It's mealtime. Laughing voices mingle with the smell of deliciously prepared food as Brother, Sister, Mom, and Dad enjoy the spread before them. _(1)_ Though eating on the run is common, it doesn't mean that you can let your table manners slack off. Despite the fact that the rules for dining aren't as rigid as before, they should be learned. _(2)_ First, watch how you're sitting. Posture is of great importance when dining with others. "Elbows, elbows, if you're able ─keep your elbows off the table!" is a rhyme drilled into children's heads from the time they can sit. Also, make sure you sit up and by all means, don't hunch over your meal. On the other hand, don't lean too far back in your chair. _(3)_ In different cultures, eating with your fingers is normal and expected. When it comes to most Western cuisine, there is a short list of foods that can be eaten without utensils. _(4)_ Trying to cut these things with a knife and fork would be difficult and would make you seem a bit out of place. There are hundreds of dos and don'ts when it comes to dining with others. _(5)_ ──by Jerri C. Graham (A) This can lead to more food ending up on your clothes than in your mouth. (B) Bacon, bread, cookies, and corn on the cob are just a few of the foods that can be eaten with your fingers. (C) No one fully masters them all, but it's at least nice to try. (D) In reality, however, most family members either devour their microwaved meal alone or eat from a plastic bag on their way to cram school. (E) So, grab your fork, chopsticks, and napkin and sit down to a snack of manners. 現在是用餐時間。笑聲伴隨著精心烹調的食物香氣,兄弟姊妹和爸媽正大快朵頤擺在面前的大餐。但實際上,大部分家庭成員要不自己大啖微波食品,就是去補習的路上邊走邊吃塑膠袋裡的東西。雖然邊走邊吃很普遍,但這並不代表你可以馬虎自己的用餐禮儀。儘管用餐規則已經不像以前一樣嚴謹,我們仍應好好學習。就算沒人能全精通,但試試也無妨!首先,注意你的坐相。和別人吃飯時,坐姿是非常重要的。『手肘、手肘,仔細思肘,從桌面遠走!』這首順口溜從孩子能坐時就深植在他們腦中。還有,務必坐直,絕不可駝背吃東西。另一方面,也別太靠椅背。這樣會讓食物到頭來都掉在你衣服上,而不是吃進嘴巴裡。在不同的文化中,用手拿東西吃是平常且應該的。但談到大部分的西方菜餚,能不需用餐具來吃的食物真是少之又少。培根、麵包、餅乾和帶芯的玉米是極少數能用手拿著吃的食物。試著用刀叉切開這些食物很困難,而且只會使你顯得很彆扭。 與人用餐的規則有好幾百條。所以拿起你的叉子、筷子和餐巾,坐下來好好享受一頓禮儀饗宴。 標準答案: 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (E) |
1. manners n. 禮儀, 規矩 (恆用複數) |
1. on the run 奔跑中 |
1. mingle with... 與……混合 |
from Enjoy English常春藤生活英語