The Incredible Dr. Pol 妙手獸醫日記
| With more than 30 years in the business, Dr. Jan Pol has been kicked, run over, and knocked down all in the line of duty. Most of us would not expect this to happen to a typical veterinarian. However, Dr. Pol is anything but ordinary. That is because he deals with family pets at his clinic while also treating all kinds of livestock on farms in central Michigan. For nearly 70-year-old Dr. Pol, some days are easy, while others are not. As the focus of National Geographic Channel's series, The Incredible Dr. Pol, this hard-working vet takes viewers along as he goes about treating his patients. He splits his 14-hour-days at his clinic and in the field. At the former, he sees simple cases of sick family pets to more difficult ones involving dogs with broken bones after being hit by vehicles. During his visits to dairy and large-animal farms, he treats cows having difficulty with births, sheep with a possibly infectious disease, and other animals struggling between life and death. Don't miss a fascinating series about an incredible doctor on NGC this month. | | |
| 執業三十多年的波爾醫生曾經在出診時被踢、被碾,也被撞倒過。我們大部分人都想像不到這些狀況會發生在一般獸醫身上。然而,波爾醫生可一點也不普通。原因是他除了會在他診所裡醫治家庭寵物之外,還會到密西根州中部的各大農場裡治療各種牲畜。 對於將近古稀之年的波爾醫生來說,有些日子很輕鬆,但其他時候可不是這麼一回事。身為國家地理頻道系列節目《妙手獸醫日記》的主角,這位盡忠職守的獸醫會 帶領觀眾一探他治療病患的情形。每天工作十四個小時的他會在診所和農場兩邊跑。在診所裡,他會經手的案例有簡單如醫治生病的家庭寵物,到較為棘手的狀況, 像是為出車禍而全身骨折的狗狗進行急救等等。當波爾醫生到酪農和大型動物牧場出診時,他治療難產的牛隻、可能帶有傳染病的綿羊,以及其他在生死邊緣掙扎的 動物們。本月份在國家地理頻道中,請千萬別錯過有關這位妙手獸醫的一系列精彩節目。 | | |
| 1. run over... 碾過∕壓過…… Fortunately, the man stopped the girl from running out into the street and getting run over by a car. 所幸那名男子阻止了女孩跑到馬路上,讓她不至於被車子碾過。 2. in the line of duty 在工作∕值勤時 Several police officers were injured in the line of duty yesterday. 數名員警在昨天執行勤務時受了傷。 3. be anything but... 絕不是∕一點也不是…… Anthony seems determined to prove that he is anything but stupid. 安東尼似乎下定決心要證明自己一點也不笨。 4. take/bring...along 帶……一起去∕來 I was surprised when Janice brought her whole family along to my party. 看到珍妮絲把她全家大小都帶來參加我的派對時,我感到很訝異。 5. go about + 動名詞∕名詞 著手進行…… Despite the typhoon, some people went about their lives as usual. 儘管颱風來臨,有些人還是照常過他們的生活。 6. split vt. 劃分;均分(三態同形) Kristin and her roommate split the cable bill every month. 克莉絲汀和她室友會分攤每個月的第四台帳單。 7. struggle vi. 掙扎;奮鬥 Maureen struggled for 10 years before she became a successful fashion designer. 茉琳奮鬥了十年才成為一位成功的時尚設計師。 | | |
| 1. veterinarian n. 獸醫(常簡寫為 vet) 2. clinic n. 診所 3. livestock n. 牲畜,家畜 4. dairy farm n. 酪農場 5. infectious a. 傳染(性)的 | | |
| be anything but... be anything but + 形容詞∕名詞 絕不是…… = be not + 形容詞∕名詞 + at all = be by no means + 形容詞∕名詞 Richard is not a liar at all. = Richard is by no means a liar. (理查絕對不是個騙子。) 注意: "anything but..."要置於 be 動詞後,視為副詞,修飾該 be 動詞,其後接形容詞或名詞作主詞補語。 注意: be nothing but + 名詞 只不過是…… = be no more than + 名詞 = be nothing more than + 名詞 Jack is no more than a second-class citizen. = Jack is nothing more than a second-class citizen. (傑克只不過是一個次等公民罷了。) |
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