
(D) People that work at Wikipedia are highly paid.

2. Why do some professors frown on Wikipedia?
(A) They believe that it is not reliable enough.
(B) They don't understand how Wikipedia works.
(C) Professors don't usually add articles to it.
(D) They don't trust anything they didn't write.

3. What is the author's conclusion about Wikipedia?
(A) If they don't get vandalism under control, Wikipedia's credibility may be ruined.
(B) The future of Wikipedia is very bright even though there are those that detest it.
(C) Wikipedia can't be trusted because there is a lot of false information on the site.
(D) People should stop adding information to Wikipedia.


1. fingertip n. 指尖
have sth at one's fingertips  手頭有某物(隨時可供使用);對某事瞭若指掌
例: I had all my tools at my fingertips before I started to put the bookshelf together.

2. loathe vt. 厭惡,憎恨
例: Stella loathes eggplants above all other vegetables.

3. phenomenon n. 現象;非凡的人∕事物(單數形)
phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
例: Lady Gaga has become a phenomenon over the past few years.

4. review vt. 審閱,檢視
例: I'll have my lawyer review the contract and get back to you in three days.
(我會請律師檢視合約,3 天後再給你回覆。)

5. in that + S + V  因為……
* 此處 in that 視作副詞連接詞,即等於 because。
例: Iron and gold are different in that iron rusts and gold does not.

6. skyrocket vi. 劇增,急升
例: Because of the economic recession, the unemployment rate has skyrocketed.

7. vandalize vt. 蓄意破壞(公物)
例: The boy vandalized one of the walls of the school with spray paint.

8. be supposed to V  應該要∕理當……
例: I'm supposed to hand in the report today, but I haven't even typed one word.

9. available a. 可利用的,可得到的
例: This new shop has a variety of shoes available in all sizes and colors.

10. boast vt. 以(擁有)……而自豪 & vi. 自誇,誇耀
boast 作及物動詞時,主詞通常是某『機構』或某『地方』。boast 亦可作不及物動詞,與介詞 of 並用,主詞則為『人』。
boast of/about...  自誇……,誇耀……
= brag of/about...
例: The town boasts specialty foods and fantastic scenery.
例: John is always boasting about how he became a millionaire at the age of 20.
(約翰總愛吹噓他如何在 20 歲就成為百萬富翁。)

11. a fair share of...  一樣多的一份……
one's fair share of...  某人應得的一份……
例: Beth complained that she didn't get her fair share of the inheritance when her father died.

12. credible a. 可靠的,可信的
例: Helen is a credible person. She always treats everyone with honesty.

13. depress vt. 使沮喪,使意志消沈
例: Rainy days always depress me.

14. undoubtedly adv. 無疑地
= without (a) doubt
= no doubt
例: This is undoubtedly the best sashimi that I have ever tasted.

15. contribute to...  對……有貢獻;捐獻給……
例: Someone has been contributing to this charity anonymously for 20 years.
(有位人士匿名捐款給這個慈善團體已有 20 年。)

16. frown on...  對……表示不滿,不同意……
frown vi. 皺眉
例: My father frowned on my decision to major in fashion design.

17. get...under control  把……控制住
例: The police quickly got the riot in front of city hall under control.

1. encyclopedia n. 百科全書
2. peer n. 同儕,同事
3. side a. 附屬的,附帶的
a side effect  副作用
4. content n. 內容
5. neutral a. 中立的
6. the masses  大眾,民眾
7. edit vt. 校訂;編輯
8. inaccuracy n. 不準確,不精確
9. professional n. 專家
10. naysayer n. 反對者;唱反調的人
11. footnote n. 腳註,註解
12. reference n. 參考文獻
13. modification n. 修正,修改
14. reign n. 支配,主宰
15. objective a. 客觀的
subjective a. 主觀的
16. reliable a. 可靠的
17. vandalism n. 故意破壞公物的行為
18. credibility n. 可靠性
19. detest vt. 厭惡

 有些人喜歡它,有些人討厭它。然而,擁有一千 6 百萬筆資料,同時身為網路上最多瀏覽人次的網站之一,維基百科是一股獨特的網路現象。2000 年,吉米‧威爾斯進行一個名叫 Nupedia 的線上百科全書計劃,裡頭的文章都是由專家撰寫並透過同儕審閱。2001 年,作為 Nupedia 的旁系計劃,維基百科於是誕生,但它和前者不同的是,任何人都能網站裡增加文章。很快地,來自世界各地的民眾用不同的語言持續為維基百科添加新資訊,使其 文章數量劇增。但其中存在一個很大的問題,那就是有人會破壞網頁,或是在本應保持中立態度的線上百科全書裡加入個人意見。
  維基百科運用群眾的智慧來解決這個問題。當一篇文章被加進維基百科或經過校訂時,它可以在未經檢閱的情況下馬上被拿來使用。這導致日期、拼字等錯誤, 甚至更嚴重的情形發生。所幸,很多維基百科社群的人正視這些錯誤,因此不正確的資料在幾分鐘內便會被修訂。與其他由專家所寫的線上百科全書擁有相同的錯誤 率,這點令維基百科相當自豪。
  雖然很多人喜歡使用維基百科,但也有不少人對它反感。許多大學教授不接受學生把維基百科當作註釋的參考文獻。他們表示,開始做研究時,它是一個很好的 搜尋網站,但學生必須尋找可靠的資料來源。儘管如此,這並不影響維基百科的運作和喜愛它的民眾,因為網站每天一直在更新資訊。毫無疑問地,維基百科的網路 資訊龍頭地位將會繼續維持下去。

1. 以下敘述何者為真?
(A) 維基百科原先是由專家所編輯。
(B) 維基百科裡的所有文章均為客觀呈現。(有些人會加入個人意見)
(C) 任何人都能為維基百科貢獻文章。
(D) 在維基百科工作的人薪資都很高。
題解: 根據文章第一段,任何人都能維基網站裡增加文章,可知 (C) 為正選。

2. 為什麼有些教授對維基百科不表贊同?
(A) 他們認為它的內容可信度不夠。
(B) 他們不了解維基百科如何運作。
(C) 教授通常不會把他們的文章放在維基百科裡。
(D) 他們只相信自己寫的文章。
題解: 根據文章第三段,教授希望學生做研究時必須尋找可靠的資料來源,可見他們認為維基百科的內容可信度不足,故選 (A)。

3. 關於維基百科,作者做出以下何種結論?
(A) 倘若無法有效控制蓄意破壞的行為,維基百科的可信度可能會受損。
(B) 即使有人不喜歡維基百科,但它的前景依舊光明。
(C) 維基百科不能被信任,因為網站上充斥錯誤資訊。(事實上,許多維基百科社群的人很關心網站上的錯誤,因此不正確的資料在幾分鐘內便會被修訂)
(D) 民眾應該停止繼續在維基百科添加資訊。
題解: 根據文章第三段,即便有人不喜歡維基百科,但這並不影響維基百科的運作,而且其網路資訊龍頭地位將繼續維持下去,可知 (B) 應為正選。

答案:1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B)

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