Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! 猴年過,雞年到 (2005-02-24)
The monkey has climbed out of his tree and now another animal is on the scene. It is the year of the Rooster. Roosters are the life of the party. _(1)_ Unfortunately, they sometimes like to brag about what they have around others that may not be as well off. _(2)_ Roosters are excellent with their finances and are good providers for their families.
Men born in the year of the Rooster can be extremely attractive. _(3)_ Like a rooster in a barnyard, the man born in this year will strut around with his chest thrust out in an effort to show the world his beautiful "feathers."
For the most part, there are two distinct types of Roosters. _(4)_ They are not ignoring what is going on around them, just quietly interpreting their surroundings. Then there are the Roosters that are constantly talking. _(5)_ Roosters have many good qualities such as being organized, precise, alert, and direct. Just as human beings are unique, so are the 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope.
──by Jerri C. Graham
(A) Their good looks, which they are quite aware of, can help them stand out in a crowd.
(B) They may brag, but they usually have a lot to brag about.
(C) The first kind of Roosters can be quiet observers who just look on and barely get involved with others.
(D) Their talkative nature makes them excellent in fields of work where their gift of gab is appreciated and necessary.
(E) They are popular and have a tendency to want to be the center of attention, especially in social situations.
標準答案: 1. (E) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D)
1. cock-a-doodle-doo n. 咕咕叫 (公雞叫聲)
2. rooster n. 公雞
3. finance n. 財務, 經濟
4. barnyard n. 穀倉前的院子
5. strut vi. 昂首闊步地走
6. distinct a. 截然不同的
7. surroundings n. 四周環境 (恆用複數)
8. constantly adv. 經常地
9. organized a. 有組織的
10. precise a. 精確的
11. aler a. 警覺的
12. horoscope n. 占星術, 天象觀測 on the scene 登場, 出現; 在現場
例:Whenever there's trouble, I know that Mike will be on the scene.
(每當有麻煩出現,我就知道麥可一定會在場。) the life of the party 是聚會/團體中最活躍的人
例:Jane is always the life of the party wherever she goes.
3.brag about/of... 吹噓/自誇……
=boast about/of...
例:That man is always bragging about his children. He's very proud of them.
(那男人不斷地誇耀他的孩子。他十分以他們為傲。) well off (經濟狀況) 好的, 富裕的
例:It is said that people in this area of town are very well off.
5.thrust vt. 挺起 (胸膛); 插進
例:The boy thrust his hands into his pocket and pulled out a ten-dollar coin.
(那男孩把手伸進口袋,掏出一個十塊硬幣。) an effort to V 為了 (做)……
例:In an effort to pass the test, Tom burnt the midnight oil.
7.for the most part 大體/致上
例:For the most part, the classes have been going very smoothly.
8.interpret vt. 解析, 詮釋
例:Susan interpreted the meaning of what her professor said and began to cry.
9.Just as + S + V, so + 倒裝句 就如同……
例:Just as this piece of music is soothing, so are most of the composers' other works.
from 常春藤解析英語