The monkey has climbed out of his tree and now another animal is on the scene. It is the year of the Rooster. Roosters are the life of the party. _(1)_ Unfortunately, they sometimes like to brag about what they have around others that may not be as well off. _(2)_ Roosters are excellent with their finances and are good providers for their families. Men born in the year of the Rooster can be extremely attractive. _(3)_ Like a rooster in a barnyard, the man born in this year will strut around with his chest thrust out in an effort to show the world his beautiful "feathers." For the most part, there are two distinct types of Roosters. _(4)_ They are not ignoring what is going on around them, just quietly interpreting their surroundings. Then there are the Roosters that are constantly talking. _(5)_ Roosters have many good qualities such as being organized, precise, alert, and direct. Just as human beings are unique, so are the 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope. ──by Jerri C. Graham (A) Their good looks, which they are quite aware of, can help them stand out in a crowd. (B) They may brag, but they usually have a lot to brag about. (C) The first kind of Roosters can be quiet observers who just look on and barely get involved with others. (D) Their talkative nature makes them excellent in fields of work where their gift of gab is appreciated and necessary. (E) They are popular and have a tendency to want to be the center of attention, especially in social situations. 猴子爬下樹,另一個生肖隆重登場。今年是雞年。屬雞的人常是團體中最活躍的分子。他們不只受歡迎,在社交場合更總是想要吸引大家的目光。遺憾地是,他們喜歡在經濟狀況不如他們的人面前吹噓自己的財富。雖然他們喜歡自吹自擂,但通常他們的確擁有許多值得自誇的地方。屬雞的人很會理財,同時也是家裡不可或缺的經濟支柱。 雞年出生的男人十分有魅力。他們自知外貌佼好,而這也令他們豔冠群『雄』。就像在穀倉院子裡的公雞一樣,屬雞的男人會昂首闊步,向全世界的人展示他美麗的『羽毛』。 大體上,屬雞的人有兩種鮮明的典型。第一種是靜默的觀察者,他們通常只旁觀,而很少參與其中。他們並不是漠視身邊的事,只不過是靜靜地分析週遭環境。另一種屬雞的人則是喋喋不休。在必須能言善道的職業領域中,口若懸河的本領使他們表現傑出。屬雞的人有許多優點,像是有條理、做事明確、有警覺性和直截了當。就如同人各有不同,中國的十二生肖也各有其特色。 標準答案: 1. (E) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D) |
||||| on the scene 登場, 出現; 在現場 |
2.第二題空格應選 (B) 理由: 空格前說屬雞的人喜歡在不如他們富裕的人面前吹噓自己的財富 (like to brag about what they have)。選項 (B)則說雖然他們喜歡自吹自擂, 但他們也的確擁有許多值得誇耀的地方 (They may brag, but they usually have a lot to brag about.), 其中brag為兩句的關鍵字, 且選項(B)延續了空格前對於brag這件事的討論, 故選之。 3.第三題空格應選 (A) 理由: 空格前說屬雞的男人很有魅力 (extremely attractive), 而選項(A)說他們的外貌突出, 令他們豔冠群『雄』(Their good looks...can help them stand out in a crowd.), 語意連貫, 且空格前的attractive為關鍵字, 和選項(A)中的good look, stand out等形成關聯, 故選之。 大補丸: a. be aware of... 意識到/知道…… 例:Are you aware of how beautiful you look in that dress? (妳知道妳穿那件洋裝有多漂亮嗎?) b. stand out 引人注目, 突出 例:It isn't easy for the shy girl to stand out. She's afraid to say anything to anyone. (那害羞的女孩很難引人注目。她不敢和任何人說話。) 4.第四題空格應選 (C) 理由: 空格前說屬雞的人可分為兩種不同的類型 (there are two distinct types of Roosters), 故其後應該是進一步說明兩種類型的不同。選項(C)說第一種人是靜默的觀察者 (The first kind of Roosters can be quiet observers), 與其後所說另一種屬雞的人則是喋喋不休 (the Roosters that are constantly talking) 形成對比, 填入後語意連貫, 故選(C)。 大補丸: a. observer n. 觀察者 b. look on 觀察, 旁觀 例:The people looked on as the man was taken away in the ambulance. (群眾在旁圍觀,看那名男子被送上救護車。) c. barely adv. 幾乎不, 很少地 d. get involved with sb/sth 與某人有來往; 參與/牽扯進某事 例:It is important that parents get involved with their children's education. (父母參與小孩的教育是很重要的。) 5.第五題空格應選 (D) 理由: 空格前說另一種屬雞的人則是喋喋不休 (Then there are the Roosters that are constantly talking.), 而選項(D)提到他們口若懸河的本領 (Their talkative nature) 和能言善道的天賦 (gift of gab), 和空格前的關鍵字talking形成關聯, 故選之。 大補丸: a. talkative a. 愛說話的 b. excellent a. 極棒的, 絕佳的 c. gift of gab 口才, 能言善道 gab n. 善辯; 喋喋不休 例:My sister was blessed with the gift of gab. She'd make a great lawyer. (我妹妹天生伶牙俐齒。她一定可以成為很厲害的律師。) d. appreciate vt. 讚賞; 感激 例:The students appreciated their teacher's help in preparing them for the exam. (學生們很感激老師幫助他們準備考試。) |
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌