Cirque du Soleil is a Canadian performing group whose French name means "Circus of the Sun." Cirque du Soleil was
established in Quebec in 1984 by some local street performers. Their aim was to create a new kind of circus that did not have a traditional ring1 or animal performances. They also wanted to
blend many different circus styles from all over the world.
Daniel Gauthier and Gilles Ste-Croix managed a youth hostel2 for street performers. In 1979, they and Guy Lalibert had the idea of organizing the youth into a performing group. However, they
were short of money, so they tried to
raise money by performing a stunt3. For the stunt, Ste-Croix walked 90 kilometers from their hometown to Quebec City on stilts4. With the money they raised, they created a group called Les 莕hassiers de Baie-Saint-Paul. Later on, the Quebec government was
inspired to fund the group. After many financial5 ups and downs, Cirque du Soleil was born, and it has had great success. It has also grown from 73 members in 1984 to over 3,500 today.
Daniel Gauthier和Gilles Ste-Croix經營一家供街頭藝人住宿的青年旅社。1979年,他們和Guy Lalibert蟋犍秅F將這些年輕人組成表演團體的念頭。不過他們欠缺資金,所以試著以表演特技來籌錢。Ste-Croix為了這項特技踩著高蹺從他們 家鄉出發,走了九十公里的路到魁北克。藉由籌措到的資金,他們創立了名為Les 莕hassiers de Baie-Saint-Paul的團體。之後,魁北克政府受到感召而資助這個團體。在歷經許多財務上的盛衰起伏後,太陽劇團終於誕生,並且屢創佳績。它的 成員還從1984年的七十三人,發展到如今成員超過三千五百名的規模。